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Everything posted by huga

  1. I change my mind constantly, but I adore Jonas Peterson, Dan O'Day, Todd Hunter McGaw and Christine Pobke. As far as actual mentors go, I have learnt so much from shooting weddings with our very own Ashanali, as well as Fo from Bec+Fo. I also learn from Miss Rocco constantly, we are always talking photography and she is one of the best :D
  2. Thank you I'm pretty sure he is at his full height, he has been the same for a while. He was the same height as his adult relatives when I took him to visit them a couple of months ago, but he was about half their width Now his head and chest are expanding a fair bit.
  3. I'm not a zoom girl, so my go to lens is the 50mm 1.8. I've shot entire weddings on that lens. Plus, it's small and light, which is a bonus.
  4. I already have mine too, apparently. Although I'm not sure how retirement friendly a Frenchie is!
  5. Thanks all. Yes, Sid has been the same height for a while, but he is finally starting to fill out. I was wondering if it was ever going to happen I can really notice the weight difference, Lola sits at around 8kgs and Sid is close to 11kg. It's not a huge difference, but when you pick Sid up after Lola it feels like much more.
  6. QLD breeders have up to 12 months to register a litter. If no one complains, nothing can be done.
  7. Bitches have to be 12 months. My advice is to put it all on a stat dec and send it into Dogs QLD (if she is actually registered).
  8. It's not often I get photos of the two of them together. Sid is a fair bit bigger than Lola now. This one cracks me up: O Rly? And a couple of the Sid:
  9. I have been asked a couple of times if Sid is a pitbull. Seriously. That's how well Joe Public can recognise them.
  10. I am far from an expert and I suck at explaining. But all three play a part. I learnt by putting my camera on manual and playing around. So wider apertures will let more light in, but the focal plane is very small (so one small part in focus, with the other parts blurry). ISO - higher ISOs will let more light in, but may make the image noisy (depending on a few things). And shutter speed is pretty obvious - the slower the ss, the more light. I don't like to drop my ss lower than 1/200th when shooting kids and dogs, but sometimes that's impossible. Like the Ekka photos - in the dog pavillion (for the show shots with the 105mm) I was using: ISO 1600 SS 1/100th f/2.8 Far from ideal
  11. I have absolutely no idea, they were fascinating though!
  12. Thanks Flux The 50mm is a prime lens and yep, fixed at that focal length. The 1.8 refers to the maximum aperture of the lens, or f stop. So it opens up to f1.8, although I shot pretty much all of that at f2.5. I don't generally shoot that wide usually, but it was necessary in this situation (to let enough light in). The 105mm is also a prime lens (I only have primes). This is the little nifty fifty here http://d-d-photographics.com.au/products/Nikon-AF%252dS-50mm-f%7B47%7D1.8G-Wide-Angle-Lens.html
  13. Was your daughter the one with the Sheltie? All the little junior handlers were so cute So I've been back a couple more times, including today when I watched the pugs briefly. The entire album is here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.237234489647816.50972.131666980204568&type=1
  14. Oooh, you are lucky Sujo - he was so handsome
  15. The other stuff: Once again, more here http://www.katietakesapicture.com.au/?p=354
  16. Thanks guys I have some more to post in a sec. DSO - 50mm 1.8 for everything, except the images taken of the showring/judging (I used the 105mm for those because I couldn't get close enough).
  17. I headed to the Ekka yesterday and took some photos that I thought I would share As usual, the dog pavilion was absolutely crappy to shoot in, so please excuse the noisy images. More here http://www.katietakesapicture.com.au/?p=335 I will have more to add tomorrow. I know there were a few of us there ;) So please feel free to add your own.
  18. Sunday 14th of August - ring 1, 11th on the day.
  19. I don't support the ban and I have tried one on myself Harry wasn't aggressive, or even particularly large, but I couldn't get him to walk on a loose lead. My fault. I tried a few things over a few years, the last being the halti. He would bolt when he saw it. A prong was the last resort and it was like power steering - just lovely. Instead of running away when he saw it, he would run towards it.
  20. Day 211 - 30.07.11 Grateful for... The view from my suprise hotel stay. Day 212 - 31.07.11 Grateful for... How my favourite people totally get me. Day 213 - 01.08.11 Grateful for... A rare interaction from Lola. Day 214 - 02.08.11 Grateful for... That intensity.
  21. Me too It's a shame the light in the bathroom is so crappy. His eyes look really flat and I had to bump the ISO up to 2000.
  22. Just did my weekly Friday night edit I'm hogging this thread! Day 203 - 22.07.11 Grateful for... Liver flavoured anti inflammatories - brilliant! Day 204 - 23.07.11 Grateful for... The start of healing - bandage removed. Day 205 - 24.07.11 Grateful for... Soup from scratch. Day 206 - 25.07.11 Grateful for... Jammies with feet. Day 208 - 27.07.11 Grateful for... Quiet celebrations at home. Day 209 - 28.07.11 Grateful for... Gift vouchers. I love them. Day 207 - 26.07.11 Grateful for... The cute grumpy face. Day 210 - 29.07.11 Grateful for... A pink drink on a Friday night.
  23. I wanted smallish dogs, but not fragile dogs - I like the chunkiness of pugs and frenchies. I wanted dogs that wouldn't take up too much space, aren't too active and don't require a lot of maintenance. Something will a relatively even temperament and not too much drive. I really like squishy faces :D
  24. What Rottn said If you shoot in RAW, there is more room to recue under/over exposed images. Even if that image was RAW though, it probably wouldn't be able to be saved.
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