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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Run free Evie, so sorry for your loss Sags.
  2. Where is your pup and son right now? You've been on the comp for a while, been given great advice, maybe hop off the comp, grab a cuppa, and realise that people are trying to help you, the pup and hopefully prevent any future problems occurring. ;) Every time your pup needs toileting, snap on the leash, take her outside to where you want her to go, and give her the command, praise her when she does it. Take her out every hour, and after every meal. Don't play with her food, or let your son play/take it away. That is not on, and the people here telling you WHY it is not good practice to play with your dogs food, have lots of years breeding/training dogs. It's not being mean, it's just trying to prevent a potentially dangerous situation. You haven't bought a soft natured little Cavalier (no offence intended to Cavs or their owners) , this is, and will grow up to be a very strong and powerful dog. Providing the right training practices from the start, will ensure that you have a trustworthy, reliable adult dog.
  3. The dog didn't look too bad to me, he responded very appropriately to what I'm sure he considered to be a threat to his life and his only real problem appeared to be on-leash aggression? I don't recall the whole episode though. Look at Cesar's right foot at 2:08, he was looking for confrontation. This is my take on it, and I don't have any experience with this method so take it for what it is worth. In a way, Cesar is right - the dog did accept his "dominance". He went without air for quite a while but I'm not convinced that he was semi-conscious. Behaviourally, nothing else had worked for him. Growling didn't help, biting didn't help, so he just gave up which is when he got his air back. You can imagine the outcome if the trainer hadn't been prepared to take the bite, biting would have worked. Is he any safer? I don't know how anyone could draw that conclusion without some weird, convoluted linguistics like "he wasn't aggressive, he was just dominant". He was aggressive, and now we don't know what he is or what warning he will use, or who he will be suppressed around or for how long. And certainly his trust in the world and ability to feel safe and in control of his environment hasn't improved at all. Ticking time-bomb... Thank you for taking the time to put your take on it Aiden, it's very much appreciated. I would never attempt anything like that, and hopefully I would never need to with my dogs. I really do commend the professional behaviourists, a good one is worth their weight in gold. That was my first port of call when I had a problem with one of mine, and she certainly didn't diagnose over the internet either. To the original poster (sorry, I forgot your name) did you end up putting a muzzle on your dog when out walking?
  4. This guy uses them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh9YOyM2TAk Probably a bad example because he gets bitten quite a lot, probably doesn't have much experience though. Oh well, at least that dog is now safe. I can't imagine that dog would ever bite anyone else after that experience, no sir. Actually, it wasn't clear if he had ever bitten anyone before either. But what reason would he have to bite someone now? People are definitely "alpha" over him and he knows it! Sorry for going slightly off topic Aidan but was the dog lying down on the ground because he'd been choked, and was recovering? CM made out it was because he had accepted his dominance. I saw that episode ages ago and thought I'd have put the dog to sleep if he was like that.
  5. Oh no. Sending positive vibes that Mia pulls through.
  6. Wow, just beautiful photos. Your hubby is a bit of a spunk too. I love the baby ones, you really do have an eye for it.
  7. do theye shed at al?>>>>> im thinken for that sise i cood get a puppie eash 4 all tha singel mum freends in my flat blok for Xmas. they wood fill fit inna xmas stoking????
  8. Why would the dog be territorial about a road? I don't care what the reason though, a dog capable of doing that should be PTS, that kind of behaviour is not on, and near a primary school!! I would have been terrified as well, you did great to think so calmly and shield Miss T.
  9. That is just sick. No excuse to neglect your children and animals. I don't understand why the children didn't speak up at school or tell someone?
  10. Sorry I'm unable to could get down there to help, but I will be wishing you all the best of luck in catching him today. Weather seems kind.
  11. Your probably asking too high a price. Pictures etc would help. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Canon-EOS-350D-outf...=item5194da11d9
  12. I'm really sorry to hear that Anne. Run free Faith.
  13. It's mainly for small animals, its gives out less than the pingg string. I made sure of that.
  14. I bought a battery powered Energiser, the grunt tape, and the tread ins and did it all myself. Run if off a car battery. Mine wasn't the pingg string though, I got all my gear through Petstock....pretty sure mine is the Dakin BT2, which will power up to 2klms. Mine is to keep the dogs off the back fence, which is a farm type fence (chicken wire & wire strands). Very effective, I run 4 strands as I have a small dog, and one that can jump. My back fence is very long, we are on 3/4 of an acre.
  15. Thanks, shooting off the e-mails now.
  16. Re the e-mail to the pet store. Are we just stating that this particular cross is a working line dog and unsuited for inexperienced owners?
  17. What about setting up a dog trap? Would that be feasible, with some nice juicy, smelly..tasty chicken?
  18. Great shots. A Huntsman? Or a Wolf Spider? If it's a Wolfy, watch out. They get caught and take way over the park to the bush beyond my place.
  19. That child is nowhere near old enough to have endured any such mental scarring and guess what? even if that was so you would think that she of all people would have even more compassion for defenceless animals instead of being such a despicable being. Can't find it in me to make any excuses for that maggot. I'm guessing forgiveness and trying to understand others isn't a part of your ideal world either? Suggesting that you hope a child gets raped and brutally murdered has got to be one of the most utterly disgusting things I have ever had the misfortune to read on this forum Rape was never something that I wished upon her so please do not put words in my mouth; I may have mentioned Jack the Ripper but I was not thinking of rape as I am not of the knowledge that Jack the Ripper was a rapist. I said that in a moment of total disgust and despair so hence I do not wish for her to be mutilated which is what JTR was known for; However, I am not ashamed to say that I hope her life is one of unhappiness and total misery. As a clinical psychologist I have dealt with all walks of life and know only too well that not all cases of animal cruelty are due to a dysfunctional upbringing or some sad occurance, some people are just born plain evil so therefore I am beyond trying to constantly make excuses for such atrocities because more often than not there are NO EXCUSES! The perpetrators are simply evil and a waste of oxygen and that is the tragic part! How very scary to let you near people as a psychologist, when you condone throwing children/kids into a river, or condemning them to a life of hell.
  20. I got mine in the mail today. Minty is very impressed with hers, its nice and roomy, very sturdy. ;)
  21. Let's all calm down a bit. Yes, I felt sick when I watched the video. I cannot fathom anyone doing that to any animal, let alone tiny puppies. And probably makes it worse was that it was a girl doing it, she was laughing, and it was being filmed. She almost treated it like throwing pebbles into a river. I know they drowned kittens in the old days (it was fairly common but still a disgusting practice) but they were usually done straight after birth by an adult in a bucket. Or worse still, put in a sack and thrown into a river. I would hope that this girl is found and charged with animal cruelty. I DO NOT support any lynch mob.
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