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Everything posted by huga

  1. That is such a lie I really don't know how she held that cigarette in her mouth - shows dedication to your cause CM - I love the feel of that pic. The low light is really cool :cool: I have had a crazy day today, but I took this one this morning before the madness started. Keeping with my 'Bits of Harry' theme...
  2. They have worn down over time to become level with his other teeth. Whether that is due to how undershot he is, or just his ball obsession, I don't know. If he was a human, he would require severe orthodontic work I have loved your pics everyday Rocco I loved the legs series, I loved the 80s look of Roc's head and your legs and I especially liked the moodiness of yesterdays pics. Your poor sis though, she must be sick of this by now
  3. Big hugs to you, Lea Pea
  4. I totally agree Warls, I really like the building shot CM - I love how sunny your pic looks Sooooo.... Today's shot is just called 'Teef'
  5. Rarely at the moment - it's too bloody hot And he decided that under the hose with the dogs was where he should be.
  6. I just bathed my guys and I feel your pain. Here is what I do: Bath no more than monthly, but use the zoom groom to lather shampoo - it gets out a stack of coat. Blow drying will get a lot of coat out too. When dry, I zoom groom and undercoat rake. Try and brush daily with rake and zoom groom (but that doesn't always happen).
  7. Ooooh nice start to the day all! iltby - that is a beautiful pic. A bit boring today, we were just outside bathing the dogs...
  8. I just discovered my little camera has a macro setting And can I just say, I am having so much fun getting out and playing
  9. Thanks guys. Mr Huga was mowing, which is why half the grass is long and half is short Yep Poo, he found his feet the week he turned 18 months old, coincidentally the same week he was booked in to see someone about it :p He pretty much went from crawling to running though and has been the same ever since.
  10. Oooh - I like Ruthless! Very pretty. Sorry I can't get more technical than that Today's effort is a bit blah, but I quite like the weird composition and the look on Lola's face...
  11. Thanks. I changed it to sepia, adjusted the contrast etc and used an 'antique' filter. It was fun to play with. I really like the second pic of yours
  12. Ok - you guys have inspired me to jump in Keep in mind I only have a point and shoot Olympus and Photoscape. Today's theme? Whatever was laying around - toys The two are contrasts: Play: Sleep:
  13. I love lurking in this thread - you guys are so clever Vewy vewy cute. And nice little singlet ;)
  14. My guys love them too, but they are a bit big for Lola. I tried to chop them in half, but it was very unsuccessful...
  15. My pug had lumps through her desexing site. The vet told me it's because he uses a larger sized suture material and some dogs react to it. I agree with the others though, keep her quiet, stop bathing it and call your vet if you are worried.
  16. Duck heads hey? Where the hell do you find those? They would be a good pug-sized serving. My guys love salmon heads, but they are a bit big for the pug.
  17. My pug had her femoral head removed at 6 months due to LCP. The vet couldn't say whether it was an injury, inherited or a little bit of both.
  18. I DIY I would be more careful with a puppy, but I think adult dogs would be fine.
  19. Good luck Dis. Here is my 2c: Whatever you do, make sure you come across as sensible, confident, level headed and down to earth. Because I know that's what you are When I was a vet nurse (and I'm sure groomers would get similar), we would get quite a few airy-fairy, squeeeeeee! I-love-animals girls through the door every week, just dropping off resumes and the like. They would usually end up in the bin. Fingers crossed for you chook
  20. thanks huga do you mean take the juice out of the vege and just feed the fibre that is left. I think my new food processor came with one. I know everyone does it differently, but I juice everything and save the pulp, then add a bit of the juice back in so it's a bit sloppy. Then I just freezer bag it in with their frames or whatever (in their portion sizes). So every morning I get 2 Harry and Lola sized portions out of the freezer (one for brekky, one for dinner). Another idea is to give them most (or all) of their meal in the morning - that way they have the whole day to burn it off.
  21. The chicken frames are good, but lamb is quite fatty. I would change the dry for some veggies - have you got a juicer you can pulp them in? That way they are getting a filler added that is low in calories
  22. Becky only has 16 posts, so therefore doesn't qualify to sell stuff in the marketplace. Buyer beware and all that.
  23. It's a calculated risk. I took both my guys out to be socialised from around 10 weeks
  24. I've never had trouble with the fish - my big boy gets the heads (they are massive) and my pug gets the back bones and pec fins. Generally I pay around $2/kg for most stuff and $4/kg for the fish bits Tins of sardines are 55c.
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