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Posts posted by pebbles

  1. All my show dogs have gone crazy over roast chicken from the supermarket! Shows are the only place they would get this so it was always special. Had to watch one little girl I had - she would bait for ages on a piece of chicken but if she thought it was taking too long then she would grab - resulted in a few bloody fingers lol.

  2. I'm probably way off with this but haven't the time nor inclination to go looking up facts so just ignore if I'm wrong (again). Does not the VCA have a register for 'Companion Animals' ie crossbreeds? If they are taking membership monies from these owners then wouldn't they have some obligation to look after crossbreeds interests in general? As mentioned this legislation can also affect some of the papered dogs.

  3. So if these owners had registered their dogs at the appropriate time none of this would have happened? Can't see how this is irrelevant? I think there was a similar thread about someone in/near Ballarat.

  4. Sorry, still confused. So these dogs weren't registered prior to the new laws coming in? Surely if the breeder mentioned knew these dogs' backgrounds and if they had been registered as crosses of those breeds prior then why were they seized? I feel for the dogs but would like to know what the owners had done to ensure their safety.

  5. I'm certainly not on the Councils side but a bit confused by the article - My question, were these dogs registered with the Council? I understood the law was 'Unregistered PBs and their crosses would be seized'.

  6. Many years ago a friend of my family had a pure bred Cocker Spaniel bitch. The unthinkable happened and she had a cross breed litter. I remember clearly the friend telling my parents that the bitch had to have 2 litters by a purebred Cocker sire before the puppies could be pure again. I believed that for ages until I grew up a bit lol.

  7. LizT I'm the one Dunnwarren is refering to with the Baby Puppy - so apart from the stink as the weather warms and the flies, I was standing in the entrance to the ring waiting for the steward to wave me in. Baby's first show, real fiesty girl and this idiot threw the scoopers into the metal bin right against the ring entrance post. Scared me and ruined my baby. We were sent into the ring right then and the poor girl was freaked. I'm sure placing the bins further along wouldn't inconvience anyone too much.

  8. Thanks everyone for your replies and suggestions. Mick hasn't been too bad these last few days so I'm taking the time to research lots of options, even the amputation but I don't think he's ready for that (or maybe it's me who isn't ready for it). I had looked into the stem cell treatment earlier. My Vet made a lot of enquiries and it is maybe 50/50 chance of working with probably repeat treatments needed so that's on the back burner. At the moment it looks like trying the herbal treatment (thanks Pers.) with the Tramadol for back-up. He's been on Joint Guard for ages and I upped the dosage which I think is helping a bit.

    When Mick was about 6mths old he started to turn a front foot out, took him to my Chiro Vet, Xrays done and the piece of bone at the top of the Ulna is missing. Vet thinks he was born like it as there weren't any fragments or jagged edges which you would expect with a break. Xrays sent to a Specialist who didn't give much hope of repair.

  9. My pet peeve over many years of showing was shows on an fenced oval/ground. I was always on my own and carting all the gear miles across to the rings was my pet peeve and then worse was carting it all back again. When I was judging, exhibitors racing full speed around the ring, doesn't do a thing for Pekes lol. Stewarding - calling a number many times, about to call them absent and they pipe up from two feet away "I'm here!".

  10. Mick loves his coat/s when the weather turns cold. He doesn't wear it during the night as he's snuggled under the blankets in my bed but come morning he's waiting for it before he'll leave the house.

    Abby doesn't need one with her coat, she sleeps on top of the bed but I can tell if it gets colder during the night as a little paw gives me a tap, I lift the blankets and she's under. I do put a light rain coat on her if it's raining when we walk but that's for me, not so much to dry off when we get home lol.

  11. Woops, Stan's Mum didn't mean it that way - I've had a Whippet and Min Pins for years and know how the weight can drop off if they are ones who really can't stand the cold. No hope of putting weight on a recovering dog if they are cold.

    mumtoshelley - I'd check with your sister before adding anything different to what is being fed now. If Misty is on the recommended diet of good food and small meals frequently then she will be fine I'm sure. Your sister is keeping a record of weight and meals and keeping her warm for 2 weeks then going back to the Vet if necessary.

  12. If your sister is feeding as suggested on the other forum and I feel she is along with providing a warm coat 24/7 then I'd think Misty will be OK. That photo looks to me as if she is cold (jmo) and owner said she did shiver a bit.

    eta - having had gastro she doesn't need a quick change to a rich diet.

  13. Mick, Min Pin, (6yo) has a deformed elbow (from birth) with arthritis in it. Is there any fairly strong pain relief I can use? He's on Joint Guard etc. and has had courses of Metacam which until very recently was working. I only gave it to him when needed, maybe a couple of days every couple of weeks, mainly if he had been racing around like a looney. The last couple of weeks he's obviously in quite a bit of pain with any excercise. He had the course of Cartophren (sp?) with the follow-up 3 monthly boosters a while ago and it wasn't really successful for long. I've looked into the stem cell treatment but would like a more positive result for the cost.

    Soooo does anyone know any, maybe over the counter, meds I can try without the side effects of Metacam etc.?

    Think it is 'mission impossible' but who knows?

    PS if there's something else really good I can get from the Vet that's OK too but it's mainly anti inflams they have.

  14. I'm on another forum and in contact with the sister. The sister is feeding some recommended food in small feeds and the dog really isn't that bad. Photo has been put up and, yes, she is a bit thin but she's a Whippet, recovering from illness and it's been suggested that she have a good warm coat on 24/7. In the photo she looked more cold than sick and the owner says she shivers.

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