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Animal House

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Everything posted by Animal House

  1. Thanks girls, it's been harder on the humans than it has been on the remaining dog it seems. I thought she would absolutely grieve/miss him, but she has been more than okay, maybe quiet for the first few days, but then just soaked up getting all the attention. We are doing okay, I still call Minty "Charlie" sometimes, I guess because it's a habit, he was always under my feet in the kitchen, and now she is, so it's automatically, "Charlie...I mean Minty, out!" It's been a month and a day and we are adjusting, I miss his little face and the way he'd look up at me with those puppy dog eyes, his happy little trot after he'd peed and knew he was going back inside, where food possibly was, he was indeed a good boy.
  2. Thanks WM, we were lucky to have him in our lives, that's for sure. I'm sure Charlie would have fun with Mac, he'd be chuffed to have a buddy that didn't tower over him, hehe.
  3. Thank you FM. I got a lovely card from the vets, with beautiful words and signed by the vet and all the nurses, and Charlies pawprint on a printed card. It set me off again crying, but in a good way. I've honestly never met such wonderful caring people (and I'm only new to these vets, first visit a few months back) from the vets to the nurses, even down to the surgery cat, who always had time for a pat and a chat.
  4. The background color in the pic really highlights the beautiful coat your dog has, so shiny black. By boss, do you mean Jonah or yourself? :laugh:
  5. Thanks for letting me know PL, I'm so happy they arrived and will be put to use. :)
  6. Ah, thanks WM for the link, I'll order some this week, that's a reasonable price too. :D THanks sas, looks like the one from the supermarket has to be binned then and I'll get the one WM recommended. Oh well, at least I know the dog likes the taste. :laugh: ETA: Super impressed with the service from the link you gave for the tumeric paste, I put in an order online today, lady rang me, I paid, it's now been shipped.
  7. All my info is from facebook (and taking it). So here goes: Lasts ages - but each batch of golden paste should be used up within 2 weeks. Kept in fridge. Can be frozen indefinitely as far as I know - again - should be used within 2 weeks after coming out of the freezer. Dose needs to be built up slowly. You start at.... about 1/8th teaspoon - several times a day - I think it stays in the body for approx 6 hours. Build up slowly to a point where you feel better - or you see the dog exhibiting signs of feeling better - if you take too much it upsets your stomach (same for dogs). As a side note I accidentally over dosed Scottie the first day and he pooed 3 times on a walk around the block T powder rarely has the circumin content on it - but it's fairly safe to assume that the stuff from the supermarket is lower in C - BUT I've never found much difference between supermarket and vege market stuff - myself. There is a test you can do - you mix some or set some in water - more pure T powder will settle with minimum discoloration of the water. The less pure stuff will colour the water orange. Ah, thanks for all that helpful info SM, much appreciated. I just had the supermarket powder, so ended up making a half batch of it, as I didn't have enough to make a full batch lol. I left out the pepper because I can't stand pepper, and now it's in the fridge in a glass jar and I've dated it as well. I gave my dog probably 1/5th of a teaspoon of it, smeared on a piece of my toast. She ate it up, then looked for more, so she got to lick the spoon. I've not tried it myself yet, I'm going to dip the spoon in and take a tiny taste first. I'll make sure to wait at least 6 hours before the dog has anymore as well. Don't want poo explosions anywhere lol
  8. How long does the batch you make last for? Is it kept in the fridge? And how much for humans vs dogs dosage? I got Tumeric powder yesterday, it doesn't say how much circumin is in it though.
  9. They did say the island terrain and bush coverage made it impossible for shooters to do their job, same with aerial shooting.....I think it's an awful idea to put dingoes on there to kill off the goats. But they've already released two of them in there. Excerpt from the link It's not natural, a tiny island covered in goats, so no means of escape and yeah, lets send in predators to rip them apart...sickening.
  10. Aww, she's gorgeous Japanese Spitz? I'm hopeless with dog breeds, so forgive me if I'm wrong, and I'm sure your boy Max and Maddie will sort out who is top dog in a few days. I agree, more pics are always welcome :D
  11. I'm sure she will be fine with the bedding you have, and hopefully it will last longer than a few nights. :laugh: (I remember when Minty was a pup, up until aged 3 she destroyed every bed she had, none of them lasted for more than a month or two before they were dismembered, she especially loved old doonas to rip up, she was so mouthy lol) And don't forget piccies of your new addition, how exciting. :D And I'm really sorry to hear you lost your two dogs so close together, that would have been hard.
  12. Thank you everyone. He certainly didn't follow any rules other than his own LG, cheeky little blighter he was. We were so lucky to have him choose us to live with, he was smart yet stubborn, he didn't even learn to "sit", I think he did once, but that was by accident, not command. He and I would walk my son to school everyday, right into the playground area until the bell went, and he got lots of pats, and gave lots of kisses, and he absolutely loved it, tail high in the air prancing along, he was pretty popular at that primary school. :laugh: I've been thinking about getting a portrait/painting done, probably one of him and Minty together, I think there was a Doler who did some really beautiful ones, I'll have a search in OT.
