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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Another angel running free over the bridge.
  2. She may be cold, the floor gets a lot of drafts. Crate train her, then make sure her crate is toasty warm and comfy and have it by the bed, no more waking up to a staffy on your head. :laugh: There are a few threads with info to crate training, crate games, etc. Take your time with it though, I'm a firm believer that all pups should be crate trained, for their own benefit and yours. :D
  3. Are you serious? A human life is of course more valuable than an animal, it isn't based on religion, it's common bloody sense. You cannot say that it is an emotional response, if we all put animals lives over humans, the world would be in turmoil pretty darn quick. ' I truly cannot believe you would even post such rubbish.
  4. We can all tell who the child hating crazy dog lovers are.
  5. I found it rather stupid, and insensitive to people who are/have been in a real life situation with loved ones who are "brain dead" due to accidents and illness.
  6. I'm really sorry to hear about Skoota. Run free big fella
  7. I find your reasoning even more bizarre. You will save a polite child over your dog, but not one that is rude, (or quite possibly mentally handicapped) Lots of children play with matches and some even manage to start a fire, it doesn't mean they deserve to be left in a burning building while you save your dog. I'm truly hoping that in a real life scenario that the people who said they'd save their dog over a child, that instinct would kick in and they would save the child. Edited for spelling.
  8. While I love my dogs, they arent my children, I have those as well. :laugh: If people come to my house that don't like/are uncomfortable with them, I have no trouble putting my dogs in their run, or crating them. I can fully understand how a special bond can be formed with your dog, especially if your dog has been with you through some tough times, and helped you recover. But, I also understand that human life is always more important than a dogs. I would always save a human life (and without a second thought a childs life) over my dog, unless it was a mass murderer. If you saw a child sitting in the middle of the road, and your dog lying on the road a few feet away, and a truck hurtling towards them, and you could only save one in time, I cannot imagine anyone would not run out and save the child! It would be instinct, surely? Heck, as much as I love my dogs, I'd have no hesitation in saving a homeless drunk over them. Human life will always, and rightly so, come before an animal. To the OP, well done remaining calm in a stressful situation.
  9. Just so you know that Avocado is poisonous to dogs. Might want to put them well out of reach.
  10. When I bought mine it says medium or large and I added a note that I would like a large - but I know its luck of the draw with such things. Would anyone like to buy a medium, brand new in packet? I'd be interested please? :D
  11. Why do you assume they have been taken? The mum is back with one of the other pups, so its' likely they just got out. Did you check them when you got home on Monday night? What area are you in?
  12. This forum is going to the dogs, and not in a good way. No wonder people never come back, it's like being kicked from all different directions. Not everyone can own a pet for life, things happen, life happens. Get over it and your holier than thou attitudes. I hope you can find a great home for your dog, it that is what you choose to do. Good luck either way.
  13. Hopefully Mark Singer can make a thorough assessment and the OP can take the advice onboard and do what his best for both of his dogs. Plenty of people have anger outbursts, no doubt he won't do it again in front of the Neo. None of us can accurately predict what we will do in a stressful situation.
  14. I didn't mean to sound so harsh in my post, but the pure lack of compassion/understanding (and sometimes plain ignorance) when it comes to issues with mental health astounds me.
  15. Geez, a couple of harsh/ignorant opinions! No wonder people with mental health issues keep it to themselves. I'm pretty sure the guy didn't put to sleep his dog KNOWING that would lead him to take his own life. People committ suicide for many different reasons, I just feel very sad (and angry) at the harassment he received over the dog.
  16. Shouting at a dog is not animal abuse. Nor is swearing at it. Why the dog yelped is not known, but I've yelled at my dogs plenty of times (in frustration) and I'm certainly not an animal abuser. I'd leave the RSPCA to actual cruelty cases, maybe have a friendly chat to your neighbor and ask how the dog is going.
  17. Sky, yes she bought a pup, but she also said that the pet shop said they would take it back. Which is what most people are recommending. It is NEVER advisable to get a 2nd dog so that current dog has something to play with. If you don't have time for daily walks with the first, training a young pup is out of the question. First dog should have a thorough vet check.
  18. If you got the pup purely as a playmate for your unhappy dog, it was a mistake, please return her. You don't have time (daily) for your current dog, so you won't have time for a puppy (another working dog breed) as well. I agree that a thorough vet check should be in order for your current dog, BC's are high energy, so him laying around/digging holes to lay in could be a sign of illness. If he gets the all clear, you need to make time every day for his needs. A 5 -10 minute training session to keep his mind tired out, would be really great twice a day, in addition to a daily walk (get up an hour earlier to fit it in).
  19. Silly people got bitten trying to separate 2 fighting dogs. Amazing how it turns into "Family Dog Attacks Owners". A Neo could do so much more than bite your finger off.
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