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Everything posted by Mjosa

  1. That sounds great, the Earthborn grain free, will have a try of that when the Pro Plan has gone.
  2. I bought a bag of Holistic select about a month ago and it is still sitting here as none of my three dogs like it. Gone back to Pro Plan as they love the Salmon flavour of this brand, it is put together for sensitive dogs, not that any of mine are sensitive they just love the flavour :laugh:
  3. I find Biolac the best, I get mine sent from Pets on the Park in NSW, the last lot I got cost me around $35, worth every penny. As for the foam I use, the bumps are shaped like the Toblerone chocolate, much firmer than the eggshell shape.
  4. Sorry to hear that you have lost three of your babies I always have the eggshell foam in the whelping box under the blanket, it does help them to get up on their feet avoiding the possibility of flat chests. Are these babies orphans? If they are what is the substitute milk formula that you are using? I have hand reared singletons because the Dams are not overly interested, I have used a mixture of substitutes, Wambaroo, Di-Vetalac, with varying degrees of success, then about four years ago I bought Biolac, I can say I am more than pleased with the results, hopefully you are using a bottle and teat, not eye droppers or tube feeding, they need to suck to develop their jaws. Best of luck with the remaining babies, but do not forget go out and buy yourself some eggshell foam, I usually buy a single bed sized one and cut in half and jam it in the whelping box, then you have one in the box and one hosed down and airing.
  5. I am loyal to one breed, French Bulldog, I got my first one back in 1982 after having waited almost four years for her, only a couple of breeders in Australia then not like it is today. They are the best faithful companions, love everyone and everything, especially children, they are super smart and learn very quickly right from wrong, they are not a breed for every one as they need extra special care in the hot weather, so really need someone home all the time during the summer to keep an eye on them. They are known as a clown, they can make you laugh every day with their antics :laugh: , in a philosophers coat, a very apt description.
  6. Yes Dragonwoman, I too use yoghurt and Lactose free milk, although next litter I will be using Puppy Gold instead of the milk. :)
  7. I never feed puppy food I wean them onto small adult kibble and fresh meat, they seem to grow too quickly on puppy and also letting my breed run they seem to get leggy and not develop as I would like, they lead a restricted exercising regime.
  8. Thank you Mathilda's Mum, I hope that all goes well with your girl and her baby, will pass on your good wishes to my friend. Heidley all the best with your girl this time around. Chris is a great vet and person.
  9. Snap :laugh: I was out at Chris's on Tuesday and it was him that gave the advice to my friend as it is her first singleton litter, Fingers are crossed very special baby as the baby's Sire passed away two months ago in the UK. Will pass on your good wishes to my friend.
  10. Heidly I would be talking to your vet in regard as what is best for your girl. I have had two singleton litters, one bitch came in and the other did not. Only yesterday I went with a friend to have her girl's ultra sound done at a well known repro vet here in SA and she too only has one baby,his advice was to definitely have a c section done for this baby, he surgically inseminated her four weeks ago, and he said to do this as it is the safest way to go just in case she does not go into labour, from the day of insemination we know that her baby is due November 7th he advised not to let her go any further than the 8th, so this advice is very fresh in my mind. Best of luck with your girl and her precious baby.
  11. Be vert sure of that re bedrooms plus airconditioning and be sure they know how to handle Bracchy breeds in hot conditions
  12. My pleasure, they are excellent with Bracchy breeds.
  13. if you have a bulldog, have answered your question in the Health section, I would be very wary about where you board them especially if it is hot weather, would have to be kept in airconditioning. Do you have friends or relatives who could look after the dog. I always board any Frenchie that I have bred, the bull breeds really need extra special care not a breed for kennels.
