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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. A beautiful tribute, run free Kibah Hugs for you Kirislin
  2. He was fairly socialised, but in my opinion could have been MORE socialised. We have 4 other dogs which are very well trained/behaved as I love working with them but the boxer was my hubbies first dog so I left it up to him to train....lesson learned!! I am on the Gold Coast, any recommendations would be welcomed Ah yep, the hubby, say no more LOL Jane Harper is in Qld, have a look HERE she has a very good reputation.
  3. Hi, Was he socialised as a puppy? I'd be getting a muzzle for him until you sort out what's going on though, so you can safely walk him....has he actually bitten another dog, or is it more play fighting? Either way, a good behaviourist will be able to observe what's going on with him, and set you on the right track. We have a number of recommended ones on this forum, if you would like to give a rough location. :)
  4. X-rays are a good idea for your own peace of mind, old age isn't kind to anyone, dogs included. Sorry to hear about Kibah.
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forum. It's really hard to diagnose or give advice over the Internet, it could be anxiety, dominance, boredom, stress etc etc I think a behaviourist would be a good call, they can come and see what he's doing/your reaction and give you expert advice and show you what to do/not do..., I had one session and it changed everything. Where abouts are you in Vic? There are a couple of recommended behaviorists on this forum, Nekhbet, Cosmolo, Erny from memory.
  6. Id firstly ring the breeder and ask for advice, could be the pup is constipated? Is he peeing as usual? Most pups won't be able to hold on overnight, you need to take them out for a toilet break, how old is your pup?
  7. I'm so sorry Tara and Sam, Tynka was a beautiful soul.
  8. Some people....head in sand syndrome, pretend the problem doesn't exist. Me, I couldn't keep a (large) dog that had attacked me 3 times, id consider it if I owned a Chi or something similar, but Id certainly be getting in a professional. Hope they get the dog checked out by a vet and a behaviourist.
  9. You can buy it online. :). Its probably quite handy to have if you groom from home, quick wipe of everything between clients protects the dogs from cross contamination. Hopefully Astro is doing well when you call.
  10. It can be a sign of pain in the teeth/mouth...or just old age behaviour, or something neurological. My old boy (14yo) started (gradually) licking everything in sight about 6 months ago...floors, the couch, our feet, his bed etc etc...his breath was rank, when i looked in his mouth his bottom canines were pushing into the top gums and his teeth were awful. Long story short, the vet cleaned his teeth and a couple of rotten ones were extracted, pain killers, antibiotics etc etc. His licking behaviour reduced by half, but it's back again for floor licking, I think it's just a comfort/obsessive/old age thing. He's a bit wonky on his legs now, quite deaf, and sometimes just wanders around like he's forgotten where he is, he likes to be where his people are all the time. I'd take him to the vets DD, get him checked out in case it's something more sinister.
  11. Stay safe Kirislin, good idea to pack up and go if the power goes out. 44 today, hope the wind doesn't pick up.
  12. What a beautiful tribute and what a gorgeous girl you had in Bonnie. Sometimes I think we have a heart dog, one that feels like you were meant for each other, I think Bonnie was your heart dog.
  13. Quite a bit cooler outside now, but forecasting 44 tomorrow. More thunderstorms happening tonight
  14. That was me last night, only took 2 hrs to fix instead of the 4 they thought. Hope it's the same for you It's back on, but with very little pressure, so according to their website, still not fixed. :laugh:
  15. Oh I'm really sorry to hear about your girl Sammyelle, such a devastating diagnosis....I have no advice, just hugs
  16. Got no water now for a few hours, burst water main, how bloody annoying. :laugh: Still have water in my fridge for a cuppa T though.
  17. Aww So glad Charlie is fitting in, sounds like Finn is getting a new lease on life having an energiser bunny for a brother. :laugh: Charlie is very cute, but Finn has the most gorgeous face, I could just smooch it! lol
  18. Aww, Charlie looks like a happy little guy! Congrats!
  19. Such a beautiful girl, run free Kluska. for you Kajtek
  20. Aww, Tiny Pony is growing up, he's got beaut coloring Woof!
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