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Everything posted by huga

  1. Ah, frustrating. Check your settings? You probably have - but just in case. Has it always done that, or is it a new thing? I toggle my points too and that's what the D700 had started doing. Mostly in low light. It's so frustrating to lose a good image to missed focus! Well, I found Camera Pro to be the cheapest (non grey) for $2845, but Jb Hifi beat that for me at $2737. Plus they gave me a deal on all the cards too. I do too! I prefer the lights and darks vs the light and fluffy, so I have to make a real effort to not under expose when shooting at high ISOs. Remembering though, that there is no one correct exposure :) It's all a matter of taste - just points to consider for different shooting conditions.
  2. Well, I never made an official announcement as it's relatively recent and we weren't sure if it was permanent. But it looks like it is. Just one of life's little mysteries. Lucky for us, he had at least some hearing until recently, so he's already pretty good at following hand signals. It's definitely harder to make him look at me though.
  3. :laugh: Obviously a common problem.
  4. Not bad for a deaf dog, eh? He's so at home in front of the camera, always knows there is a job to do.
  5. Oh and thanks BC :D I think he's gorgeous, obviously ;)
  6. It's the 800, the 800E is really for landscape. It shows too much details for portraits (of humans at least, animals probably don't care). Nup, first pic has just gone through LR and had a slight sharpen in PS. I never use noise reduction software - I prefer the grain over the plastic-ness that the software usually creates. That's really odd about the d7000... Are you correctly exposing? I tend to overexpose slightly if I'm shooting at high ISOs, because even slight underexposing will make the noise worse, if that makes sense? At the shelter cattery, I am constantly at ISO1600 and around f2.5.
  7. Thanks guys. I don't know if you can tell, but there is a really lovely rich creaminess about them. It's hard to explain. It was the first thing I noticed when I opened them up in LR. Flickr has over sharpened them, so they don't look as good here.
  8. Ok, I took it for a test run this afternoon. Maybe I was too hasty :laugh: It is better. Focus is 100000x more accurate.
  9. They're really strong, Gap :) especially the first! I think you've jumped ahead since the workshop.
  10. No, there's not a big difference at all - definitely not the change I had last time (from DX to FX). The D700 is still a pretty legendary camera. Even second hand they still go for quite a bit. Nikon didn't replace that model directly, there's a bit of a step up with the D800 or a slight step down with the D600. I was really disappointed that there wasn't a direct replacement for the D700, because I love that camera like a child :laugh: Mine is slowing down though, it's hunting for focus when it never used to - even after a service. Mostly noticeable in low light (like the shelter), but since I shoot weddings, missing focus is not something I can risk. The main difference (and I don't like this part) is I've gone from a 12mp camera to a 36mp camera. The file sizes are stupid. Which also means I've had to spend a crapload on new cards. One thing I am pleased about is the dual card slot - I'll be able to back up images as I shoot them, which is super important for weddings.
  11. :D I played with it a bit in the car on the way home. Just pulled one image off: ISO 6400 I have some comparisons to look at too. The only downside is the flipping huge file sizes.
  12. Ok, my turn to swear at Flickr: 12/52 13/52
  13. Not really. Even when you're there it's hard to see them.
  14. It's that time of year again :) Currently watching landscape. Illustrative is up next. http://new.livestream.com/professionalphotography/qld14room1
  15. She belongs to one of the staff, CC. I have threatened to steal her though!
  16. Well done, KA - good job :D RV - I just squeeeeeeed at the pug!
  17. Falling behind with posting! Will try and catch up :) 10/52
  18. Thank you for that! Glamorous, no? :laugh: I only ask because I have had to do a few wedding ceremonies in full sun before (not that I really get to tell them where to stand). They usually end up shadowy under the eyes etc.
  19. Gap, did you use reflectors or anything in the full sun one? I'm still trying to get over that one :laugh:
  20. How awesome for you! Peter Coulson is a master. I am blown away by that last one.
  21. Yeah, it's funny - most of them get that look. One of the surfers referred to it as their 'game face'. It's something you have to see in person, I guess, because the dogs bolt out into the water after their owners - obviously keen to get out there. Even Sid kept going and standing on the SUP boards that were half on the beach and half in the water.
  22. Sorry little phone gremlins posted for me
  23. :laugh: I'm sure he'd beg to differ! He spends a lot of time sleeping and snoring.
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