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Everything posted by Rozzie

  1. He's deaf as a post but still active and plays with Daniel the shihtzu.
  2. Have fun with her! Our old mini lived to a week shy of her 20th birthday. Still miss her like crazy.
  3. And Cricket, the youngun at 11 months. (Sorry for crapola phone pics)
  4. Here's old man Columbus. 21 years. Rescued from Hawkesbury.
  5. OK... Oh please right back at you. A dog is what we want it to be regardless of what it's been originally bred for. Consider nature vs nurture and re-visit the original question posed in this thread. So if I want my coolie to stop his interest in herding he'll do it? Can I get my shih tzu to herd instead of my coolie? I got a Lhasa to herd the goats. He was much better than the Kelpie.
  6. 5 pages of the same here http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/252022-what-breeds-are-most-common-in-your-area/page__p__6300490__hl__%2Bbreeds+%2Byour+%2Barea__fromsearch__1#entry6300490
  7. Except for the white, she is the spit of my girl who is ALL Kelpie and weighs 11kg.
  8. Could be a mismarked. I have a very fine Kelpie bitch who is only small. Throw back to the old days?
  9. Search... http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/220520-what-would-be-the-right-thing-to-do/page__hl__%2Bbreaking+%2Bfights http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/215817-dog-attackfight-on-street/page__p__5169714__hl__%2Bbreaking+%2Bfights__fromsearch__1#entry5169714 http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/215467-moron-dog-owners/
  10. This should have gone in the Thread of Immense lols.
  11. I am not complaining. I used to live in the area and worked with the pound many years ago. There have been several rescues who have voiced concerns/opinions/whinges over the years about this pound. I merely thought those concerned could go along and voice whatever suggestions they had at the meeting. So shoot me.
  12. My horses don't run. My donkey is a woosy, but our old donkey would take on anything that wasn't meant to be in the paddock. He was a mini and killed a feral goat quickly and efficiently. Sadly, he was not so skilled against the monster brown snake who inhabits our hill.
  13. I have a 21 year old and a 12 year old Mini Foxies. The old bloke is a bit deaf but they play like puppies and no health dramas. Top little dogs.
  14. My link He left behind his 4yr old Malamute Rescue has stepped in to help the dog I thought his partner was taking the dog
  15. This is tomorrow. All the rescues who complained previously about this pound... here's your chance to have a say and change things.
  16. Go to the meeting about Campbelltown pound. Thing won't change if people don't speak up.
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