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Everything posted by Mjosa

  1. I have been breeding purebreds for the past 40 years and believe me I have learnt a lot over that time, even more so with the breed I now have for over 28 years, when the digital thermometer came into being I had a big sigh of a relief that at last there was a thermometer that I could read and one that is very accurate. As my breed are 99% sure to have to have a c section it is imperative to be getting acurate temp readings so as they can have an elective, I work hand in hand with my vet with the temps taken same time morning and night, my bitches go for a pre whelp check up at day 58 and that is when we start to take the temperatures and record them, the moment that their temps drop more than one degree and stays close to or constant to that low reading, the bitch then has her section done. So what I am saying here is this, I totally agree with everything that Ellz and Aziah are saying, for peace of mind and for the bitch and babies sake she needs to see the vet, just because it is obviously a known easy whelping breed, do not forget Mother nature can pull a trick or two and I am sure that not all of this breed's bitches find having her babies is like falling off of a log as has been stated. I have a bitch here who is due next week, Thursday being day 61, so I will be taking her over for her check next Monday and start taking her temp from then on, and she will be having her c section a week today as she was inseminated with frozen semen from the UK and I cannot take any risks with this special litter. She is starting to look as miserable as sin ;) :D
  2. Ellz if you re read my entry you will see that I told the OP that Dogs NSW would not get involved, I just suggested that they find out if she is a current registered breeder.
  3. First of all before going to Fair Trading, I would be contacting Dogs NSW, the controlling Canine body in your state, to first of all see if she is a registered member, they will not get involved, but could possibly tell you if she is a current registered member, just briefly tell them your story, as she should have transferred the pedigree into your name within fourteen days of purchase, in my state, I do not know if it is the same elsewhere, dogs cannot be registered after 18 months of age, if she is a member and she is now not replying to emails or phone calls then I would take it to the office of Fair Trading. I do sincerely hope that this can be sorted very quickly for you, as these sought of people give us reputable breeders a bad name.
  4. When my boys have visiting bitches they are usually owned by people that I know well, so the terms are that once the bitch has been proven in whelp that is when they pay the stud fee and I then forward to them the service certificate. Should the bitch not get in whelp I offer a return service to that bitch only, or I refund half of the service fee, after all I have incurred expenses in housing the bitch for maybe ten days, as most come from interstate, also AI fees if necessary and of course my boys have been used.
  5. Congratulations on all the winning, but your special little girl must have had two baby in group to have won two baby in show.
  6. I have a friend in the UK with the same breed as myself, and she knows personally, since childhood the person who has been disqualified for 12 months, it is NOT the handler and this man my friend knows is not the co owner either it is his wife. I forwarded the Courier Mail article onto my friend and if you go to the comments column on this article in the CM you will see that she has made her feelings felt re this article and the woman JH.
  7. I am in SA and have semen stored for two dogs at $100 per dog, I think that it is a very reasonable fee, just think about it, it would cost more to feed, vet fees etc., for a live dog in your yard than the storage fee is, I know that included in my storage fees is also insurance fees just in case :D the unexpected happens with the storage tanks.
  8. I have a friend in the USA who had a dual litter. Dog #1 was the planned mating and dog #2 helped himself 24 hours later. DNA result was 2 puppies per Sire, also just looking at the puppies you could tell who were siblings.
  9. I have been exhibiting dogs since 1970 and over the years you come across all sorts of ill mannered people who will do anything for that blue ribbon. Once upon a time I would ask nicely for room and most times would be ignored. In the early days my mentor was both a breeder of Pem Corgis and also an all breeds judge, I mentioned how this was happening, and he advised me not to say anything seeing as it did not work, but in the breed/group lineup put my dog about a foot out in front of the lineup and if someone was running up the backside of my dog when we were on the move to stop dead, he said that the judge would pick up this silent protest in both instances and accept what you are trying to relay to them, mind you by doing both these things does not leave you red faced and upset it is the perpatrator that is made to look a fool for all ringside to see, believe me it does work I have proved it and it does not take long for the news to spread around not to crowd you or you are made to look a fool such as these people are.
  10. I have had bitches that would not eat much during the last few weeks and up to two weeks after the puppies arrived, came across this recipe and not one of these fussy girls refused it, they are normally fantastic eaters, I also include it in with the weaning of the puppies, they end up having it for their supper. 500 ml Lactose Free milk or Goats milk. 2 egg yolks 2 heaped tablespoons of plain Yoghurt 1 tablespoon of honey 1 dessertspoon of cold press flaxseed oil 5 drops of Pentavite. Whisk together and refrigerate, it will last for at least three days. When I am giving it just as a supper to puppies, I leave out the cold press flaxseed oil and reduce the Pentavite to two drops. As you can see it is a complete meal, mine just love it.
  11. Have no recommendation re a dog trainer, but my vets, husband and wife, at the Hub Vet clinic are the best vets I have ever had in over 40 years of dealing with vets. Hub vet clinic is at Aberfoyle Park, about 20 minutes by car from Myrtle Bank, in a southerly direction, their staff are very friendly and efficient always helpful. Recommend them for surgery and their prices are very realistic, not over the top like some vets, their clinic motto is "We care because they are family" should your pet have surgery they always phone you within 24-48 hours after to see how things are going. They are just fantastic.
