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Posts posted by pebbles

  1. Anyone coming to the above shows from Melbourne direction --- I was at the grounds at Red Cliffs today and the usual entry, first road into the grounds, has been closed off. There are posts embedded in the ground and a 'no entry' sign up so I would assume it's a permanent fixture. The next entry off the main road is a bit further on, brick pillars either side. As this is a right hand turn over the main road I thought I'd give a warning of the changed conditions. Good luck to all entered.

  2. I had an Afghan pup with weak pasterns some years ago before there was all the special dry foods and more knowledge on this condition. I kept him in a small yard at home but drove to the beach every second day and walked him in chest deep water, slowly increasing the distance and after a couple of months he came good. This was also a way to stop him going crazy when he did get excercised. Maybe a thought?

  3. The lady has had other dogs before, golden retriever, chi, this is a Whippet, 9mths. going through the teenager thing. She gets plenty of excercise but just never tires, typical Whippet lol. I don't think owner has much idea of training, apparently the others were very laid back. I hadn't heard of a behavourist in the area either but? Lady is thinking of rehoming. Maybe next time I'm in Mildura I might offer to have a look. I'm no expert but may be able to give her a few clues.

  4. Does anyone know of a behavourist in the Mildura area? Lady is having problems with her pup. Apparently she has rung one there but the phone isn't answering. Sorry, I don't know the name of this behavourist, only getting this through another dog site. Pup, 9mths old, isn't too bad just hypo and lady doesn't know how to cope.

  5. I've had dogs and bitches all my life (and it's a long one lol) never desexed a male and haven't had any health or behaviour problems. I've got an entire dog and bitch here with me now, one's on the couch, the other asleep on my foot, both well toilet trained and know who's the boss lol. Only ever desexed one bitch, years ago, for a health problem she had. When all the right things are done, obedience, fencing, etc. IMO there's no need to desex.

  6. This information is a couple of years old but may still be relevant, maybe lol. The NSW Dog site used to have a list of show dates and the Secretary's details. I don't think the schedules were in a Gazette, you used to have to send for one. Hope this helps, someone may have more update details.

  7. I feel my Vet is on the right track with it being a bite, probably spider. I've done a lot of Googling and some things fit partially but not exactly. There's a few Vets within my 150k radius and after trying most and getting ridiculous results, one of which could have had very drastic results, I'm happy with the one I have now. He listens and discusses options so another opinion up here isn't likely.

    Abby is on another course of strong AB's for 2 weeks so will see if they have any results, if not then another avenue will have to be explored. Damn it's getting worrying, dogs, who'd have them!

    Another question - should I have her on anything to help her system with the overload of AB's? Meant to ask the Vet yesterday, forgot, and he's out chasing cows this morning.

  8. About three weeks ago Abby had a large soft lump with some bruising around it, come up inside her back leg. Off to the Vet. diagnosed as a bite, perhaps spider?, injections and 100mg AB twice a day. The lump came to a head, burst, a lot of dark reddish, slightly thick liquid oozed out, leaving a fair sized hole. This cleared up, cleanly. Still had 4 doses of the AB's which I continued. Two days later another smaller lump appeared near the same area, black bruising around it and quite hard on the edges. Phoned the Vet. as she would still have AB's in her system he said to keep an eye on it. This burst 2 days later, thin pink watery discharge. Yesterday there were three small spots on the outer edge of the last episode, more bruising and some very hard areas around it. To the Vet again today, another injection, more stronger AB's. Vet feels it a spider bite which is damaging the tissue, (necropsy? sp?) Vet suggests that it will just have to be hit with various AB's until one works. The site is sore to touch but Abby is her usual self. No temp at any time.

    Anyone had anything like this or any clues?

    eta spelling

  9. One of my girls would have a falsie and make milk nearly every time . I used an old fashioned remedy, swabbed her boobs with vinegar every time she walked past me lol. This did reduce the milk and the swelling. She was a Min Pin, (smooth coat) and I was able to show her. Worth a try as the fuller figure really isn't a good look in the ring lol.

  10. I've had dogs since I was a kid, Aussie Terrier and Rough Collie in Melbourne. When we moved to Gippsland about 50+ years ago I started showing seriously and had more dogs and I've always followed the same practices. I've been in the Mallee for the last 20 years. When I first moved here there was a mass of fleas under the house at the front. I was the only one who got bitten, :laugh: the dogs were in the back. When I went out the front door my legs would just be covered with fleas but the pest control man fixed them with his spray a couple of days after I moved in, the result of stray cats.

    I guess I've been lucky as I've travelled Aussie from Vic to SA to NT and the east coast to Brisbane, though it does seem there are more ticks etc. being reported now.

  11. Haven't vacc'd a dog after the 16 month one - never used heartworm treatment - never used a continual flea treatment, just check constantly and treat immediately, never get to infestation level, probably needed treatment maybe 5/6 times - worm as babies, then faecal checks done, seldom need treatment - never used tick treatment - and this is with a lot of dogs over 50 years. I often wonder when someone says they treat with 'whatever' and never see a flea, perhaps they wouldn't have any if they didn't treat?

  12. My two sleep on the bed with me. Mick wouldn't have it any other way, on the top when it's warm and under the covers when it's cold. Hot weather, Abby sleeps on her pillow on the floor but if it turns a bit cold during the night she's up on the bed and under the blankets with Mick. When I was camping at the shows overnight, some places got down to zero and Ben, would be at my feet, Pebbles at my back and Sam in front, all under the blanket - 3 dog night!

  13. Saxonpup, that's why I said "sort of funny story" lol. We had been involved with horses for years and as the tetanus vaccine comes from horses it was a kind of a family joke that it was 'the horses getting back at OH". I should have added that bit before.

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