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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Finn Crits, life just isn't fair sometimes. Run free Finnigan
  2. :laugh: Great cat, whatever motivation it had, kitty saved the day. I got chills watching the dog stalk the little boy, and the boy was standing still when the dog attacked. Frightening reality of what dogs are capable of. Cody, I watched the interview of the little boy and his cat, I think he was gentle (for a 4yo who has mild autism), and just held the cats paw so it didn't get off the chair again, and the Mum was right there supervising, and stepped in. I reckon the cat would have have let it be known if it was getting hurt. Beautiful cat though.
  3. Okay, no worries, hope someone can help with the cats too.
  4. Or you can PM me the details and I can post on her behalf, the snakes will go within 24 hours, no worries. Eta: does she have his WL licence number?
  5. You could post for advice on Aussie Pythons and Snakes, not sure how the NSW licenses are compared to here, I know we have to fill in our wildlife book, show licences etc. You can PM me for any info regarding the immediate care of the snakes, as long as they have heat they can go without a feed for weeks or even months.
  6. I'm sorry to hear about Bosco Lokelani, I remember you both. It's never easy letting them go is it Run free fella
  7. Lovely to see the older cats getting a chance too, great job.
  8. Talk about passing the buck. You'll have to talk to the neighbour then, she has to keep her dog in her yard, otherwise hire a handyman to put some trellis/dog fence up there if you can't do it yourself.
  9. :laugh: Look at the those two, double trouble I bet.....well aren't they are in for a rude shock in the diet paddock!
  10. Yep, they're the exact ones i'm looking at. Bunnings sell them for around the $200 mark. I rang several glass companies, one said $300 and the other said $600 (always pays to ring around). Yes, i'd have to have a complete new panel of glass. That Autoslide looks so cool. Ah, I thought I had stumbled onto something brilliant, bit slow aren't I? :laugh: The glass is a bit expensive, would you have to change it back if you move?
  11. I don't think she was shot down in flames at all, some really useful information and advice was given.
  12. She is a beautiful looking girl, and good on you for coming in and asking for advice. Personally, I'd build her a dog run, or make a temporary yard attached to the house. It's quite easy and not really expensive, a good dog run ensures she is safely contained when you aren't home, protects her from roaming dogs/snakes (make it snake proof) and ensures she won't be out chasing stock, which no matter how well trained a dog is, unless it's a LGD (maremma etc) then most of them will. Ebay is your friend, as is Gumtree or similar if you want fencing panels or a purposely built dog run. THe beauty of this is it is temporary, you can pack it up and take it with you, or move it around to suit the seasons. I think the members on this forum are a little passionate about not chaining dogs, purely because of the experiences they've witnessed, or seen, heard about. Chaining can be quite dangerous, so many dogs have caught themselves up in it, lost limbs, dogs can wander onto the property and attack your girl, she can be stolen (this would be a huge worry for me) bitten by a snake, can break the collar, etc etc. Whereas a run can be locked, a yard secured, etc etc. I'm sure she appreciates the off lead exercise when supervised to run around the property, but free roaming with an invisible containment system is an accident waiting to happen as well. Where does the Rotty pup stay during the day? We need more piccies too of your beautiful girl. :D ETA: Something like this can be secured nicely http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/dog-run-/251498586817?pt=AU_Pet_Supplies&hash=item3a8e7be2c1 bit of shade cloth, kennel, enclose the roof with shade cloth etc. or this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/chicken-coop-dog-run-/111320626975?pt=AU_Pet_Supplies&hash=item19eb39f71f Just a few ideas
  13. Oh no, what a shock for you all. Sending good thoughts and healing vibes to the hounds.
  14. I think they help, not every petition will be successful, but it helps raise awareness, and is better than doing nothing. :D
  15. Yep, I'd been following the story on FB yesterday, apparently pup was removed...story goes it was in the shop because if the girls put it out the back it howled. Rspca went, spoke to vet and have said the pup was treated in the correct manner. I e-mailed Westfield, got a stock standard reply saying puppy was now at someones home, not that they care, they are only about money.
  16. This is what she posted in relation to the filthy conditions, I'm appalled that she could keep a fox in that cage.
  17. If it starts that howling again at night, get in the car and take a drive round there, get out and walk around, you'll find the house. I'd drop a note in their letterbox, they could be quite unaware it's been howling/barking for hours, most people are if they aren't at home, and probably only hear the dog on return. Not sure any ranger is going to investigate a howling dog, and if they did, I'm not sure what they could do anyway. If my dog barked incessantly when I was out, I'd hope my neighbours came and told me, or dropped me a (nice) note. :D
  18. Oh it would be great, and much more fun than kids :laugh: I have no problem spending hours on mine either, and I hope it didn't come across that it would be an issue for you or MUP.
  19. That's probably true, but looking at those photos, that's a load of animals to look after, I mean 5 dogs is heaps on it's own, let alone all the others. :laugh: , I'm thinking just feeding all of them would take hours, let alone cleaning up after them, brushing/grooming, training/walking/playing.
  20. How on earth can she look after that many animals? Horses, goats, ducks, chooks, ferrets, fox, kittens, cats, dogs? Seems like an animal hoarder after looking at those pics, even the "cleaned up" pics, I can only imagine the bill for feed/worming etc.
  21. Someone has said (a comment on one of the photos) the AWL went out there and she had cleaned everything up before they got there. Don't know why it was spread all over FB before the relevant authorities were alerted. ETA: Just going by what someone posted on one of the photos, no idea if it's true or not, which is the problem when you get second/third hand info. Still don't think it's wise to spread photos all over social media before the authorities are informed and have a chance to get out there.
  22. Thought I'd just pop the link for Ruthless leather in. http://www.ruthlessleather.com/
  23. If she has the grand kids around regularly, the smaller breeds might be intimated (Chi, Chinese Crested etc)....I'd think a Tibbie would be good. (Tibetan Spaniel)
  24. She could be getting cold, when she's on your bed, it's up higher, no draughts and she's getting body warmth. Try a nice warm dog coat and the doona. If you want her to sleep on your bed, you culd buy some cheap polar fleece blankets/thick sheets (op shops are great for this kind of stuff) and put them over your doona, and some spray for your pooch to keep her smelling nice. Easy. Works for me.
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