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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Good idea, I'll go shopping for a kennel, sure I can find one online or in the paper. He loved his crate where we lived before. Ivy is my heart dog and she hates being outside at night, she's grown up sleeping on the floor in my room for the last two and a half years and I can't bare to force her to sleep outside. Badger is a youngster and is fine being out there, he makes his own fun. Yeah I probably spoil Ivy but she also has to spend a lot more time outside during the day now, she only really comes in when my OH isn't home and when we go to bed. Not renting anymore, living with my OH. I wish it didn't have to come down to having him sleep outside but I need somewhere to live and I'm ever so grateful he lets Ivy sleep inside with me. I'm not enjoying it at all but it makes me spend a lot of time out there with him. They are all allowed on the hardfloors and often come in while we watch tele in the evenings. I'm hoping to get my OH to let Badger sleep in his crate in the lounge room, which is hardfloor and isn't really used for anything. But I doubt that will happen. This is why dogs are better people. Like the idea of a turtle neck coat. I would let them sleep outside together (purely for warmth/company) rather than only having one inside (which is a coated breed anyway). Get them a nice big comfy kennel, and a warm coat for the pointer. I really don't see why the dog should suffer because of your b/f's control issues. If he has no objection to them spending time inside in the evenings and lets Ivy sleep inside, whats his beef with another dog sleeping inside if its crated? Meh, I'd ditch the b/f. ETA: I posted before I saw your last post. I'd still work on the b/f to have the pointer sleep inside, maybe in the kitchen in a nice warm crate or something?
  2. The owner of the dog needs to make a formal complaint. Take it to the vets to be photographed and treated, that is horrendous. I don't think the groomer would have been left standing if she'd done it to my dog.
  3. I'd personally be stoked to think the breeder still cared about her puppies. Gorgeous idea.
  4. Do you mean when out on walks? Or for regular yard duty? For regular yard duty, I have a long handled metal pooper scooper set. THIS ONE
  5. I find it very sad that money determines if a dog lives or dies. I wouldn't expect free treatment, but if I was out on a walk and my dog got bitten, I don't have my wallet with me, and I don't have a CC at all. I took out pet insurance, but once again, you still have to pay upfront and then claim back from the insurance co. And if a vet required $900 upfront before starting treatment for a snakebite, I for one, wouldn't be able to come up with that amount. If I was given a couple of days, I could arrange something. My local vets (semi country vets) are very strict with payment. If you ring to book your animal in for anything, they always say "payment is due on the day". I remember when my cat got very sick about 4-5 years ago (mind you, I'd just spent $1500 on my horses vets bill 2 weeks ealier, and had been a regular at this vets clinic for 3 years). I rang up to ask if I could bring him down and said I thought he was dying, and they said only if I paid on the day. I told them I only had $40, but was due to be paid the next day, so they asked me to bring down some items of value to keep in their safe until I paid the bill. I had to bring in my sapphire bracelet, and sign it over to them. The cat didn't make it, I wasn't happy with the vets 'treatment', but still paid the bill. I really feel for the lady who's dog was refused treatment.
  6. I don't do it too often, it's too much of a hassle with Marrow Bones, things that can be eaten quickly are okay. I feed one in the run (for his own protection) and one on a chain, or one in the crate and one in the run. Minty is food obsessed and doesn't tolerate another animal near her food, she has attacked Charlie over it (more so with bones) so I have to be very vigilant with any this.
  7. I'm sorry to hear about Donkey Cass. He had a short, but adventurous life and was well loved. Run free Donkey.
  8. Where are the 3 or 5 kilo bags available from? I'm in Gisborne (Vic) and want to get some to try for my 2.
  9. I don't know about dogged resolve, but surely she could have evacuated with her dogs?
  10. Charlie loves feet too, though he isn't quite as obsessed as your Staffy. He prefers non clean feet, but particularly likes the sides of feet. He will occasionally go for a quick arm slurp if he is super excited. Our family dog (many years ago now) had a foot fetish, my 3 older brothers would be sitting on the couch (they were around 8, 10, 12, ) and lick their feet, paying particular attention to in between their toes. Ewwww.
  11. I'm so sorry to hear about Sahla. She was way too young. Run free girl. Were the other 2 lost to snake bite as well? It's so sad to lose 3 dogs in such a short space of time.
  12. Thank dog for Dolers. Glad the babies are with you Z & Q, please stay safe Bulldust, fingers are crossed that the water doesn't rise.
  13. Sorry to hear about little Angel, you did your best. RIP Angel.
  14. How heartbreaking, losing two dogs to snakes in such a short time. I'm so sorry, Dolly looked like a precious soul. RIP Dolly.
  15. You could try these 2 sites: http://highload.131940.qld.gov.au/ http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/QueenslandPolice
  16. Yep, my Stafford bitch is weak nerved and trembles if there's yelling in the house. She's not ever been mistreated, apparently her sire is the same. I love her to pieces but wonder why the sire was bred from when he is renowned for being very soft. The breed should be game and confident. Mine too. Any yelling and she's hiding under my computer desk or trying to get into my lap. Drives me batty. I have a soft crate for her and if she's really anxious (she walks around, looks miserable and won't settle) I put her in that with a blanket/sheet over the top. ETA: She is 5 and has never been mistreated, I've had her since she was 11 weeks old.
  17. I'd just hand it in to the local police station, in case nobody on here knows who it belongs to.
  18. Fly free Little Bill. You gave him a chance though Perse, that's the main thing.
  19. They could always keep it inside, or build/buy a cat run, safest way.
  20. Aww, just went through the whole thread, from when he was a little tacker up until now.
  21. How sad for you Persephone. Run free Molly.
  22. So sorry to hear about your gorgeous Johnno. Run free with your buddies up there :D Hugs for your friends loss too.
  23. Maybe have your dog on a long line, and teach her some recall. It isn't okay to rush up to other dogs (who may get a fright and in turn bite out of fear). Dogs body language might not look like much to you, but once you have studied it, the smallest change in their posture or whether the tail is up or down, it's amazing what it can tell you. :D I don't take my dogs to off leash parks, but have had dogs (whose idiotic owners decide they don't need to obey any laws and have their dogs offlead in any old park) rush my two when I'm walking them. The owners were told in no uncertain terms to get control of their dogs before they both got a foot up the backside. One was just a very goofy 8 month old lab who didn't know the rules of approaching other dogs, and it was very lucky that Minty didn't go for her out of fear. That one nearly ended up with a foot up the backside as she wouldn't leave, and the owner had no hope of recall (suprise suprise). So yes, don't let your lab run up to other dogs is what I was trying to get across.
  24. Absolutely, what a wonderful gesture, and such a lovely suprise for the family! Misty looks very snuggly in that photo. The Christmas Spirit is alive and well.
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