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Animal House

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Posts posted by Animal House

  1. Knowing my vets as I do, I know they will be 100% delighted if their diagnosis is wrong. :) However, two vets have seen her and two different specialists. That said, I am still hopeful that tomorrow is only good news.

    Since the last procedure, she has been perfectly normal: eating, pooping, walking. So :crossfingers: :crossfingers: :crossfingers:

    This is good DDD, keep on keeping on Jeune.

  2. Thanks ladies, it is really hard making that decision, but even harder to watch them become a shell of their former self. Old age/doggy dementia is a bitch.

    He'll be doing lots of his two favorite things (which is really only eating & being/sleeping next to me these days) so I've got a few kilos of mince, his favorite yoghurt which he loves, and of course wet cat food, because he loves stealing that, basically just little bits of food a dozen times a day and he's happy. He's always been a little piggy with his food though, and the best ever dog, always happy, nothing bothered him, always a waggy tail. That's how I want to remember him.

  3. Thanks DDD, we definitely needed good news, it's been quite sad around here lately, my very good friend has had more health problems, and then their mum passed away unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago.

    And my faithful little old dog (16, going on 17) is going to be booked in next week to be pts, if he doesn't go on his own before then. His little body is worn out, and I can see it's his time to go.

    Why can't they stay forever :cry:

  4. I'm sorry, I totally forgot to update this thread, it's been a bit chaotic around here lately.:o

    I ended up opting for the surgery after speaking to the vet, and having the lump removed on the 15th of last month. I figured it was going to have to come off sooner than later, just the size and position it was in wasn't good, it was starting to bother her as it continued to grow.

    Surgery went well (other than leaking poop all over my bed that night, eww) she came home with a full leg bandage, meds & a mega vets bill ...but the good news is the biopsy showed it was a Spindle Cell Tumor, so a low grade with no signs of penetrating into surrounding tissues and it seems that they have it all.

    I read the 2 page pathology report, but that's the basic result and mostly what the vet said, it's GOOD news and if your dog is going to have cancer, this is a good one to have. (low grade, low percentage to metastasize etc)

    She's had several bandage changes, 2 weeks of anti-biotics and the bandage off and a cone on for a week, with stitches left in for an extra week because the wound was a bit moist.

    Off to the vets today to get them out and hopefully get rid of the cone, but maybe they will want it on for another week.

    She has about 3 or 4 other very small moveable lumps in various places, none have changed size or shape and so they are being left but kept an eye on obviously.

    She's been so good with it all, and it was a bit of a worry because she's quite a fearful dog and I didn't think she would cope so well, but lots of treats and plenty of praises of "good girl" has made it much better.

    Thanks for asking Corrie, apologies for not coming in and updating, my brain has been mush lately. :laugh:

  5. Thanks everyone, I'm waiting to hear back from the vet today and I'll have a chat about supplements and any other meds required.

    I've read up on the Pine Bark Extract, it seems to be the one thing that is highly recommended.

    PK, thanks for the forum link too.

  6. My Staffy girl who is 10 was diagnosed with Spindle cell sarcoma. She had a lump on lower leg which quickly doubled in size.


    Surgery won't get clear margins due to the size and position of the lump, so radiotherapy would be needed as well, which is 4-5K plus, which there is no way I can afford that, as well as no guarantee the lump won't grow back or pop up somewhere else.

    My vet is happy to do a wait and see scenario, so I'm going to try the holistic approach, supplements, diet change, and obviously pain meds.

    Has anyone tried Robert McDowell cancer supplements? I'm still researching what it all entails, there's so much info out there, but a fresh meat diet, no grains and hopefully the right supplement might increase her quality of the time left and she should have a good 6 months before things take a turn for the worse.

    Unfortunately my older dog is 16 and quite poorly (old age, wobbly on legs, dementia, bit of incontinence, weight loss, can't get up from laying down without help etc) so it looks like I'll be losing both of them in a very short space of time. crying.gif

    f*** cancer.

  7. Despicable conditions.

    Just to clear something up, in the article said the RSPCA said shooting dogs was legal,

    but officers noted shooting a canine is legal
    but in the legislature Steve quoted it said dogs had to be euthanised by an overdose of the drug, and by a vet or euthanasia technician.

    So which one is correct?

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