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Posts posted by pebbles

  1. A sort of a funny story about tetanus shots - Not one of my kids, OH or myself have ever had tetanus shots. Years back the OH was delivering milk around the town. It's so far back that the milk was in bottles (anyone remember that?) anyway he slipped going up a driveway, fell, broke the bottles in his hand and ended up with a bad cut. This happened next door to the local Doctor's home, he heard the crash, came out, saw OH's hand and knowing we had horses, told OH he had to get a tetanus shot. OH duly goes to the hospital, gets the shot. By evening he had to be rushed to hospital, allergic to the shot, spent a couple of scary days as he was pretty bad. No more shots here!

  2. You will probably get both answers, yes and no, to this. I've been bitten many times, used to have a dog grooming business, judging dogs and my own for various reasons and I've never even thought about tetanus shots and never had a problem. Run water over the wound, put a bit of ointment and a band aid on it and it's been fine but maybe I've been lucky.

  3. I go along with the suggestion of putting the dog in the tub/bath, explain that you are the boss and this is going to get done! Works with cutting nails, grooming, injections, eye/ear treatments etc. Treat when the job is done.

    eta - a '4' snuck in somehow.

  4. I've got one who came up with the itchies a while ago. Vet did the usual skin scrapings, etc, nothing.

    I'm pretty sure it's a contact allergy, feet, tummy, flanks. I think it's from the sand we have around here, some places I walk the dogs, she will come home and chew her feet and scratch likr mad. So there's a jug of the good Tea brewed and I soak her itchy spots liberally then stand her feet in it.

    I generally take about 20/30 mins to give it all a good soak, just pat the excess off and no more itch!

    I'm another one to give thanks to Erny for this. :thumbsup:

    ETA - told my Vet what I was using and he wrote it down so I wouldn't be surprised it's spreading through the Mallee.

  5. Mumoftwo, there's a lot more to grooming a Cav coat and cutting out the knots if you have any intention of showing her/them.

    And from a toy group owner I can say Cody is definitely overweight - I've got two here whom I trying to get the weight off so I'm noticing weight first thing. The desired weight range really doesn't give a good guide, there's size, boning etc that comes into it as well.

    eta - just saw your post about not many groomers in your area - you don't need a groomer just get to know some of the Cavvie people who show and get some tips from them - even the basics will make a difference

  6. There's no-one else here feeding them on the sly, I've made sure of that lol.

    SecretKei - I'm 150ks from Mildura sort of down south, very tempted to do the drive to Berri. Is Rosedale meats the name of the butcher? I'd prefer if I could ring them first, just my luck to drive there and they haven't any 'until tomorrow' that seems to happen to me a lot lol. Think I will add some pumpkin as I'm feeling guilty giving them such small amounts. Two desertspoons of Barf each in the am and a chicken neck for tea. Switched to early am walking as it is cool then so we can get the mile done each day. Sheesh, I know who is getting thinner!

  7. Thanks for your replies. I've always fed the Barf, chicken mince, necks and Supercoat and just adjusted the amounts according to their weight. This year I'm down to feeding almost nothing and just can't move the weight off them. They only had the first tin substitute last night so that wasn't causing it. Slight problem up here is obtaining some of the other things. There used to be a great dog shop selling 'roo meat etc. but that closed down. The Barf is a prepared one which I get in Mildura, comes frozen. in separate pouches, "Dr B's Genuine Aussie R.A.W." generally get the mixed box, beef, lamb and rabbit. Poor dogs think their throats are cut, they used to get a few treats during the day but haven't had any for ages. Nearly out of Barf so I'll get two boxes and try the two feeds a day. Maybe get smaller dishes for them so it will look more :laugh:

    Nekhbet - Old duck has another lease on life, getting around like a youngster, bumps into things sometimes but going strong again :thumbsup:

