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Posts posted by pebbles

  1. No, not "heavy set, sway back, short legs". Lovely firm toplines, good length of leg and excellent firm drive and reach. I do remember friends saying you should be able to balance a cup of water on their backs when moving. I have some pics of some of their winners here somewhere but finding them may be the problem, it's been a long time lol. Guess I'm the 'óld type' too, can't watch those banana backs hobbling around the ring. Not a Shepherd person although have been in the working group so better keep my opinions to myself lol.

  2. This can be done admittedly just a few people at a time but it works, they then pass on to others and word spreads. It's just a case of people getting of their bums and organising things (see post 30). There's a lot of Ag shows around and a lot of the public like to see the dogs. You just need friendly dog people to meet the public.

  3. Years back when I was the Secretary for an AG Dog Show I organised one of the dog folk who weren't showing that day to man a table with basic info leaflets on pure bred dogs. It was amazing the number of people who were interested to find out all sorts of things. ie "Do you have to show a purebred"? "What does a registered breeder mean"? So many basic questions. Also teed up a few exhibitors for the more popular breeds to answer questions on their breed at set times of the day. This was advertised on a big board at the entrance to the dog area. Also phone contact numbers for anyone wanting further info after the show. Ran this for a few years and had good feedback from the public. Takes a bit of organising but well worth it.

  4. Coincidence that this subject came up - Mickey (Min Pin) sleeps on my bed and in his 7+ years I've never heard him 'have a dream', always just bombs out. Two nights ago we were in bed, I was reading and Mick as usual sound asleep beside me. Suddenly he leapt up, snarling and snapping, just missed my arm. I grabbed him and it took a few seconds before he stopped being aggressive (which he never is). He then got the shakes and it took a while before he would settle again. Must have been a ripper of a nightmare!

  5. Insurance! Glad it's worked out for you. I think maybe they just try you out. A few years back I had a claim on a vehicle which was totalled. Phone call from Insurance offered me an amount. Somehow the word óffer' hit me and I said no, wouldn't accept that. Blank silence at their end. They rang back next day with a much increased offer. so I think they just try you out at times.

  6. If the breeder in NZ was registered with their Canine Council, I would assume you would have the pedigree papers, the New Zealand registration paper and a transfer paper signed by the NZ breeder. Have you got the papers for the dog from NZ? Assuming you are a member of the Sth Aust kennel Assoc., as 'showdog' said, phone the SACA and they will advise you what's next.

  7. I was parked in a security guarded area one cold evening. Dogs in their crates with their coats, water and a biscuit with them. Get a call to go to my car. Security guy then told me I couldn't park there with dogs in the car. Very rude. wouldn't listen to me. Left, phoned re the State regs next day, downloaded a copy and had great satisfaction in showing them in writing next time he tried it again a few weeks later.

  8. While I've been around that area twice, it was a few years back and things change. First trip was in a campervan, Gordon Setter girl and me. From Gippsland, through SA, via the Sturt, Alice Springs, showed at Alice Royal Show (that was an experience lol) then on to Tennant Creek where daughter lived. Stopped at all the touristy places and a lot of other interesting spots. Mainly camped off the road, just me and the dogs under the stars, magic!

    Next was a few years later, daughter's wedding in Darwin. This time from the Mallee. Went up the same way, towed a caravan this time and 3 dogs. Coming back, cut across to the coast at Three Ways, went across on the ferry to Magnetic Island to visit a son (poor Border Terrier got sea sick) then down coast to Brisbane. Did a few dog shows on the way. Inland through Dubbo, West Wyalong, Hay back into Victoria and home. Mainly camped off road, stayed overnight at a couple of caravan parks but off road was much better with the dogs, quiet and peaceful in the bush. Another magic trip!

    Never had a problem with the dog/s on either trip.

  9. A friends show dog would dribble then throw up every time. Had some ginger nut biscuits so friend gave the dog a couple before leaving to go home and then kept giving her a half one each time she dribbled. Might have just been a fluke but the dog never had a problem after that. Worth a try for a packet of ginger nuts.

  10. Over my long years of having multiple dogs I've had to help many of them over the bridge. Until a few years ago they had all gone peacefully until Ben. Ben had the great habit of anytime I left him, in the house, in the car etc. he would let out the loudest, longest mourneful howl. The day I had to give him his wings, I was holding him, the Vet inserted the needle and Ben let out one of his howls :cry: If it had of been possible I'd have stopped the euth right then even though Ben was a very sick boy. That howl still haunts me. :cry: I've had to send two to the bridge since then and I now get the Vet to heavily sedate them first.

  11. I made the decision to PTS months ago when I updated my will. I'm not dying (just yet) am of sound mind and know exactly why I came to that conclusion so if anyone betrayed my trust in them I'd haunt them. :mad

  12. I personally think keeping your word is the ethical thing to do regardless of your thoughts on the matter. I've told my lot that I'll come back and haunt them if they don't follow my wishes for my dogs.

  13. I have two dogs, one 7.5years the other 5.5years and it's in my will that when I pop off they are both to be PTS. The older one is a little shite and I wouldn't expect anyone, even family, to take him. The younger one is different but still not really suitable for rehoming. Anyway I don't expect (hope) to go until they are much older, hopefully gone before me, so this may not happen. I've seen too many dogs taken by family or well meaning friends and then the novelty wear off and the poor dogs suffer.

  14. Pity they didn't have all those dire warnings on the head type restraints! I've seen some awful things happen to dogs with those things! I love the extendables, never had a problem, dogs love them too, never had a puller but then they are always taught not to pull before they ever go on an extendable so what's around their necks doesn't make a difference.

  15. The Min Pins were nearly always"- Öh look at the Chihuahuas". "No dear, they're Miniature Pinschers". Or maybe they're Miniature Dobemanns! Had an Afghan puppy down at the local swimming hole one day and two guys were discussing what breed he was. All sorts of wild guesses, then I took the pup in for a paddle. Great enlightment when we came out - "It's a poodle and hasn't been clipped yet" lol.

  16. I had a bitch who after her first season developed lovely boobs and had milk. Scared the heck out of me lol. Her breeder told me to swab the boobs with vinegar every time she was near me, took the boobs down and then each season I would start swabbing as soon as she came in and she never had another falsie.

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