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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Play dates are good, even in crappy weather. Who is the handsome Lab with his tongue out? (apologies if said Lab is a girl)
  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Kane, what a shock for you. It's never easy losing them, but especially hard when they are so young, and you had been through so much together. Cry all you need to, have as many doona days as you need.... all the pain that goes with losing a loved one (whether person or pet) takes its toll on us, so take care of you. Run free little Kane. When you are at the bridge, there will be a lot of our doggies to show you the way.
  3. Aww, she's growing up so fast, can't believe she is 2 already! Love the pics, she has the look of cheekiness about her :
  4. They are beautiful, just look at those faces Their family must have been devastated to give them up, I hope they find a place soon. The beagles look like they've hit the jackpot with you though, what are their names?
  5. I'm sorry that you had to let her go, it's never easy is it. She had a lovely long life with you and the best care and attention whenever she needed it. Run free Jeune.
  6. While I'm sad for the owner, I'm more devastated for the people who got attacked and the lady who was killed. On one news story they interviewed (on camera) a neighbour/local lady who said they were often running around loose, and had attacked an elderly lady before.
  7. I'd be taking this gorgeous pup to the vet (good to get a check up right after buying a puppy/dog, get advice on vaccinations etc)...this condition can dry out crucial parts of the eye, so he may need drops etc, best to get him off to the vet to be checked out. Bit more about the condition HERE
  8. She's such a happy girl, thanks for the updated photos of her Grumpette.....she looks like a cheeky girl too, I bet you have lots of fun with her.
  9. @Nekhbet Have used her in the past when I was in Melbourne, very happy with the results I don't think Julie comes on here very often now, probably best to contact her through her website, based in Geelong, does home consults etc LINK
  10. Really sorry to hear about Bunter, they leave such a huge gap don't they? Whether we've had them for 9 years or 9 months. So glad he is home with you though. Hugs for you and pats for the rest of the gang, fly free handsome little Bunter
  11. Oh wow, he's fantastic! Thanks for that, was lovely to watch.
  12. This is a happy ending, so pleased he can live out his days in his very own home.
  13. I'm really sorry to hear about your lovely girl LMBD, an empty house is hard to adjust to. Big hugs
  14. I'm so sorry to hear you lost Dozer TC. He was a beautiful boy, well loved...we never get enough time with them, do we? Hugs to you and Mr. TC. Run free over the bridge Dozer (Cancer can go f*** itself)
  15. Well done for not giving up, fingers crossed the Meloxicam helps.
  16. Evil hound is a bit naughty! Bloody pet insurance, don't take no for an answer do they, fairly incompetent on their behalf!
  17. @teddybeans This lot is on sale. https://petchemist.com.au/products/zylkene-anxiety-behaviour-capsules.html ETA: $27.95 for the 75mg, but not available till mid November. $49.95 for the 225mg, being capsules could you open them and divide them into thirds? Plus $6.95 for postage
  18. I don't have anything to add, but just to say it's good to see you back @Mrs Rusty Bucket
  19. So sorry to hear about Zeph, he was a gorgeous boy, I always loved seeing his (and Dee's) pics, and the fun they had. He certainly lived life well. Hugs.
  20. I'm so sorry to hear about Bindi Sheena, she certainly had a great and successful life with you, and what a lovely photo of the two of you. Many special memories to hold close to your heart. Run free Bindi
  21. Such a great outcome for the dear girl, you deserve a well earned pat on the back LMO.
  22. Dags looking very handsome in his new collar. I've got one for my pup too Perse, they are great, very strong, can get wet, wipe clean, good strong buckles and rings, I'm impressed (I've got a green one, only because Red or Purple was sold out (on sale).
  23. Well done! It's turned out lovely, I'd try one but my dog would probably eat the canvas or paints, or both.
  24. That's great LG, it's good to see Jonah and Jesse again, I often think of CT and his great adventures round Oz with them.
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