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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Thanks for letting us share in Digbys Ice Cream Adventures Raineth. Run free big fella
  2. Kongs https://www.ozpetshop.com.au/product_info.php/products_id/704
  3. If he likes to dig, get a clam shell pool and put sand in it, hide things in there for him to find. Lots of chew toys, get a kong and fill it with his food, or peanut butter, direct his chewing/digging activities into what he can do.Some dogs just don't like a kennel, especially as pups.
  4. I think those photos are of the old bloody stools, the new picture looks free of blood. I'd certainly be getting a complete vet check by a non related vet, have the vet explain the worming and vaccination schedule and read up on puppy socialization in the pinned threads at the top of this forum.
  5. She was a beautiful girl, so sorry for your loss PC.
  6. I'm so sorry to hear about Leo, he was a beautiful boy. I read about him on your web page and watched the tribute video, it was a lovely and heartfelt goodbye. Edited because my phone has a mind of its own when it comes to spelling
  7. What rotten luck, so sorry to hear you lost your big fella. How is the other one going?
  8. I get the snapper heads from the local fish monger, $3 per kg! Roo tails from Pet food supplier $5 for a bag. Thanks for that, I'll ask around in my area. :)
  9. Where do you get roo tail and snapper heads and all those other yummy sounding things? :laugh: My local butcher is lucky to have chicken necks, he will order in frames for me though. (my local Coles/IGA stocks nothing in the way of dog bones, they usually have very expensive lamb shanks and that's it)
  10. It's been a while since mine was a puppy, but I bought a decent quality crate, a good quality lead/car harness, one or two good toys like kongs (all of which I still have 7 years later), but her bed was cheap, the same for blankets, because she chewed them all up in the first year anyway. :laugh: Got a few soft toys and balls from the op shop and $2 shop. She was fed mainly raw, so no expensive dry food either. I bought worming treatments and shampoo etc online. As for dog coats, she's had a few, but the Weatherbeeta one is the best/longest lasting. I think buying a good quality bed is important after the puppy stage. :D
  11. Basset puppies are cute as buttons, but so are the adults. I love their soft ears....a friend of mine when I was a young teen had one, and I'd spend ages just stroking his ears and telling him how handsome he was. I think my friend was a bit jealous of the time I spent with him actually.
  12. They are just adorable, loved the one chewing on the finger! And poor Mum didn't even make it to the box to feed,she was mobbed. Crits, Tabitha looks gorgeous, all these puppies are making me go mushy
  13. I think a behaviourist that can come out and see what's happening, observe the pack etc will be a great help. Steve Courtney at K9 Pro would be my recommendation. http://k9pro.com.au/services/contact/ There is also SABS (Sydney Animal Behavioural Services). http://www.sabs.com.au/ Sometimes what appears to be dominance is actually fear based, I know that was the case with my own dog....she has a number of behaviours that were observed (by a lovely beaviourist) and solutions were given that I follow to this day 3 years later.
  14. She's lonely and probably confused. Get a little soft crate, nice soft blankets to burrow in, and put it in your room off the floor (it's cold down there)..a nice coat and she will be fine. Don't think she will toilet inside, take her for a pee before bed and wait with her. Can uou get a piece of your Grans clothing, an old tshirt or something to pop in the dogs bed? It's comforting to have a familiar smell.
  15. Aww, love the photos of him in ice cream land. Dribble, slobber and those eyes! :laugh:
  16. Run free Tess, she was a beautiful girl.
  17. Just a thought, Pet Insurance would be a great idea too. :D
  18. It is hard when they've already got the pup, I'd have a good read up about the importance of slow growth & feeding rules for large breed pups, and then pass that info onto the owners. This ones fairly straight forward too http://www.petmd.com/blogs/thedailyvet/ktudor/2013/may/feeding-the-large-and-giant-breed-puppy-30265
  19. That's a whole lot of dog, I really hope the parents have stable temperaments. It's also illegal to sell pups before 8 weeks of age, and rightly so. They are still learning manners from Mum and litter mates, and how to be social pup, play, whats acceptable rough behaviour, bite inhibition etc. I'd advise them to return it, sorry.
  20. What a sad situation, I really feel for you. Such an awful thing to witness and feel so helpless to do anything.
  21. Try not to stress, i know its easier said than done, but firstly put the chickens in their coops, whether they like it or not doesn't really matter, your health and sanity come first. So until you can rehome them, chicken coops for all feathery ones, they'll be fine.
  22. Maybe try Edgar's Mission at Kilmore, theyd either take them or point you in the right direction. http://www.edgarsmission.org.au/ I love chookies.
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