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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. I love upside down pics I'll have a look for some of my pics when I'm on my laptop.
  2. That's just sickening, poor little mite being subjected to abuse for that long. Public floggings for both of them and then whatever prison time they get should be served as hard labor, never mind being sent to prison and having 3 meals a day and a warm bed, they need to be punished. Damn justice system is way too lenient
  3. Oh, beautiful shots Perse, particularly love the first one!
  4. Oh god, that's just so heartbreaking. I really hope those dogs are put down, they can't be trusted now, I wonder what set them off?
  5. I love positive updates, its amazing how much a (good) trainer can help a dog. I'm still reaping the benefits years later from one session. :D
  6. My favorite duo, Rocco and Ralph. And now there is Simon, who is quite the model.
  7. Dane Rescue are aware of this thread. Okay, thanks Danois...just to clarify though, does that mean they recommend sending the dog back to its previous owner, as they have already indicated they would sell her on?
  8. I'd let Dane Rescue know what her previous owner said. I doubt they'd advocate sending back an aggressive dog to be sold on. If you have a receipt for the dog, would that prove ownership if she is chipped?
  9. All good points you've raised there. I don't think there is one specific cover for all accidents kind of thing. I'd just assume that by simply securing your dog you've automatically cut down the odds, to the dog and yourself. Anything that isn't buckled down can become a projectile in an accident I guess. It will be interesting to hear others thoughts on the subject too. My own dogs are just harnessed and attached to the seatbelt thingo, but they are hardly in the car except for a vets visit.
  10. Oh bugga, that doesn't really leave any other options. You can only do what you feel is right for you, and I'm so glad you won't be sending her back to her owner to sell on. Really shitty situation though. :
  11. Confirming that it's the people I contacted and am waiting to hear back from Well I hope it works out for you, it's such a shame that the owners sold her on, knowing she had issues. Some people.
  12. So the dog is already known to VDR? Here is the link with contact details of Vic Great Dane Rescue if you need them. http://www.greatdanerescue.com.au/vic.htm
  13. You do have a great eye Perse! Love the first one
  14. Well you are the owner now, so I don't see why the vet won't euth her....I'd tell the old owner that it's nothing to do with her/him now.
  15. Some boys don't ever lift their leg....I think we need photos of the gorgeous boy.
  16. Not sure if you are J/K...... but a copy of a post 11 hours ago off FB Hi Everyone, it has been mentioned tonight that our post of the Review outcome is confusing, we have written just what the review decison says however we believe it means this… Hugo is not to come home to us here on the Gold Coast and they want Hugo to be relocated to Cairns. It also states that the destruction order is confirmed ( we have an understanding that this means he has not been taken off the desctruction order). within our review we asked that if the council refused to accept our amendments to secure the yard we would plead that Hugo be relocated to a family and we had an offer in Cairns that we feel would be suitable. They have given us the relocation option however have made it clear Hugo is staying on death row. also we must remember that Hugo is on a stay of time, we want him out of the council lock up as early as Monday and we are doing all that we need to do to have that happen. appologies that this has caused confusion, we are having media interviews tomorrow and that will be much clearer to all, tonight we have been taking a rest from the pace of the past few days. we do not want people to feel disgruntled with the council we need to co-operate to see Hugo is safe. love to all of you xx Thanks for that VM, I'm on my phone and FB takes forever to load, so thought I'd ask in here :)
  17. Any updates on what happened to Hugo?
  18. Love the oldies, Happy Birthday Zeddy, looking good for her age. Our family dog growing up lived to 17. He was a GSD Kelpe X, a friend of ours bred GSD's and this litter was an accident from a rogue neighbours dog. "Flash" was fed Pal, table scraps, wormed with supermarket stuff, fed cooked bones, ate a small chocolate frog once a week as a treat, and was undesexed. He also managed to fall in love with a neighbours Samoyed and fathered a litter of gorgeous pups. He was the best family dog ever, he loved going in the car and if ne saw an open car door, he was in there and sitting in the passengers seat looking very happy.I remember the time he stole a neighbours cooked leg of lamb once, he'd gone to visit them (next door) and helped himself when the roast was left on the bench to rest before carving. Ah, all those mistakes we made with him and he lived to a ripe old age...I cried like a baby when he was put down, he'd had a stroke and couldn't move his back legs. The only time he'd been to the vets in his 17 years was to make his final journey. Gosh, that was a long time ago now, over 30 years. One of my current dogs is 15, he's slowing up now and is a bit deaf (I reckon he's selectively deaf because he can hear the fridge open no matter where he is :laugh:) ...I got him from a local rescue when he was 2. He's a mixture of (possibly Daschund/JR or something) and he's always been a healthy little fella, always happy. More happier when he's got food in his gob. :laugh:
  19. Wow, great shots as always Perse, love the roo!
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