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Animal House

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Posts posted by Animal House

  1. What about an Akita?

    I agree with the black dog thing too, I used to dog sit a Newfie, and even though she was the sweetest dog on earth, no one came near me on walks. :laugh:

    ETA: Agree with Juice, the cattle dog is one I wouldn't cross, and to be honest, I've never completely trusted, especially the Reds.....(probably due to bad memories as a 12yo, having one lunge and nip my heels every time I walked by her kennel, where she was chained at a horse property.

    The old man who owned her always just said, "she won't bite, will you girl" as he gave her head a pat and walked ahead of me, but she always got the back of my heels. It was a narrow path and the only way to the house, so I had no choice...the Bluey in his neighboring kennel would just watch me walk by, though I always thought he might have a nip if he thought I was going to harm the old man. I used to practically wet myself when he let them off the chain, that Red girl would follow me and watch my every move while we fed the horses etc ) :scared: :laugh:

    and edited a 2nd time for spelling, sheesh

  2. Too many favorites to mention them all, and i love seeing pics and hearing stories about them.

    A few are Grumpettes Rotties, particularly Zeph.

    Blink Blinks Gruff (he's a gorgeous scruffer).

    Persephones crew, including the cat and Trouble.

    Hazywals Stan, he sounds like such a goofball, loved hearing his stories.

    Stressys Ernie, naughty and handsome!

    Westiemums Mac, running free at the bridge now.

    And some who have passed but made me smile often were Rocco and Ralph, their photos were amazing and funny.

    And Teebs Atlas, he was gorgeous,, loved hearing what he'd been up to, and laughed so much, especially his famous "lipstick" stories. :laugh:

  3. Such lovely photos WM, he looked like he enjoyed his last days, lots of cuddles, bum sniffs, snoozes and treats. Doggy paradise I think.

    Thanks for letting us come with you on his journey, and I'm sure Mac will be remembered by many Dolers. :grouphug:

  4. Can we please stop ganging up on new members who have different opinions?

    I'm really surprised (though maybe I shouldn't be, this is DOL) at the personal attacks, if you don't want to read/see someone's posts, use the ignore function.

    Of course a Rotty is going to be more of a worry than a Cav, simply because of their strength/weight when it comes to fences.

    End of rant :D

  5. It's normal to be teary WM, I still tear up when I think of fur members that have gone to the bridge. :kissbetter:

    But one day you'll look back and think of him and smile, and remember his funny little ways, all the mischief he got up to, and you will remember the good times.

    It's good that Andy and Sarah have settled without too much trouble into being a family of 3.

    Edited for spelling

  6. How on earth is that dog still alive? If by the childrens story, she was sitting there on a retaining wall waiting for her friends and the dog put it's head through the gap and grabbed her finger, then pulled her arm in and chewed it off.

    I'm truly gobsmacked that the council didn't issue a destruction order, and even then, if one of mine did that, they'd be down the vets straight away and PTS.

    I don't understand the logic. I don't care if the kid put her hand in to pat the dog, he ripped her arm off and any dog that does something like that should not still be breathing.

  7. I have long conversations with them, then occasionally I'll drop a word they know in, like "Hungry" or "Walk" etc.....they don't really pay attention until I drop one of those words in and then I just carry on talking and their face is like "I'm sure you said that word.....wait, did you"? And then I have their attention. :D

  8. I do it all the time, usually when I step on one of their feet (they are always in the kitchen when I'm in there) or when I shut the fridge door and their head is still in there. Whoops.

    But then I do have one sided conversations with them as well. All I get back is waggy tails, or head tilts. :laugh:

  9. OSo, your local snakes are WEIRD. I have never been rushed by a snake in all my years doing field work and actively looking for them. Bar messing with them or approaching a snake that's under attack from the local birds, they always escape if given the opportunity. They don't always leave, because sometimes they need to warm themselves and would REALLY rather not leave the sun. They are slow and vulnerable. So you go around. I was speaking to a snake catcher recently who deals with a lot of irritated snakes, and they said the same thing, which has also been echoed by several herpetologists and snake enthusiasts I have spoken to over the years that spend A LOT of time actively looking for and catching wild snakes. Sometimes they come towards you. They don't have great vision and if you are still, they may not be aware of you. Make a little noise and they go around. I would (and do) approach a startled snake for a closer look and have never considered it particularly dangerous. I've never had one mock strike at me or arc up. Sometimes they puff a little. Only time I've heard them hiss is if the local birds are attacking them or a dog is playing with them (yes, I have seen the latter, and the dog somehow did not get bitten - it was a very annoyed Tiger).

    You'd be the only person I know who hasn't had a snake strike at them who works in the field.

    I own pythons, and they have struck at me when startled, albeit a display. Just yesterday I had one of mine outside and he was slithering off to a place I didn't want him to go, I walked over to grab him and he turned and put on an impressive display of striking with a mouth wide open. Little shit. :laugh:

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