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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Glad to hear he is doing okay today. How scary for you though, I would have been panicking, thats for sure.
  2. How old is your puppy? Has she been drinking enough? Is she healthy otherwise, and is she normally like this?
  3. Sorry to hear about Rosie She looked like a lovely little girl, Im sure you will have great memories of her.
  4. May there be endless tennis balls over the bridge for your lovely Boofa. for Ellz and family
  5. Not sure you should be walking the little one for an hour, shes only 16 weeks old. The little daxie might not make an hour either. I ment an hour in total (could be split into 2x1/2 or 3x 1/3) A 4 month old puppy still doesnt need to be walked an hour a day.....10 - 15 minutes is more than enough at that age. And preferably on soft ground. Better make sure puppy has had all its vaccinations and can go out for walks too. ETA...stoopid quote thingies are playing up
  6. Not sure you should be walking the little one for an hour, shes only 16 weeks old. The little daxie might not make an hour either. Restrict access to the house, have an area where they are allowed (supervised) and use a deterrent (some yucky spray stuff) on your couch so they learn not to chew etc. How long are they left alone? They probably need some interactive toys for outside.....try kongs (small appropriate sized ones) filled with treats/peanut butter etc. Maybe a clam shell pool with sand for digging, some raw meaty bones to chew on. Also, exercise (in moderation for the younger ones) is great, as is training, mental stimulation. Good Luck.
  7. So sorry to hear that Shoey. RIP little Nettie.
  8. Your daughter should be made responsible, its her dog. Has she taken it to puppy school or dog training? Does she feed, play and walk the dog? Anyway, I would separate puppy and cat unless under your supervision. Try crate training too, the dog can be in the crate and cat is safe to walk around. When there is no (constant) supervision, separate them please. A staffys jaw is very powerful, and a cats neck in their mouth can cause damage, let alone cat scratches to the dog, and to yourself. (they can cause infection, so if you get a fair scratch, go to the docs. Good Luck, but please make your daughter responsible, this is a lifetime of committment, so ask her if she is prepared to look after the dog for the next 12 or so years, and if the answer is No, then rehome the pup sooner rather than later.
  9. No (though some will argue) it is not safe to thaw then refreeze meat. Thawing meat gives any exisiting and new bacteria a chance to multiply when the meat goes through what (from memory) is called a critical temperature. This is a temperature that bacteria and stuff multiply most rapidly. Refreezing limits, but not destroys the growth of this bacteria. So if you thaw, refreeze, thaw, you are effectively taking the meat through the critical temperature twice in the thawing so you end up with heaps more bacteria. That's from memory. I can dig up my food safety notes if you want more information. Ah, thanks for answering that Squeak. I didnt think it was safe to do it, but I had heard a few people here who do it, buy in bulk, freeze it, then defrost it to make Barf etc, and then refreeze it into daily portions. I must find an easier way to keep those chicken necks longer than 24 hours without them stinking the fridge out.
  10. I buy chicken necks (they have already been frozen at the butchers), bring them home and stick them in the fridge. 1 - 2 days later they absolutely reek. Is it safe to refreeze the chicken necks? I mean they are frozen when the butchers get them & they sell them (defrosted to me)...so can I re-freeze them? Or not? :
  11. So sorry for the whole family, and all concerned. Run free Page, your pain and suffering is gone now.
  12. I think I may have inadvertantly thrown in a red herring with my last comment so will try to clarify it without giving the game away. What could you do to increase the value the dog places on the dry kibble (or any type of reward for that matter) without feeding meals as treats or starving the dog? You would eat it yourself.
  13. Ambervale, Im so glad she is able to be with her family now, at home. Never give up on a miracle though. Hugs for Page and her family.
  14. Has anyone heard how little Page is doing?
  15. I dont know what else to add here. How heartbreaking for her family, and little Page...may she be pain free and have loving memories of Pete/Jet.
  16. May Jet/Pete give Page all the love and devotion he can, while he can. How heartbreaking for all involved, as a parent, I cannot imagine what they are going through, I dont know if I could cope at all. Sending Angel kisses to Page and Pete. :D
  17. RIP Sarah Stafford What a lucky girl to share your time with Warley, Xcel and Luci.
  18. So very sorry Pandii. Hugs to the family. ;) Run free little one :D
  19. Such sad news. Big hugs to Warley, Xcel and little Luci. RIP Pyro (such a handsome boofa)
  20. Im so sorry for your loss. RIP Loki, run free I will miss seeing her beautiful face in the photo section too.
  21. Well, not even a vet would or should guarantee that. ;) Dogs and pups that are fully vaccinated can still get parvo....ask a few Doler's on here that have lost adult dogs to parvo. How can it be dangerous if your dog isnt on the ground? I carried my staffy (and shes a big girl ) pup around from 11 weeks old to 16 weeks to all the places I could think of, train stations, schools, shopping centres etc...and she only met and played with dogs at my own place who were vaccinated & healthy. When she was fully covered by her vacc's, she was able to walk everywhere, thank goodness because she was by that time rather heavy. My girls is very well socialised, she loves all dogs she meets, as well as being people friendly.
  22. Poor At, he really does like eating everything doesnt he. If he managed to bring up some of his bed that has to be good, is he still drooling though? Has he been able to vomit yet? Just thinking if he ate something that he cant chuck back up, or pass, it could be a bowel obstruction. Can you ring the after hours number to ask the vets? Hope hes feeling better soon.
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