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Mel 45

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Everything posted by Mel 45

  1. Thanks for coming ot Geelong, Herding Heroine! Sorry I didn't get to say bye to you, I didn't see you at the end. Thanks for the dates/names, guys. Midi came third at Geelong. We now know what kind of jump the state finals use, and so as we've qualified for next year we'll be training over a similar setup - definitely a jump, not a scramble!
  2. Heh, no he is a silly boy and doesn't realise that he could get out of the 5' fences easily... Besides, he only does the high jump because I ask him to - very loyal little dog. Currently he's asleep on the couch. I know Lilydale Ag have high jumping, and a decent cash prize, but apart from that and Geelong I'm having difficulties finding it! Wonder if there's an assoc. I can contact who may know? Maybe the Vic. Ag. Society.
  3. Hmm, finding it very difficult to find dates for high jumping, can anyone help?
  4. Well, my boy won the dog high jump at Sunbury Aggie yesterday at 9'3"... Does anyone know what other shows have the Dog High jump? I'm doing Geelong Royal on Sunday, but apart from that I'm not sure who has them. This is my substitute for jumping my horses... seeing as I can't take them anywhere because of the EI!
  5. My boy (20" whippet kelpie cross) won a High Jump yesterday at 9'3"... I'm just glad he's not too clever and can't jump out the 5' garden fences
  6. FWIW CavNRott, Bonnie was the only brand of dry that I could feed one of my dogs (Dane) all the others, including Eukanuba etc just went through him like water... for some reason the only one that he took any goodness from was the Bonnie *shrug*.
  7. Won 20kg of it... would love to use it but Dog wouldn't touch it. Am giving it to my mother - her dog isn't fussy.
  8. Can't the poor bloody OP have some peace. ALWAYS with the extreme self righteous opinions, about everything. So frigging annoying when someone is actually looking for some information... every frigging post.
  9. My Dane was still growing until he was 3. He was puppy-ish in his behaviour until he was about 2.8 years old. My smaller dog however - I'd say he'll stop the puppy type behaviour when he's around 18 months.
  10. Uhm... I have a very shiny flat coated breed. However, IMO they are the best brush in the world. Wouldn't be without one, for myself. Didn't realise people with long coated dogs used them but it makes sense.
  11. Mel 45


    So sorry... Such a hard thing to do to let the big ones go... Hope Leila copes ok.
  12. Hey Geoff See you soon anyway... might come out sometime soon with Hannah.
  13. Uncooked pork can contain spores of some very dangerous gut disease. Dunno if it's salmonella, can't remember sorry. Pork has to be well cooked or else it can cause severe stomach problems (in humans and I assume dogs too). Bit succinct as feeling unwell
  14. Uncooked pork can contain spores of some very dangerous gut disease. Dunno if it's salmonella, can't remember sorry. Pork has to be well cooked or else it can cause severe stomach problems (in humans and I assume dogs too). Bit succinct as feeling unwell
  15. Sugar - chicken necks and frames from any butcher (shop around though - some are $$$ some are cheap) or go to Leonard's - even if they don't have then in the window they'll have them out the back. 1.5kg of chicken necks at Leonard's costs me $2
  16. I'm not going to comment on anything written here as I'm not qualified to do so. I only have to say that yesterday, Dave let me try my Whippet X on sheep. We don't know what he's crossed with, as he's pretty whippety but we suspect maybe a dash of Kelpie. He was brilliant... (as I was told) shows a keen ability to herd and caught on very quickly, no bite instinct either. Judging by what was said at the start of the thread (which I read last week) I probably wouldn't have been able to have a go with my dog as he doesn't fit the criteria. We both had a lovely time, my friend was there with her dog and I got to watch her herd for the first time, and the sheep very much knew what to do - they weren't stressed at all. Thanks Dave! (and Hannah )
  17. I had a wonderful vet. He was Scottish.. I think, or Irish or something. Broad thick accent at any rate. They were renovating their surgery, his daughter worked there too as another vet. Unfortunately he died about a month before the surgery was opened - it's a gorgeous animal hospital and a big improvement on their old residence. He had the best bedside manner and was a little fuddery but very good with patients (both human/animal!) and the animals liked him. Unfortunately the vets they have there now have a completely different manner.
  18. My Dane was always super thin when he was growing - didn't help that he was neglected up till he was 11 months old, but when he had growth spurts he looked skeletal. I liked him lean, yes, but not skeletal... Owner of GSD is probably a bit too conscientious about not having any weight on the dog but taking it a bit too far.
  19. Hannah I think you should buy some sheep for Minty to practise on. Hmm, I think he'll be able to herd ok, and herd rabbits ok too it's just the recall that's suffering badly at the moment...
  20. FeralSam/K9: I would LOVE this training sheet too if possible! ;) My new doggy (10 months) is a bit of a puller, in a flat collar at any rate and before I have another lesson next week I'd love to have a tip sheet from the ever knowledgable K9! Thankyou :rolleyes:
  21. I use his daily kibble (Natural Balance) or other smallish snacks, lamb jerky etc. I find the kibble small and quick to chew so he doesn't lose focus, and easier to take to the park - soft treats are ickies in pockets!
  22. For a dog of Dane size, personally from all that I have read I believe they shouldn't have offleash/running exercise until they're around 18 months old. With my whippet x, he's 10 months and I'm quite happy for him to pelt around the oval off leash.. but he's a tad more coordinated than my dane was!
  23. Thanks PC :rolleyes: I thought I'd take him out to the sheep herding place (which also does LC) near the airport as that's where my friend goes and see what the trainer there says. Having read your above post though - this dog happily zigzags and does dead stops at full gallop... Quite funny to watch. I didn't allow my Great Dane to exercise off leash until he was 2, due to leg/bone management etc, but if I didn't let this guy run off leash he'd probably go bonkers... We probably wouldn't go for a good few months though - what with Christmas coming up, plus the horse events that I've got on, so would be the right age to start possibly in about Feb. Thanks Tess - we'll work on the obedience for a little while longer before coursing
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