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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Such a gorgeous tribute to a beautiful girl, it made me cry Pheebs. She was so clearly well loved, and very much a part of your life, with its ups and downs. Run free Tess.
  2. It's a shop front, animals and cages inside and out the back.
  3. So she wants to be contacted via Email rather than Facebook. Big deal! Every shelter I know has animals in FOSTER HOMES. It is nothing unusual at all. Hardly "hiding" them The reality is that there are more animals than homes for them so people doing rescue work do their bit to help each other. It seems like this thread is mostly filled with nasty people with no community spirit. The way some of you have responded makes me wonder if you are puppy farmers. Yes, were all puppy farmers because we don't agree with your comments. FFS. If you are any representation of the mentality of PH, they are better off closed. PH has been closed down for breaching rules (and have been in plenty of hot water in the past) how bloody hard is it for you lot to get that through your head? There is no discrimination. When you have a temporary permit and you go way over the limit of animals allowed, thats what happens!! If you can't play by the rules, don't play at all.
  4. Maybe the people are who are going to sign this petition need to know why they are being closed down. And not from any one sided view either. Google Pet's Haven and find out what has happened in the past and make up your own mind whether you want to support them or not.
  5. Appalling. She would have been bitch slapped and possibly fingerless if she done it to my dog. Not that I'm a showy, but any dog owner would surely not put up with that treatment, all for the chance of a blue ribbon?
  6. Me as well. My staffy has a fairly high prey drive as well as being intensely focused on her ball/toys. A session with a really great behaviorist and she is much better, because I took the advice I was given (and shown) and practice with her every day.
  7. Well, she is beautiful, and so is your baby. I wasn't sure if most pups left at 10 weeks old or not. Having a blank moment.
  8. What a gorgeous Dogue. Just wondering if the bigger dogs (Dogues etc) usually go to their new homes at such a young age?
  9. I think it's one of life's toughest things, losing a much loved dog. Run free Sophie.
  10. That is so kind of you HM. Jed, I can't imagine what you've gone through, I really hope your able to find someone to look after the Cavs until you can have them home again next year. Lots of kind offers of help here too, Dol really looks after it's own.
  11. How sad that people are more interested in their show careers than for the welfare of an obviously abused dog by some shithead owner. : Definitely front him, if he hits you, charge him. Would it be any different if you saw a guy doing that to a dog in public, instead of a show?
  12. Just a thought, you sound very anxious about the whole situation, maybe the pup is picking up on this as well? I was going to suggest a kong (or similar) filled with treats, or anything hard to get out, to keep him occupied. Maybe a radio out there with a talkback station (obviously where puppy can't reach it :rolleyes:) and see how he goes. It will be hard for the pup to settle because he's already been through 2 major upheavals in his short life. So be prepared for a little more than you would expect from a 10 week old puppy coming straight to you.
  13. Aww, that photo of him really tugged at my heartstrings, and I'm not a sook. So, so glad he is on the mend.....
  14. Oh geez, how heartbreaking. Not a decision I would want to make at all. If he can lead a good life after the op, I'd be all for it. Big hugs coming your way. Do they know what caused it all? Re the pet insurance thing, I'm pretty sure it's a 30 day wait from when you sign up anyway, so try not to beat yourself up over that. Thinking of Chase today and sending all the healing vibes I can.
  15. Is there any way you could leave her inside, if the ferals over the road have been found in your yard before, anything is possible. Otherwise, a secure dog run might be the way to go, as well as padlocks on your gates. Good luck at the vets, hope it's nothing major, poor girl.
  16. wow so something you have never seen in the flesh you choose to make a judgement on. Awesome. Hunting dogs do not tear up their quarry at all. Dogs hold pigs they dont tear them up. Also deer dogs bail them and hold them in place by surrounding them NOT by actually touching them. Rabbits are caught by dogs and held with soft mouths to be brought back in one piece and not a scratch on them. well that's just your opinion and just quietly, you sound like an absolute snob. Once again seemingly unfounded on enough personal experience. I cook, I clean, I bake, I garden, I sew and I hunt. It's about basic skills and doing things for yourself instead of going out and buying cheap imported junk, or highly processed rubbish that passes for food these days. As for 'rough around the edges' myself and my partner are both tertiary educated, well spoken and mannered. More fool you when you choose to pass judgement on a person because of their hobbies. I don't want a massive flat screen, designer clothing, holidays to 5 star cookie cutter hotels and a bathroom full of makeup, then spend my spare time sipping chardonnay with the 'girls' and watch stupid romance movies. There's a whole world out there, beyond your own backyard. Nature is fascinating. Try it sometime, you may be surprised The whole meat industry pretty much sickens me....the meat animals life is pretty horrible, and then to be sent off to the slaughterhouse....makes my skin crawl. I've seen the videos. I'd much rather buy quickly killed farm meat, than supermarket packaged meat. I rarely eat red meat, but do eat chicken and fish, and occasionally bacon. I make sure I buy free range eggs (or get them from a friend who has chookies) and free range chicken, and Coles sells Free Range Otway Pork products. I don't eat lamb or veal (just my decision not to eat baby animals) but respect everyone's choice to eat what they like. When I was a young kid, I wouldn't eat eggs after my brother (turd he was) told me that eggs were baby chickens that had melted. Anyhoo, hope the ferreting goes well. ETA: All 3 of my elder brothers used to hunt bunnies (with guns) and I would go with them when young (10 ish). I never shot one myself, but just liked to go so I could sit out in the bush. My ex hubby used to regularly go shooting (bunnies) and I would sit and read a book while he waited to snipe them. Never ate a rabbit though. And fishing I always threw the fish back in, unless it was a carp.
