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Everything posted by huga

  1. You guys! Put them in the water :D It's heaps of fun, but a totally new learning curve. Tay - Love that first one with the happy face. Cool colours too :) Annie - love the bum in the air :D Does yours have a wider option? Because they look almost fish eye.
  2. So cool Piper! How interesting to see them from that perspective.
  3. Mine is an Olympus TG2 :) http://www.camerapro.com.au/olympus-tg-2-waterproof-red-digital-camera-australian-stock.html/
  4. It is such an adjustment! There's a certain amount of control you have to relinquish. Those are great though. Love the head under :D
  5. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that nasty MS kicked sand in his eyes to slow him down. What a bully :p
  6. Oh, interesting - thank you! I bet you're relieved!
  7. I'm so annoyed I cut the top off, CC! But I'm trying to let it go :laugh: I'm obsessed with getting the perfect half in/half out shots at the moment - it's really hard!
  8. Argh, they're everywhere right now! Our snake catcher is flat out too. Do you know what that snake is, Trina? Is it a keelback? We've had a few small browns around, a few pythons and a whip snake in the pool about a month ago. Just now there was a kookaburra on the fence with a very intense stare and I'm pretty sure he was after something. Probably one of the small pythons that have been hanging around on the fence and in the trees.
  9. I can't find the pic I'm looking for, but this one is pretty spesh. (I have no idea what's going on).
  10. yes but one look at him and we can see he's part sighthound. :laugh: :laugh: Oh yes. A sort of squished version.
  11. :laugh: yes that's his name! He looks like a hippo.
  12. I know a few of us have underwater cameras now :D I've been doing a photo a day challenge for January, so have made myself get the little camera out more. I really want to learn to control it better - particularly the focus. I have had more success with the tracking focus, but I still seem to have a lot of throwaways - although after speaking to other photographers that have it, they say the same. Spray and pray :D I am quite fascinated with underwater stuff, so would love you guys to share.
  13. Sid is deaf, but not from birth - so not the same thing, he already knew commands via hand signal. However, since he lost his hearing, I noticed how much he watches me now. So I reward him for that and really, things aren't too different. They say to wake them up by rolling a ball towards them softly etc, but Sid never startles if I just go and gently pat him to wake him to come inside. Lola will jump on him if she wants him to wake up :laugh: I do have to be careful if he's awake and I walk up behind him, because that does tend to startle him - mostly I stomp and he feels the vibrations.
  14. [bWould it still be very bad if they were constantly groomed?][/b] If they were anything like the Golden I owned it won't help enough to make a difference and the Pugs I help show never, ever stop shedding :laugh: Yes. It's weird. It's like they have a never ending supply of coat to drop. Batmanforever - go to a show and check some out, talk to the breeders when they have a minute and watch that coat drop out all over the place.
  15. Pugs and GRs both drop a lot of hair, I can't imagine that would be great for your asthma.
  16. Sid has no problems shredding a coconut.
  17. I don't know if I can do it again :laugh: I'm currently doing January Photo A Day (an annual thing for me), but eventually wedding season kicks in and I can't keep up. Or I take them, but never upload them
  18. A very Happy New Year to all the DOLers from Sid and Lola too :D
  19. Sid and Lola don't do it (but when excited, Sid will grab whatever is closest - toy, stick, rock, peg, sock and zoom around with it), but Harry used to give me presents :)
  20. Another Frenchie. Can't see myself having anything else now. Except maybe a Rott, one day.
  21. I love Upper Middle Bogan and I loved the gorgeous grey on it last night :D
  22. Sid was desexed at about then and yes, he is leggier than most frenchies. But that was how his breeder protected her pups at that time and I don't blame her. I wasn't interested in another breeder and frenchie pups were much harder to come by back then.
  23. As a family, we had Golden Retrievers, who were fabulous with us four kids. As an adult, my first dog was Harry (pug x GSD). Ball crazy without an off switch, but a very sweet and gentle boy.
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