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Posts posted by pebbles

  1. When I was showing Peb and Sam it was bath time before every show, now, much to their delight, it's only very occasionally. All my different breeds over the years were bathed before shows, used to be up all night when there were 3/4 Affies to get ready. Borders were tubbed as well, if you have the right sort of coat, a bath only makes it clean and shiny, wont affect the harshness at all. I'm sure that while all the dogs loved the days at shows, bath time was never missed when they were retired :)

  2. I have heard of others and have contact with one person who used this on a gundog in the field and now carries it all the time. I understand that some Vets. are even acknowledging that Vit C has it's uses. There has been quite a lot of discussion on this here so if you do a search the "Vit C" there's some fact and fiction to read up on. (I keep some injectable in the fridge - thankfully haven't had to use it yet!).

    edit to add - There's some good info from Pat Colby (think that's right, you will probably find mention of this name in the search) worth a look.

  3. I've got a bit of a quandary re Vets. at the moment. The clinic I go to is owned by 2 guys whom I've always dealt with. They are both getting on and I can see them retiring soon. Anyway Sam had a slight problem and I thought I'd get to know one of the new younger guys. Sam had to have a tooth out, simple enough, but then he developed slight swelling in his neck glands. So 2 more trips back to see this new Vet. I was getting the impression that this person just wasn't listening so made another trip (300ks round trip) and saw one of the originals. Two lots of medication and Sam improved with 2 days. At least I had the satisfaction of hearing the new guy get told to "listen to the clients"! Now all I have to do is persuade the older ones the retirement isn't for them!

  4. As mentioned. finding the source is vital. When I moved here my dogs suddenly started getting fleas. Did all the recommended things but still fleas appeared. I was out in the yard beside the house, bare feet and shorts and 'horrors' fleas jumping onto my legs! Turned out that this was where stray cats had been bedding down under the house. Got the pest exterminator in (and got rid of the cats) and haven't seen a flea since and that was 15 years ago!

  5. Well said, Steve. I've never in 50 years of having dogs had any vacs. past the 12 month booster. Way back then I had an old style country Vet. who must have been way ahead of his time as he didn't believe in all those yearly vacs. He said exactly the same thing as Steve, "don't do the kids every year and dogs are tougher than kids".

  6. Since moving here I have lost two of my best friends. Ben, 13 months ago, and Jody, 10 years ago. Both times my Vet. had been treating them for illness. During an operation Jody was found to have cancer right through her organs so was put to sleep while still under. Ben had had a months on going treatment then he became so bad that the decision had to be made. I took him over on a Saturday morning. Both times there was no extra charge for PTS. Each time my Vet. phoned a couple of days later to see how I was coping. As I'm 150ks from him. I can phone any time and he will give advice, if it's something 'run of the mill' he will post me medication with no consultation fees etc. He's No.1 for me.

  7. All remembered for their love, funny ways and the fun we had together - Nippy, Roy, Socks, Charlie, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, Bobby, Ella, Hope, Eisha, Tiger, Kush to name a few. They each had their own story.

    The two who held that extra piece of my heart - my true soul mates -

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