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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Just checking in to see how the dear old man is going.
  2. Good point TSD, crated in the car could be the other option, then no one will hassle her accidentally.
  3. I'd be inclined to kennel her anyway, seems safer and probably less stressful than driving two hours to a noisy party. Otherwise, can you lock the door to where she will be staying?
  4. http://www.amazinggreys.com.au/about/ hope that helps
  5. Great to hear, enjoy the snuggles, dear old boy
  6. Aww, love the photo of him in his pj's and being snuggled by Andy. It's good to have somewhere to come and talk about it with people who know what you are going through. My old boy is on the couch with me, snuggled into a blanket with his heat pad. And he's farting. :laugh:
  7. Dear little Mac, I bet he enjoyed those scrambled eggs and being spoiled by Granny. Tis a good day.
  8. Poor Stan, the indignity of it, trying to rip off his nipple. :laugh:
  9. He looks rather comfy there, yeah.. the ears always get a good workout, but she loves licking his eyes, she actually holds him down with one paw to do it. He tolerates it for 5 mins then he's had enough. :D
  10. I think they must know Westiemum, my girl is giving my old boy (he's 16 and getting very wobbly on his legs) extra attention these days, even though she has always snuggled up to him (for warmth) she's been mothering him and cleans his face religiously, every day he gets a tongue bath. :laugh: He doesn't mind.
  11. I've not gone to the vet for it, but I found a tick on my old doggy, and was trying to remove it with the tweezers....um, it was a skin tag. Dog was not impressed, but no damage done, except to my pride. :laugh:
  12. Aww, Mac is getting some snuggles by his buddy.
  13. Be brave and do it Stressy. My dogs sleep on my bed (winter or summer) though I usually kick the Staffy off onto the couch in summer time, otherwise she gets too hot. In the winter though, they have a dog blanket on top of the doona to lay on, and then another polar fleece blanket over them, and if it's really cold, pj's/coat as well. It's cold and draughty on the floor, I know cause my feet get cold when I'm sitting on the couch.
  14. What a lovely tribute to Emmylou, run free at the bridge old girl.
  15. If you do buy one, Id be very careful using it, after reading the reviews, quite a few caught fire (cheapy Chinese toaster)
  16. Great update Kami, you guys are doing a wonderful job with Annie. The "shelter" is just lucky you were prepared to put in the time, effort and money on her, well done!
  17. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your boy, run free Kajtek.
  18. Good suggestions from Jules, have you let the rescue organization know about the dogs problems? Was she in foster care or a kennel situation before you adopted her?
  19. Could you take both dogs for a shorter walk, more suited to the old boy, and then drop him off home and continue on with your girl?
  20. Oh my, isn't s/he just gorgeous! Love a wrinkly face.
  21. Cross between the two, and it's ugly as well. :laugh:
  22. Beautiful, I can't really decide which is my favorite, but so far the purple is slightly ahead.
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