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Everything posted by pampa

  1. Even though the family is there you must be feeling like hell sweetheart... I'm hoping Ollie-dog is able to sleep at the hospital and that his mum will rest tonight... Hopefully Little Trooper will be home in the morning and feeling better. Big kiss to you love
  2. NEVER My guy is 6 1/2 years old and he still squats...
  3. It has been almost a fortnight since you have given us news on Oscar and Lucinda although at last news the later was so disgustingly well that I smiled for hours after reading the post. I've told my mum about her story and she wishes they had gone hollistic with my poor beloved (and greatly missed) aunty Jenny, mum's sister who was pushed into invasive treatments which made her life unbearable until the end... She loved roses too...
  4. Ern, I havn't even signed in for a week but I see you haven't updated... How are you both ?... DBS, the above is a magnificent post. If the lovely Miss Sophies rose bush is still flowering, next time you pass by it, take a long deep sniff for me. I love roses and they hold a very special meaning for me... How are your babies going Helen, you are so discrete, if we don't ask, you don't tell.... Please update Lucindas thread.
  5. Jodie, I hope yesterday's bad patch was just another pothole along the bumpy road you are travelling. I must admit that when I saw your change of title "gone down hill overnight..." I did panic I hope you manage to have a decent night out and get your mind off the boy at least for a couple of hours. Big courage hugs to you for what tomorrow holds, in hoping you won't need them.
  6. It's a real bummer Ern, I'm sorry Kal has been doing poorly lately. I actually just finished writing a real long post to you an d when I went to add a final Emoticon, it seems DOL crashed and all was lost... Did anyone else just now have a problem ? I was wondering whether the heater may be drying out Kal's sinuses /mucous membranes thus causing the breathing probs ?... Irefuse to believe its a tumour... Sincere thoughts are with you at all times buddy, even though I haven't been on line much, this doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you both and the other ill doggies that i've grown to love and care about...
  7. Wow Jodie, that last photo is priceless, absolutely magnificent. I haven't turned the computer on in ages but this doesn't mean you guys aren't in my thoughts, along with Erny and DBS and all the other ill pooches I've become attached to. I'm so sorry you have been through such a tough time this past week. I'm glad to hear that our little trooper is feeling better.
  8. Hi all and thanks for your concern. She has been put back on high doses of Prednisone AND Doxycyline just to get the Thrombocytopenia (bruising) under control. We'll try to find out what is wrong after her bleeding is under control. Since starting treatment on Saturday, she is much better. I will let you know where we are going from here on in, once I myself know a little more. Thanks again for your support...
  9. I'm glad the temperature is back under control Jodie, that's such a relief. Let's hope it stays down for a long while and that Olliedog starts eating again soon. Pawsitive thoughts to you as always :p
  10. :D I hope his temp went down and he's at home with you tonight... Please let us know how he is in the morning
  11. Bum, I missed it Happy belated birthday Ollie Dog
  12. Erny sweetheart, I'm so sorry Kal is suffering so regularly ATM... I've only been on line once or twice over the last few weeks due to computer problems but I've been thinking of you and Kal. I'll be in touch soon Try to keep your chin up matey
  13. Thank you all So far, one doggie doesn't seem to enjoy the brand but all other posts are positive... Interesting I'm curious about the kibble for which ALL responses are positive... I may try to find a supplier and give it a go, mixing roll + kibble together... ***makes mental note to keep an eye out for Ecopet kibble suppliers****
  14. Bugger, bugger, bugger I'm pretty sick today and I've had a bit of time to (finally) catch up here on DOL... I was hoping for some good news all 'round... Hang in there buddy and chin up Waiting, as everyone else, for tomorrows test results...
  15. Thanks to all who answered. I picked up an ECOPET brochure at the quarantine station and it certainly seems an interesting option, or at least a quality "treat" to add into kibble or raw diet... Even "at the other end" the result seems quite good for a soft, wet food and the stools are firm and dryish... I'll definately be giving it a go :D Any further opinions are still welcome
  16. Hi to all I was interested to notice that AQIS (Australian Quarantine Inspection Service), uses the ECOPET meat loaves at the Melbourne quarantine station and that they speak very highly of the products. It seems the dogs thrive on it and because it is all natural with no preservatives, I found it an interesting product... I did a search here on the health forum and I noticed a couple of people use it and have also spoken positively of the food. Can anyone using the ECOPET brand products give me an idea on what they think of it ?... Thanks
  17. At least it's not the "C" word Helen... Let's hope that the cortisone improves Oscar a little, just enough so that the holistic meds can effectively take over... I too am glad that Lucinda is doing well and enjoying life.
  18. Helen, I've just read that Lucinda's brother has some nasty stuff going on too Could you please change your title to add both of your kids names so that we can follow their progress. It is all so unfair, haven't you already been dished out enough illnesses for one lifetime ? Thinking of you today in awaiting your updates here.
  19. What a sad, shitty time... Ollie's down, Kal's down and now Oscar is ill I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time at the moment, nothing I can say will help, but I'm thinking of you all anyway. Special hugs to you Jodie
  20. Oh shit Ern You poor sweety. I'm home on Mum & dads wind-up computer with a foreign key board so I can't write all I'd like to but just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. I'll try to call or at least PM you. Hugs
  21. Oh dear, I'm soooo sorry I didn't know your boy was ill. You and OH are in my thoughts, even if this is little comfort at this time.
  22. Hiya buddy I'm glad to hear the meds aren't playing up on Kal and that she is feeling quite good at the moment. As for the nose-noise you describe, my girl does this occasionally too ... At first I panicked and took her off to the vet the next day (I thought it was related to a medication she was on), and the vet just looked at me "weird" and listened to her chest. Because she only does this occasionally when she is laying down with her neck stretched out in front of her or in various other positions difficult to describe, he couldn't witness the "noise" himself so I tried to make the noise myself You should have heard me snorting around the clinic like I was suffering an asthma attack with a blocked nose to boot Whilst snorting away, the vet asked how I was making the noise... I said "with my nose and throat", he then simply said "then why did you ask me to listen to her lungs Feeling REALLY dumb we decided together that it is nothing vital and after verifying that her nose and throat were clear of all obstructions I went home. My vet still snorts at me each time I go in to see him How can you be sure it is not the medication that is having an effect on her throat/nasal passages, making them a bit "lazy" and thus making noise, a bit like a snorer ??? I sure hope its nothing worrysome (sp?).
  23. Wonderful news Jodie I guess this means that the Chemo didn't set him back this time
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