  17. I don't think I want to know. It must have been pretty sickening for them not to report that as well. To think the person(s) who did this are walking free in the community right now.
  18. Exactly It is the same with Rodeo animals. I know a few horses who if not for going to a rodeo string they would be in a can of pal. For the 8 seconds they are expected to buck once a month or so (and they usually end up there as they like the buck when they aren't meant to ) they get treated like royalty. A good buckjumper is worth a fortune so it isn't in the rodeos best interest to not take the best of care of them Maybe we should stop riding horses full stop, and training our dogs to do obedience/agility? Hey I would much prefer not to work for my living as well Of course they should always be treated humanely however (I can't watch the video atm) Err, have to disagree with you there. The horses in Rodeos buck because they have a flank strap tightened so tight, its painful and therefore they buck. A horses flank is very sensitive. My old horse was ultra sensitive, he used to kick out just by tickling the flank when I was brushing with a soft brush in that area. It's no walk in the park for them. They buck to get rid of the pain. Another disgusting practice to entertain humans.
  19. Very sad to see wild animals in a circus (whether they are bred in captivity or not). It's no life living in a cage, and performing for people. I'd say the lion was just really peed off with the trainer, after all, he's still alive and I have no doubt the lion could have easily killed him if he wanted to.
  20. Yes, I read about that this morning. I know the paddock where it's kept, driven past there many times a few years back though. Hope they catch the sicko's who did this. How heartbreaking for the owner. A horse has died after being stabbed in the neck and having her mane and some skin cut off in an attack in a paddock in Melbourne's north. The 15-year-old former show horse, Cachet, was found dead in a paddock in Oherns Road at Epping on Saturday afternoon. The thoroughbred mare had suffered multiple stab wounds to the neck and back and experts have told police the horse would have bled to death and suffered considerable pain. Owner Michelle Azzopardi lives in nearby Mill Park and had agisted the dappled bay mare at the paddock for about a year. She says her horse would have run away if someone approached. "This is what's killing me. All I can think of is how have they got her, and did she suffer? Did she stand there while they stabbed her?" Police believe Cachet was killed some time on Friday night or Saturday morning. Ms Azzopardi last saw the horse Friday afternoon. "I washed her, I brushed and fed her. I left. When I left she was in perfect health, just running around and showing off which is what she loved to do," she said. She has no idea why anyone would want to kill her horse and collapsed when she made the discovery. "I've got her photo in my kitchen with a candle lit and I just pray to God someone has to know something. And I just want to find out who's done it and why," she said. She says there are thirty horses on the property and the paddocks are protected by electric fences. They are calling for anyone with information about the attack to contact them.
  21. Really? Eek! I'd hate someone to PTS my dog if she just happened to escape the yard one day & get caught on someone's property - or is the law only for cats for some reason? No you can't do it to someone's dog here. For getting rid of troublesome dog - you can call your council ranger. In fact even if you want to adopt an unidentified unregistered stray dog - I think you still have to do that. Cats on the other hand... different rules apply. Though I think my council has just required that all cats be microchipped and registered same as dogs, so I guess now the ranger would come and get a cat if you'd managed to catch it. However main culprit cat in my yard belongs to my neighbour so I doubt I'd be packing that one off to the vet for PTS. I'd be more likely to opt for severe hosing and release. But first - of course - I'd have to catch it. Is odd that the cats on both sides of me died within 12 months of me getting puppy. Both were keen prowlers of my yard and learned very early on that puppy LURVES chasing cats. Though one of the cats wouldn't run, dog tried to deafen it by barking but never touched it. Neither neighbour blamed me or the puppy for their cats deaths. Hmm. I think that's a very wrong practice. Anyone could pick up any cat (even in neighbours yard) and take it to be put to sleep? Disgusting. For the OP, talk to the owners and tell them the cat is annoying you. Get a super soaker and squirt it every time it comes into your yard. Close your windows or get flyscreens so it can't get into your home. If a cat can get in, then a burglar can too!! If the owners continue to let their cat roam and it is being a nuisance after all the above, get a cat trap and catch it. Take it to the pound. There are (unfortunately) still a lot of people who think it's okay to let their cats roam. Cats that are allowed to roam generally don't live very long, they either get hit by cars, mauled by dogs, stolen, etc etc...as well as killing wildlife. Bad idea all round. And I own cats and am a cat lover, I keep mine inside or in their outdoor cat run. It's not hard.
  22. Hugs for you, I'm hoping your dogs both pull through like the many others on here. A timely reminder in a morbid kind of way NOT to have any rat bait or snail killer around. I don't understand the need for poisons, I think its cruel to poison rats/mice anyway.
  23. http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-natio...0927-15snf.html Dogs will be taken into NSW classrooms in a state government bid to cut rising attacks on children. Dogs have already claimed 2428 victims this year - nearly twice the number for the same six months in 2009, The Daily Telegraph says. A $2.1 million program, designed to slash children's chances of being mauled, will be rolled out for students aged five to seven from next year.
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