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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Congratulations on adopting a shelter dog. :D I can highly recommend Underdog Training, they will come to you, and they are also a valued member of the forum. They do behavioural consults in your home, as well as run classes, the webpage details are HERE Its great that you will be seeking advice from a professional, big pat on the back here.
  2. I'd be locking the front gate and putting up a security camera. Have a talk to your Dad and tell him YOU don't want strange people in YOUR yard. If he is silly enough to keep handing over money, can you only give him small notes, and keep hold of his ATM card? It is worrying that there is an internal door into your house, I'd be locking it from your side when you aren't there. Get your hubby to go out there with the dogs and tell them to clear off, it will only get worse if you let them come and go.
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss Sas, he was such a stunning boy, run free Dante.
  4. Have a read here, it may help. http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/pets/dog-care/restricted-breed-dogs I'm sorry that this happened, but even if he wasn't a pit bull type, he may have been declared dangerous for rushing anyway.
  5. Another members dog just got seized to be destroyed, he is a sharpei cross, they have declared him a restricted breed. Have a look in this section, there is a thread just above yours. Defintely take it to the shop HUP, they should know better.
  6. And the new laws regarding restricted breeds (pit bulls) which basically put any bull breed (unpapered) or a cross of, in the firing line. http://m.dpi.vic.gov.au/pets/dog-care/restricted-breed-dogs?SQ_DESIGN_NAME=mobile&SQ_ACTION=set_design_name
  7. Because it is a bloody ridiculous thing to do! If you own an unpaperedcStafford, the dog is at risk of being declared a restricted breed, seized and destroyed. I am an owner of one, along with hundreds of others who bought a rescue dog of bull breed, and it's not a pleasant time, wondering if there will be a knock on the door and a council ranger standing there wanting my dog! And there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. So yes, telling the daughter about these new laws might get her to take the dog back. Have a look here at the Guide that council officers are given to assess a restricted breed. Most Staffords fit into it. http://m.dpi.vic.gov.au/pets/about-pets/legislation-and-regulation/standard-for-restricted-breed-dogs
  8. I'd be more worried that she has bought a Staffy without papers in Victoria! Give her a copy of the new laws about councils having the power to make an unpapered Bull Breed a restricted dog or seize and destroy it. Because thousands of people who already own a Stafford (I have a rescue) without purebred papers have been worrying themselves sick over it. There are a couple of threads in the News section on here if you want to trawl through, or look up DPI new laws regarding restricted breeds in Vic.
  9. Looks to me that it's being a typical enthusiastic Stafford, vocal about his ball being in the water.
  10. You can still report the dog to the council. There is nothing stopping you.
  11. What a load of crap, now it comes down to spelling/shortening a name as to whether you take advice from someone?
  12. I'd have taken him to be put to sleep once he shredded the back door the last time. I don't think I would have waited past the first instance of him destroying the leather ottoman, he would have been returned to the shelter. Is there no other shelters close to you? 4 hours away is a big trip. I'm wondering if they are an ethical shelter at all, given the crap advice you've been given. I really don't understand why you would want such a destructive dog when there are literally hundreds of well behaved canines in foster care waiting for their forever home. You need to think with your head, not your heart. Sorry you are going through this, but honestly many people had already said to take the dog back after his last rampage, yet you chose not to.
  13. Tell them it's a bit of a lucky dip with ones straight from the pound. You won't know what problems the dog may have (if any) because it hasn't been assessed in a home situation. Could be a problem barker, serial escape artist, untrained, not house broken etc. If they are willing to risk these problems, and spend time/money on behaviourists/training, then go right ahead. Perhaps if you tell them that if they return the dog to the pound if it doesn't work out, it will most likely be put to sleep.
  14. Please take the dog to be checked for a microchip, if none the pound is where this dog should be. That is so the owner can actually find their dog. Put your name on him if you want to rescue him when his time is up, IF it came to that. People amaze me when they think they don't have to follow protocol.
  15. Family dog, GSDx - suffered a stroke at 17, PTS Aussie Terrier x - Hit by a truck and died instantly at 3.6 years old (he was my heart dog, still miss him 14 years on) My old boy is now 13-14 (got him from a rescue so not exactly sure of his age, but he was supposedly 2, and we've had him 11 years) and I hope he lives another few years yet. He is happy & healthy so far.
  16. He would have been returned after shredding the furniture and tearing down the door. Honestly, I think the dog has more problems than you can deal with (and that isn't your fault at all). He probably needs a home/foster home with an owner experienced in dealing with problem dogs. Save yourself (and him) any more trauma and take him back to the shelter. Dogs are supposed to bring joy into your life, not stress and destruction costing you big dollars. You shouldn't feel guilty, he was the wrong dig for you. If you want to get another dog, I'd look at a dog that is already in foster care, and doesn't require a load iof mental/physical exercise. I think the shelter should have been more helpful than saying crate train him, but not all shelters are ethical either.
  17. She was lucky you found her all those years ago, hugs to you and the family. Run free Tess.
  18. So we want it to happen, we just don't want to see it? Yes. We want lots of things, but don't want them shoved in our face. We want to eat meat, but don't want/need to see the cow slaughtered.
  19. Do you have to have qualifications to have an opinion now?
  20. Playing with a dog can help create the bond, as well as training. If all this has been accounted for then, I personaly believe they should feel no guilt about thinking of rehoming. Sometimes some Dogs and some humans just don't bond as much as they really want to. I'm sure they'll be a home where an emotional boond will occur. This, plenty of dogs are rehomed happily, and some for much less reasons (breeders and show people come to mind)
  21. I don't have an iPhone 4 and it works for me. I have the 3 something. My mistake. :laugh: It's only for ios4.3 which is available on the 3GS,(and IPhone 4) not the basic 3G, which is what I have. Great pics Kirty.
  22. I'd go for another Rotty. :D A well bred (from a registered breeder who does the appropriate hip scores) pup with a good temperament should fit in well. :D
  23. Staffies (as well as most breeds) like to be with their humans, and dont do to well sleeping outside away from their pack. She might be cold, why not have your dogs in the Laundry in a nice warm bed? Mine would bark at everything too, possums, birds, the wind, neighborhood cats, etc. As for "removing the problem doesn't solve it" comment, unless you are out there all night to teach her what is acceptable barking, then sleeping her indoors is the best solution. :)
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