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Everything posted by huga

  1. Wow, go Terra! You are taking amazing photos this month! Don't laugh, because my subject matter is somewhat limited, but I think I got some panning shots...
  2. Woohoo! I just figured out long exposure!
  3. You guys are doing so well! They all look fantastic. Question - can the long exposure be done on a point and shoot? Or is it not possible? We are going up to Noosa this weekend, fingers crossed for decent weather so I can try and get some panning shots of the dogs on the beach. I should be able to get some frozen motion ones too.
  4. I suck I took around a billion shots and this is as close as I got:
  5. I'm keen I broke our camera a couple of weeks ago, but our new one doesn't come in for two weeks. In the meantime, we have been given a loaner to play with, so I'm all newly inspired and stuff.
  6. Good luck Sparky25 and healing vibes to Keely. My pug had her femoral head removed when she was 6 months old. She recovered quite quickly at the time, but is now starting to limp on that leg. We are treating her with cartrophen and glucosamine at the moment.
  7. So so sorry Longclaw. Rest easy, Ruby
  8. Awww thanks for the offer, but I'm only bringing Lola along. Harry is too much of an energizer bunny to sit still in a stall all day.
  9. How exciting, I had so much fun watching last year. If I wasn't having a stall on the day, I would be so tempted to enter Harry in Canine Frisbee. I reckon he would love it
  10. Ok, so it's not uncommon. Thanks guys
  11. She would have been if someone had recommended it to me at the time
  12. Oh ok - thanks Stormie She's only 5 though, so she has a lot of years of cartrophen ahead (hopefully). BellaEvie - thanks for the link I might start Harry on something like that too. He is so active, I'm sure he puts a lot of pressure on his joints.
  13. Yeah, she is limping pretty badly now, it's not constant, but she has been doing it heaps more over the last couple of days. I'm not worried about the short course of cartrophen, it's the long term maintenance that I'm cautious about. I was going to get her onto the liquid glucosamine, but will look into the green pets one - I like the thought of a pain killer in it. Her weight is spot on at the moment - 7.8kgs I can see her last rib.
  14. A bit of history: Lola was diagnosed with Legg Calve Perthes Disease when she was six months old. Treatment was removal of the femoral head, plus a course of cartrophen injections. That was nearly 5 years ago. She has always skipped intermittently on the affected leg, but lately she has started limping on it more and more. This week she has been carrying it for a while after waking up. So I took her to the vet today, he wants her to have weekly cartrophen for four weeks and recommended glucosamine. That's fine. But he also said that she should have cartrophen every two to three months indefinitely. Does that seem like overkill? I'm just a bit worried because it's a steroid.
  15. Fantastic shots all. I really love coming in here and looking at such a wide variety of ideas and interpretations. I am an idiot and left my camera up the coast, so will have to bow out for a while
  16. I just set the timer and get on with what I was doing I kind of forget the camera is there.
  17. Whoops, didn't quite get there yesterday, so here are two moments for today...
  18. I'm pretty sure she's on holiday
  19. That was the idea, but it's a bit creepy when you think about it Anyway - my second favourite time of day
  20. Heh heh CM - he is almost camouflaged in there! Awesome as always, Rocco. I love how you always come up with something out of the square Darien - I like the clothesline. Another gorgeous pic of a gorgeous boy, Poo Here is my nightly ritual:
  21. Really? Someone recently told me it was too clinical It's mostly stainless steel.
  22. Poodie loves the camera, doesn't she Warls? Today's moment:
  23. Absolutely amazimg shot CM! I love it.
  24. Another moment (I have lots of these ones )
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