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Posts posted by Mjosa

  1. Rebanne I am so pleased that he has had a good feed, hopefully onward and upward from now on with this prei tcious little boy.

    I understand that he could not latch on to his Mum and initially the teat on a bottle, nor could my little girl to start with, but the sponge goes right back and they suck it to try and get rid of it and then they find there is milk and then the sucking action kicks in.

    Hopefully he now continues sucking on the bottle, would try him on his Mum when you are more wide awake if that is ever a possibility when rearing a litter.:laugh:

  2. I hand reared a singleton puppy last year doing the sponge feeding, it is absolutely brilliant, her Mother did not want anything to do with her right from the start, came home with colostrum and went to songe feeding.

    I would get the latex free sponges and try him with this method, my little girl was going backward, once feeding her with the sponge she came really good and never looked back.

    You can google sponge feeding on you tube, so easy so safe and less invasive than the tube.

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  3. Not even on international travel do they have a "resident" vet, they have no way of getting to the cargo area where the dogs are.

    Never heard of it here either, having shipped puppies and dogs, they are put in the cargo and that is where they stay until they reach their destination

    Agree with dogsfevr , I too would say definitely not true.

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  4. So glad that it is all over, it is just so stressful when a bitch has to have c section for the babies, with my breed it is c sections, but to find that dear Phoebe had a problem and had to be speyed, maybe the c section was worth having as if she had them naturally it could have been not so good an outcome as you would not have known about the stress part in the uterus.

    :cry: So sorry to hear that one little angel had to go because of the cleft palate.

    Lovely even litter two of each, this answers a question I asked in the other thread.

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