  12. To crates, my dogs use them as sanctuaries. If your baby boy is flying from Victoria to WA, is the breeder just hiring the crate that he is travelling in? I have two puppies flying to Victoria next Monday and both the new owners have paid for the freight + the cost of the crate. They are French Bulldog babies and the freight and the two crates, I have been quoted, will cost $160 each. They are flying Virgin.
  13. When the bitches prog test reads that she has ovulated try them again, keep them in a confined area, eg the laundry so that they do not get too tired out, if nothing happens then I would suggest that the dog and bitch be taken to the vet and have an AI done.
  14. I am so sorry Yarrowfell, God speed little angels to the My heart goes out to all that have lost babies during December, it has been such a sad month with so many little ones having not made it so to all of you, so many plans, so many sad moments so many shattered dreams.
  15. The percentage is high for c sections with our girls and yes it is due to the size of the head and shoulders of the babies. In saying this I have had two selfwhelped litters in 27 years with this breed. The reason for the prices being asked for a puppy is a combination of the popularity (sadly for the breed will not go into this) but also the high cost of c sections and rearing of the puppies, they need 24/7 attention for the first three weeks due to the fact because of their gorgeous flat faces and their structure they can easily inhale milk and get sick or die from pneumonia so ALL feeds need to be supervised, also the mortality rate within these first few weeks can also be a cause of costs as the litters, on the whole, are not large, average four or five, you lose one or two of them and then you are on the debit side of the ledger so to speak, with a Frenchie litter you are lucky to break even, this does not bother me though if it did I would not still be in the breed, if I was in it to make money I would turn to a free whelping breed, my soul purpose in breeding Frenchies is to breed healthy babies from health tested parents, I have a litter here now, the first in over two years, and this is my normal pattern for litters every 18 months to two years, with a lot of planning and expense, frozen semen etc.,
  16. Yarowfell and Miss Monaro, I am so sorry to hear of your losses, I too about eight years ago, had a litter of six puppies, the vet over anethitised the bitch hence the babies and from this six the first born was the only survivor but not before one day at a time for five days I lost a puppy a day doing what the two of you have been faced with in these past few days, almost lost the Dam, she was put on valium to settle her, at times like these you wonder if it is all worth it, then you look at the surviving babies and how gorgeous they are and your heart tells you with a resounding yes to continue. Little Lab baby and the baby Puglets fly free sweet angels there are many waiting for you at the
  17. LMWS I am so sorry to hear of your devasting loss of your precious girl and her 12 babies, I cannot begin to comprehend how that would be, but my prayers and thoughts are with you at this most difficult time. to you and may your precious girl and her babies fly safely to the This has just got to be a breeders worst nightmare.
  18. OK Andisa you can come and swap in the middle of the night please so that I do not notice, what a surprise it would be for me to find a puppy with a tail, but please can it be the fawn one in the pic? how gorgeous is that.
  19. this is supposed to be a happy thread sharing advice and enjoying all our beautiful new arrivals pics. I am sure that Aziah meant no harm and did not mean anything to get out of context. When we have new litters we can get over tired stressed and really not ourselves and can be a bit sensitive, just ask my husband right now thankfully my crew are now three and a half weeks old and I am coming back to the human race, only one eye propped open with a matchstick now. I have started my seven on solids yesterday morning and evening, as it is a very large litter for a Frenchie, and I just noticed that the pups were not settling down for a decent sleep after just feeding from there Mum, so to lighten her load I decided to start the weaning and I am lucky to come away with fingers in tact, as I start them off the finger and palm of hand, one at a time, so as I know how much each is getting, at the weekend it will be on a plate and then the free for all starts So let us all enjoy the beauty of our babies. BTW Risyntra your babies on this thread, before you took the pics down, I thought were gorgeousl love Border Collies.
  20. KelpiesRule, Shelbyville, Miss Monaro and Ozstar congratulations to all of you and your beautiful new Mums and Bubs, those that have posted pics, how could you not just love those beautiful bubbas, nothing more precious than new babies. Kelpiesrule I had a small bitch in this litter of Frenchies, I was so concerned about her being so tiny born, but by gee she knew exactly where the milk bar was but even so at the beginning did not gain weight as fast as the others, it took until day five that I all of a sudden saw that she was gaining weight at a good rate. They are now three and a half weeks old she is first in to the milk bar and as of yesterday, because there are seven of them, I have started giving them two meals a day one of mince and the other chicken mushed up in the broth that it was cooked in, and she is now very hard to pick from the rest of them, the give away is the dot on tha back of her neck.
  21. Beautiful babies Mollipop and Rysintra.
  22. Congratulations on the new arrivals since I have been on here and the pics of those litters that have arrived earlier in the month are just beautiful, it is amazing how from little tiny babies to what they are looking like now at three weeks. Here is a pic of the Frenchie clan taken at three weeks, yesterday.
  23. Just gorgeous Magicmine, you have to when you see them so contented and the little tongue sticking out as if to say I am soooooo full cannot fit this in.
  24. Well done China on your two little red girls, hope your Mummy is pleased with them.
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