  8. Need to get weight of two dogs and I can't feed them any less than I am now. Mick, Min Pin. 6 years and Abby, Silky Terrier, 4 years, both could do with at least half a kilo off. Meal consists of 1 dessertspoon of Barf, 1 dessertspoon of chicken mince and a sprinkle of Supercoat, Joint Guard and Missing link for both. A chicken neck every second night in place of the chicken mince. No treats etc during the day. They both run around a big yard area, chasing birds, lizards, anything that moves. Walked between 1/2 mile and one mile, depending on the heat, most evenings. Abby is on a course of cortisone at the moment and I know that will cause weight gain but she'd put weight on before this. I've bought a few tins of My Dog which I'll substitute for the chicken mince on the second nights.

    Any other suggestions please? I feel very mean when their dishes are nearly empty before I put them down.

  9. "While I agree that this didn't seem like a sustained attack (I can't imagine the owner not immediately dropping the dog away from her face), the fact that the dog bit the face hard on being picked up instead of biting at the hands is an indication that the dog was very serious in its attempt to hurt."

    Unless the hands are hurting the dog, sore ribs, body injury, etc. they really aren't accessable to bite at being under the body. An aggro dog will grab at the nearest piece of flesh and that would be the face if the dog is lifted to that height. I don't think anyone can judge what really happened as the attitude both before and after the bite would be important. Also what happened at the other signs of aggression. Is this really an aggresive dog or just a spoilt little shite?

  10. Over a lot of years and a lot of dogs I've had 2 who were aggresive biters. First many years ago was a reasonably new breed with a strong independant character who pushed the boundries for the 12 years I had him, never afraid to use his teeth. Just took learning to read him, discipline and staying on top. Another more recently was fine with me, ok with the rest of the family, but would like to have shown aggression to any other person within range. Strong discipline had her the best showdog I ever had but another I had to keep on top of.

    Like most I've had some others who would have a try early but one good smack (not belting!) would soon change their mind and I've never had a dog who was 'hand shy', cringing etc all those dire things which are supposed to happen if you smack a dog.

  11. Owned by a Wei, that's pretty strong language! I have also had one of my dogs kill a feral cat, came into my yard during the day and first I knew was the other dogs barking. No, I didn't like it anymore than I suppose Tarope did, certainly didn't take pleasure in it :mad

    So how do you assess me - about 20 half wild cats trapped in 4 traps left for me by the Ranger, then I had to dispose of them. OK so I shot them - what was I supposed to do? Do you think I enjoyed it?

  12. Wow, Wayrod, you're going back to the dark ages lol. I started secretarying about 40 years ago and don't remember receiving those '5 dog forms' but vaguely remember before that, that they were in the Gazette, think I remember using them for Melb Royal once or twice.

  13. Sure that the 'no set up rule' only applies to Bulla and the Park. Don't like the idea of it being applied at country shows. I have always gone to the grounds the afternoon before and camped that night as well. 90% of the shows here would mean I'd be driving into the rising sun early in the morning and that's too dangerous with the 'roos around at that hour.

    eta - sheesh, costs enough now to travel to shows, entries, petrol,etc. that's why I always camped couldn't afford a motel too. No way should the country clubs be charging for 'saved spots'! Often have to pay a camping fee anyway ($5/$10 per night) for the privilage of using their loos!.

  14. Had the same problem not long after I moved in here. Dear soul over the road went to live with her family miles away and left dozens of half wild cats behind. They decided that my bird avairy would be a good place to get at night time. My dogs are all inside at night so they weren't any help. Rang the council and the Ranger came with 4 cat traps. Great, I will take them to the pound. No says the Ranger, you catch them, you dispose of them. So I did.

  15. A tip I was given - if you have a pup who is inclined to jump up, leave one side of the pen loose, just use clips to hook it up and never lift the pup into or out of the pen, use the clipped edge as a door. They soon learn that 'up' will get them out. Mightn't work for them all but I tried it with one of mine and he doesn't jump up to get out, just waits until the 'door' is opened.

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