  14. Hi, I live in the Southern foothills and have French Bulldogs who really need to be monitored after an operation,c sections usually, and I have to say that my local veterinarians are the very best and highly aware of the needs of Bracchy breeds. They go under the name of HUB VET CLINIC, 8270 5155, Dr Ian Mather and his wife Dr. Barb Menzies. Hope this is of some help to you. :)
  15. You have to submit all challenge certificates to get the Champion title for your dog, they would not accept, as far as I know with what you think the total of points on the certificate. As you have stated you know everything about the show, so have you contacted the show secretary to see if that CC is still in their possession, usually they do hold them if not collected, if they do not have it then you will have to go that extra mile and get the 100 points with CCs to verify it. I stand to be corrected, but this is how it was when I was on a dog committee.
  16. I would not be without Sandoz when I have a bitch nursing. It is the first thing that is bought when getting prepared for the whelping, cannot tell you how happy I was when Sandoz came on the market instead of messing around trying to get tablets or powdered calcium into them,my girls over the years just love the syrup like a lolly to them. I have been breeding since the early 1970's and at all times have had calcuim of some sort available to bitches, having been guided in the early days by some top breeders. I am guessing that girl at the front desk has been told to push for sales of Kibble.
  17. yes you can supplement the Dam with Biolac, but with the Frenchies in most cases they do not eat for anything up to a week after their c sections but I mix up a mixture that none of them have refused. 1 carton of Lactose Free milk 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons plain yoghurt 1 tablespoon honey 1 dessertspoon Coldpress flaxseed oil 5 drops Pentavite 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Whisk all ingredients together, put in airtight contaner and refrigerate, will last three days. My puppies when old enough and in the weaning process get small drinks of this
  18. Yes vets do stock teats, I have just hand reared a Frenchie puppy and that is where I got my puppy teats from, they are specifically for puppies. I also recommend that he gets a container of Biolac Blue formula, it is in a powder form, I have used all sorts of formulas over the years and have had the best results ever with Biolac.
  19. I have a heat pad, the second one in 15 years, it is the top of the range made in Australia and I purchased it from Pets On the Park in NSW, bought it about six weeks ago and it cost $89 plus psotage, it is freezing here at night at this time of the year, I have a singleton puppy and that is all I needed to keep him warm, put a minky blanket over it and when he was tiny I would put the minky over the top of him, he also has a Mr. Tigger wheat bag, I never got the heat lamp out at all, costs way too much in electricity. This heat pad has three settings high medium and low and very very economical to run. Just google Pets on the park and search heat pads on their site. Best of luck with the babies next week.
  20. At four weeks my girls go off of their food for up to a week, I call it morning sickness, I have never had an exception, so between three and four weeks I am waiting for it, I just offer them their normal fresh meat diet, then all of a sudden they start eating and I cannot fill them, then we go through the same thing again for about one to two weeks after whelping, but then mine have c sections, just be patient, she will make up for lost time. :)
  21. Two of my stud dogs were producing good litters at 10 and 11, now both deceased, I have another boy here who is turning ten in Sept. and currently has a two week old litter.
  22. I would be giving her the second painkiller tablet, she is obviously in pain from what you have described but do not shove the tablet down her throat like someone has suggested. With my breed they have c sections to have their babies, what I do and they usually take it without a fuss is, crush the tablet between two teaspoons and add a dash of honey, they love it it is a kinder way to do it than forcing it down their throats. Also if she is not wanting to eat, another sign of discomfort, I mix up a mixture of milk. 1 Cup Lactose free milk, 1 egg yolk, teaspoon vanilla essence, 1 desertspoon of honey, whisk all ingredients together and let her lap that at least it is a lot goodness in it, of course I also add cold press Flaxseed oil, if you do not have that a desertspoon of ordinary Olive oil. Hope this helps. :)
  23. Hi Jnr-noz, I live in the southern foothills,and my vet clinic is very caring and does not push things onto you,they listen and abide by your wishes. I am in Aberfoyle Park and the clinic I use is The Hub Vet clinic, owned by husband and wife team, Dr Ian Mather and Dr Barb Menzies, they deal with a few of us who show, not many show people down this way. Their phone number is 8270 5155.
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