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Posts posted by pebbles

  1. Ducky arrived here nearly 15 years ago - as an egg. Mother duck had hatched out a brood and left two eggs behind. Ducky and sister hatched out a couple of days later in the spare bed with the electric blanket on. Ducky was always a friendly girl, whereas sister, DuckDuck ('cause we couldn't tell the difference) had a grudge against the world. Much hissing and attacking people was her style and the way she sent the drake we borrowed for them screaming down the lane was a sight to see. DuckDuck never laid an egg and passed peacefully about 6 years ago. Ducky did lay a clutch sneakily behind a tank but when we removed them, she said 'Ok that's it!" Never laid another. She had the dogs bluffed, one hiss and a peck and they were gone. We went trawling for snails and slugs, me turning over rocks and she grabbing what was there. Come home late at night and she would appear, give a quack then head back to her bed. I'll miss the old lady but she was blind and the last little while she was slowing down badly. This morning she was having her last sleep in her bed. Bye Bye Ducky.

  2. These dogs that the homeless folk have were probably dumped by the 'caring' people in the first place. Please don't involve Council, RSPCA etc in this. We all know they can get carried away and would most likely do a 'clearance' just to show they are doing something.

    It appears there are quite a lot of people, organisations, etc helping them so perhaps track one of these down and give a hand.

  3. Read what was written! It was stated that about keeping entire dogs secure so they couldn't get to entire bitches. If we all chose not to desex then nobody could let their animals romp in the park. It's not getting more ridiculous by the minute

    (Can't do the 'quote' thingy)

    Bitches are in season on an average of twice a year. The rest of the time the dogs couldn't care less. I have an entire dog and an entire bitch sitting beside me right now and I can assure you there's no funny business going on. Actually the dog is snoring his head off lol.

  4. No, sorry, WoofnHoof, I wasn't refering to any post in particular. I haven't checked but I don't think the poor original OP has been back. All he/she wanted to know was if debarking would harm the dog and there was this long thread about training, rehoming etc. Obviously this is an older person with an old dog. Moving into a retirement village, leaving your home and probably friends is hard enough without making the person feel they aren't doing the right thing by their companion. Circumstances must come into it. Get the dog debarked and live out the years together. Ok rant over lol.

  5. I really can't understand some people. So you would suggest rehoming a barker? What happens when the new owner gets fed up with the barking? Some breeds are 'barkers', I've got one here, yes he stops when told but the next noise and away he goes again. I do draw the line at night barking and my guys are inside overnight. Fortunately I live where barking isn't a problem but if circumstances changed then he would be debarked. Have always had entire dogs and bitches, don't believe in putting any animal through operations which aren't necessary but debarking would be done rather than lose a lifelong companion.

  6. Circumstances must also be taken into consideration - young, fit person can spend the time and energy to try numerous things - older/elderly person who perhaps has to alter accomodation, area, etc. should not have to go through all that stress both for him/her and the neighbours when there is an alternative option. JMHO. Cases on their merit.

  7. Hehehe Minimax, that sort of applies here - We have a new neighbour over the back lane who is deaf and Mick. my Min Pin, who isn't always as obedient as might be and needs the extra shout. As new neighbour's name is also Mick thankfully he doesn't come running every time I yell. :laugh:

  8. There apparently are ways around it without having to wait for the 'last resort'. Friend knew hers would drive people mad and she had them done before she moved into town. She was in her 80's and didn't try anything else.

  9. The OP says he/she is going into a retirement village soon so I would imagine there are age and time restrictions. Debarking would be the best option if possible IMO.

    To the OP - There have been a lot of dogs debarked without any harmful aftermath. I have an elderly friend who had all hers done when she had to move from a country property into town. Dogs all fine and so much less stress for my friend. Perhaps in your circumstances your Doctor may be able to help with a recommendation to your Vet. Most Vets can do it, it's not major surgery. Hope it will work out for you, have you asked at your Vets. No harm in asking.

  10. For my 50+ years with dogs I've never vacc'd past the 12 month booster and never given heartworm meds. never had a problem. I've lived in Melbourne, Gippsland and now the Mallee. Many years ago a Gordon Setter I had experienced a terrible case of vomitting and diarrhoa (sp?). The local Vet immediately said 'Parvo'. Not convinced, I took her to the specialist Vet in Melbourne and it was a nasty stomach bug, forget the name, so I wonder if Parvo is always the correct diagnosis? (sp again? lol).

  11. If your girl is healthy and a good weight, I wouldn't worry about her being picky - do the usual if not eaten in 15 minutes then remove it. I have a resource guarder, particularly with food and IMO that's to be avoided at all costs - real pain in the neck lol.

  12. Travelling at one time, I stopped to excercise my littlies in a nice park. Took the bags with me and, of course, we had one more poo than I had bags with me. Popped the dogs in the car, collected another bag and went back. A Min Pin poop can take a bit of finding when the grass is in need of cutting so I'm wandering around looking and this nice friendly man came up and asked me 'had I lost something?' 'Just a dog poo!" Poor man mumbled something and hurried away. :laugh:

  13. Oh darn it! I purchased the Plaque Off and it's working great on Mick. Been using it for a number of weeks and the thick scratchy build-up has gone, there's just a bit of yellowing left at the gum line. Thankfully I've still got heaps. When I got it, read that half of the enclosed scoop was the dose for his size, opened it and the scoop size made me laugh, enough for a long time for Mick.

  14. I've had dog/s since I was about 10yo. I've also had 7 human kids (didn't start that at 10yo though) and while a dog can be civilised by the 12 month mark it's a lot harder and longer for the human ones lol. Now my family are all flown the nest and have their own families

    I'll sometimes call the dogs 'my kids' now, I've never referred to them as my children - I know there's a BIG difference :laugh:

  15. Ben, my Border Terrier, and the Min Pins I had at the time used to go for great bush walks. The Mins on leads and Ben generally behind inspecting and watering bushes. After I lost Ben I couldn't bear to go on our favorite walk so avoided that one. After about a month I braved that particular one with the Mins. The dogs and I all knew Ben was with us. Then I started to do that walk every day and Ben was always there. One day I thought maybe I'm being selfish so I talked to Ben and told him if he wanted to go it was alright with me, told him I loved him. He was still with us to the end of the track but next day he wasn't there and I've never felt him since but I just know he and all my other pals are waiting for me somewhere.

  16. Years ago when Afghans weren't known a lot, I had my teenage boy at the local river swimming spot. Two men were discussing what breed he was and making all sorts of weird guesses. I took Kush for a paddle, we came out of the water with the coat on his lower legs wet and stuck to the legs. With great authority one man said "I know what he is! A Poodle which hasn't been clipped!!"

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