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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Tara, what a beautiful tribute to her though.
  2. Call him to you, don't approach him with outstretched hands. Maybe do some training with him, have him focus on your eyes, and reward him immediately.
  3. He is gorgeous!! So much to love in a teeny, tiny package. I love how interested the big boys are, are you wasting lots of time just looking at him? :laugh:
  4. Why would you listen to a retail sales person? You've been given good, sound advice in this thread, from people who have been breeding/own dogs for many years, yet you listen to a Petstock sales person?
  5. Theres a few on Ebay at the moment. HERE and HERE If you already have the existing enclosure, it would be easy to add on panels.
  6. Thanks for the update, much appreciated Steve. :D
  7. I'm never gone long enough for my two to miss me. :laugh: Minty loves any male visitors, even my housemate, she is just all over the men, the tart. I regularly mind a friends Newfoundland when she goes away for work or holidays (long weekends up to 4 weeks), and when she returns, the dog goes absolutely nuts. She whines, and howls, and kisses, and leans all over her, and she is just a joy to watch. So much devotion to her owner. While she is here, she settles well, eats and sleeps (she is old now) but she only has eyes for her Mum. :D
  8. Thanks for all the good wishes, 2 very dirty, but warm and dry dogs walked in the open back door about 15 mins ago. I have no idea how they weren't soaking wet, but they had dried mud on them, but were warm and dry.
  9. Thank you all, if you could share the information around if you know people up this way, I would appreciate it. Im making up some posters to put around tomorrow if they don't come home in the meantime, they have only ever gone AWOL once, after a fox, but that was right at the back of our place, and they came back.
  10. My 2 dogs have gone missing this evening (around 40 minutes ago) in Gisborne, I let them out for a wee out the back tonight (pouring rain) and went back a few minutes later to let them in and they have gone. We back onto parkland and im guessing they've gone through the fence after something, in this weather, it's freezing. Minty is a white staffy 6yo female with a black patch, wearing a collar with our home number on it. Desexed, rather shy.Charlie is a 12yo little cross breed, white and tan male, no collar. Desexed.,Friendly. photos in a minute
  11. Hey, I'm going to buy and take some stuff tomorrow afternoon, happy to buy some stuff for you if you'd like :) That would be great, can you pm me your bank details? Do they need food for themselves as well? If so, happy to just give my 20 as cash, whichever is more useful. :D
  12. Happy to donate $20 if someone can buy/deliver it, I'm not over that way, and I think that Woolies charges $10 for delivery.
  13. I'm so sorry the outcome wasnt better for Cookie. To the pathetic cowards who shot this kitten, I have no words really. I just feel sad that they don't get the warm fuzzies from seeing a kitten playing with a toy, or tear up when watching a video of that kitten trying to stand. They really must be terribly cold people. K9, you are an angel. Thank you to you and your family for giving Cookie a second chance. She had a truckload of love and care in her short time with you.
  14. I'm rather astounded that a vet would want to put to sleep a stray pup.... did they take the pup there to check for a microchip or to get the pups health tested? Again, they had no right to get anything done to the pup, it would be different if it had been really sick or injured, but if I had lost a pup (or perhaps this pup has just been bought and the new owners were trying to get it well) and found out someone just took my pup and decided to keep her/him, and had blood tests done, I'd be furious. The pup IS NOT LEGALLY THEIRS. It is like finding a bike on the footpath, do you think it's okay to take it home. A wallet? A car with the keys in it? All the same scenario. Print off these responses to show your friend and hopefully he will do the right thing. Actually, just say he gets to adopt the pup after the pup has done it's time in the pound, BUT it escapes the next day and someone else finds it, assumes it's been neglected and keeps the pup. How would he feel?
  15. Pup looks much older than 8 weeks. Your friend has in effect, stolen this dog. Pup needs to go to the local pound, someone could have lost their dog and be looking. Why on earth do people think they can keep an animal they find? If your friend wants to keep the pup, do it legally. Hand into the pound and put his name on it if it is available for adoption after being kept for the mandatory time. Or hand it in to the RSPCA if hrs worried about it's health.
  16. So sorry to hear about your girl HM. Run free Sascha.
  17. How sad, run free Lola. Hugs to you Lisey.
  18. Fingers and paws crossed for good results tomorrow.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your boyhad a long life, but it's never easy saying goodbye to them. Run free Pugsly.
  20. Such a gracious old fella, love his smile. (great fashion sense too)
  21. \ Can you put up hot tape on the fence, or run it a few feet from the fence so the dog won't go near it? I hate it when people (doesn't matter if kids or adults) try to come into my yard without asking, it's bloody rude, and thankfully I haven't had any cruddy neighbours for years. :laugh:
  22. I think he's been found (according to FB)
  23. Such a beautiful boy. I'm so glad the young girl took him, and he was able to come to you. He sounds like a lovely boy, and looks to be very healthy. Hope the other pups landed on their feet too.
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