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Everything posted by huga

  1. I paid a bucketload too (for Sid) and would do it again in a heartbeat. He came to me with all the usual stuff (vaccinated, wormed, chipped etc) and was desexed. He was also crate trained (no whimpering since the time he arrived), well on his way to being toilet trained and desensitised to a lot of normal household noises (vacuum, doorbell and noisy kids). I've met his mother and aunties and they are amongst the calmest dogs I've ever seen. Sid is an amazingly calm and well adjusted puppy. But the biggest thing is knowing that I can call his breeder any time and know that she will help me out with whatever stupid question I have. She even sent me a parcel full of new toys for him not long after I picked him up. I couldn't be happier.
  2. Gosh you have gorgeous hair Nik Day 105 - 14.04.11 Grateful for... His patience with me.
  3. Thanks I took another in the 'Grow' series today. He is getting so big! The whole series is here if you would like to look.
  4. I dug the 50mm out again after a bit of a break...
  5. Day 104 - 13.04.11 Grateful for... A smiling, happy puglet.
  6. That's ok, I wasn't sure. I can't use PS properly, so mostly just use LR. I couldn't process weddings any other way.
  7. Do you use LR at all? The Coffee Shop ones are ok and she has them for PS and LR.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I won a set of B&W presets a while ago and I love them, I use them all the time. But I think the majority out there (while fun to play with) are just a bit much and like Linda said, not really bringing anything to the photo. But hey, we all go through different stages of processing, I can't even look at my early stuff Actually, I would go so far as to say you have to go through it, to come out the other side Oh and that isn't directed at you Naomi, just people in general. Something that I really admire about my favourite photographers, is their ability to get such continuity throughout their images, whilst staying true to their processing style. Check out Jonas Peterson and Matt and Katie, I adore both their shooting style and lovely processing.
  9. PS actions are like LR presets. Some of the freebies are ok, but you have to adjust them and they won't work on every photo. They are fun to play with, but generally I think they look too OTT I prefer to make my own now. I like the one on the bottom left
  10. Pfffft, whatever. I know my dogs aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but that make up for it in looks
  11. Day 101 - 10.04.11 Grateful for... Happy accidents that make me smile. Day 102 - 11.04.11 Grateful for... His ability to amuse himself. Day 103 - 12.04.11 Grateful for... My new little chalkboard wall. I love it already
  12. I was only chatting to someone about this yesterday. Some days the last thing I want to do is take a photo, but I push through because I would be really disappointed in myself if I stopped now. Plus it forces me to use the camera everyday, so I can only improve, right? Right?!
  13. Love the colour combo LL! They're the colours inside my house
  14. She's super busy at the moment. Just revisit last years, I'm sure she won't mind
  15. Day 100 peeps! Day 100 - 09.04.11 Grateful for... Warm, snuggly and slightly grumpy Eddie, post sleep.
  16. Yep, not a pug thing ;) I've read many stories on DOL over the years of dogs choking on chicken necks. But the OP chops them up anyway, so she is already minimising the risk
  17. Unless the chicken mince has bone in it, I wouldn't bother with that either.
  18. Change her over now, turf the beef mince and the chicken necks (or beat the crap out of them before you feed them) and like RSG - meat on bone.
  19. Looks like the doggies had fun on their holiday, tlc Day 099 - 08.04.11 Grateful for... Finding a cute little woolly jumper for Sid.
  20. Hey Nik, am I a bit slow, are you doing a month of triptychs? They are cool Day 097 - 06.04.11 Grateful for... Storytime. Day 098 - 07.04.11 Grateful for... Non-toxic markers.
  21. Day 095 - 04.04.11 Grateful for... Bargains. This dress was $119 down to $12.45. Woo hoo! Day 096 - 05.04.11 Grateful for... Tights weather.
  22. I love the look of brachy breeds, wanted something smallish, with minimal grooming requirements and not super common
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