  13. My pleasure, I'll pop them in the post tomorrow or Tuesday for you. :)
  14. Lovely piccies CT, especially Jonah snoozin whilst upright. :laugh:
  15. Thank you for all the lovely thoughts, if ever there was an answer to "who's a good boy?", Charlie would have been it. They loved to snuggle together on my bed, Minty was always laying on him/next to him
  16. I have 2 barely used belly bands (Size S - 45cm) from Pets on the Park, for a male dog. LINK They have been washed/disinfected and thought a rescue might like them? Happy to pop them in the post. They were slightly too small for comfort for my old boy who has recently passed on, so they are still in great condition (though there are hairs stuck to the velcro)
  17. What a gorgeous girl she was Ray, you'll always have her memory with you.
  18. Thanks everyone, he was a cheeky boy in his younger days, that's for sure Corrie. It's been so different without him, I'm not sure what to do wirh myself. Caring for an older dog with dementia and not much bladder control takes up a fair chunk of time, and now I don't have that to do. So I'm a bit lost at the moment
  19. Run free over the rainbow bridge Charlie boy, it was a privilege to be owned by you, the most placid, happy dog with funny little piano legs and an appetite bigger than a Lion. You loved your humans, loved food (and stealing food) and the last 14 years you have been our constant companion. We adopted you from the local pound as a 2yo Jack Russell x Staffy, who had run away from his previous two homes because he didn't like being left in the backyard alone, he would dig out and go wandering to find some people to be with apparently.....so home you came with us and you never looked back. My son grew up with you and you would sleep on his bed, tucked in behind his knees, or on the couch under the blanket with him, You were his protector, his confidante and friend for so many years. When Minty came along a few years later, you tolerated her, but she absolutely adored you, she loved you to bits and would sleep on you, which was okay when she was a puppy, but when she got bigger, she would just lay her self over you like a blanket, squash you, and you just groaned until she moved off your head, or I made her move. You enjoyed laying in the sun on the grass, finding disgusting stuff to eat on your walks, licking floors and windows in your later years, and simply nothing fazed you. When I mowed the lawn and you were laying on the grass in the sun, I would literally just mow around you, because you saw no reason to move....enjoying the sun was just one of those simple pleasures. The last 4 years or so you decided my bed was the place to be, (I reckon you realised I had snacks at night when watching tv) so you came and slept in/on my bed with Minty. You regularly stole my snacks right off the bedside table when I got up to go to the kitchen or loo, cheese, biscuits, chocolate, toast, the odd slurp of my cup of tea, you really were delighted with what you'd achieved...when I came back and told you off, you just looked at me and wagged your tail, you were just happy all the time, and always walked with a spring in your step. It's been so hard watching you fade away from the dog I knew.....old age crept in over the last 8 months or so and took its toll on your body and mind, and having to make that decision to let you go was the hardest, yet the best thing I could do for you. Yesterday at home, I took you for a little wander out the front, normally you would sniff the ground and wobble along on unsteady legs, but you just stood there with a vacant look before you followed me a few steps, so we had a very short wobbly wander around the grass before bringing you back into the warm under your blanket to wait for the vet. There was lots of cuddles, whatever you wanted to eat, and you were laying on the couch with your head in my lap, eating a bowl of mince meat & left over pizza while the very lovely local vet (who did Mintys surgery a few weeks ago) & nurse helped you to fall into a deep sleep. The last thing I could do for you was to help you go peacefully, and you went out doing your two favorite things, being next to your humans and eating. Minty came and washed your face with some gentle licks to say goodbye. There were tears all round, but that's because you've been the best dog anyone could ask for. You'll be forever in my heart Charlie, it's been a quiet and rather sombre household since yesterday afternoon, but we will have lots of lovely memories, so you'll never be truly gone. Miss you already my little man, but I know you're in a better place. Run free now at the bridge, you can play with those beautiful souls gone before you, you'll have lots of doggy friends to show you the way, find out where the best sunny spot is to lay, the best places to sniff, something disgusting to roll in no doubt, where to get the best treats, and of course, which butt to sniff, and if you're lucky, maybe a big dogs leg to hump.
  20. That's so lovely of the lady to do that for Danny, I bet he looked so handsome and fluffy.
  21. Aww, gorgeous old boy he is DDD. (my old boy would get "stuck" in corners, behind doors etc)
  22. Oh he's beautiful Eza, congrats on the new puppy, have to love the spotties.
  23. How is your handsome little man going DDD? Loved the photo of him finishing off the pumpkin soup. Nothing like leftovers is there, my lot are like hoovers, going around the kitchen floor looking for anything that might have fallen from the fridge/bench/my mouth, ever hopeful aren't they lol
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