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Animal House

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Posts posted by Animal House

  1. 12 minutes ago, persephone said:

    there is nothing you can do  at home  -  Parvo is a VERY serious illness , and he needs to be in hospital .
    if you cannot afford the treatment ,(have you asked the vet about paying it off ?)  then the kindest thing is to have him put to sleep , sorry ... 



    Yes, this.

    Ask the vet if you can pay it off, Parvo kills, get the pup to a vet and have it treated, withholding vet treatment is just plain cruel.   Surrender the puppy if you can't pay for it's treatment perhaps.

  2. I'm a bit in both groups really, it was a simple fun thing that showed a little kid using their imagination, and she was being supervised.

    On the other hand, I agree that dogs should not have to put up with kids pulling tails etc.

    Seems she has another dog buddy to play with as well, they'd have to be the most chilled out dogs ever.

    Another vid

  3. I'm not too sure about the differences between Staghounds/Deerhounds/Wolfhounds etc, or if this pup would be sighthoundy enough for you, but he's pretty cute!

    http://services.blac...rch.aspx?type=2 (bottom of the page)

    He's a young (maybe 16wks?) wolfy at Blacktown Pound. :)

    He's not there now... I can't believe the Maltese crosses in there... are they all surrendered or may some be reclaimed by owners if just lost? :(

    Yeah, he's still there, I'll try and post a screenshot.

    And yeah! Crazy amount of malteses, maybe they were surrendered/seized off a Maltese breeder? (BYB maybe) Either that or a lot of people surrendering SWFs and Maltese crosses! :(

    (Edit: can't figure out how to attach pictures on my phone sorry)

    Here's the lad you were referring to:

    Impound No:

    IMP-16-05205 Animal Type: Dog Sex: Male Colour: Tan Sable White Age: Pup 12w - under 6m Breed: Irish-Wolfhound Cross Breed:

    Hair: Short Date In: 19/12/2016 Date Available: 30/12/2016 Sale Type: EOI


  4. This is the post that may be helpful that PK was talking about

    Are you able to set up an exercise area as opposed to crating for hours? It gives the pup more options to move around, do things and expend the energy a growing pup has.

    Not sure of your setup but as an example, I put together a pen with chicken wire, cable ties and star pickets which let pup go down one side of the house then half way under our verandah. I had as much as I could think for a pup to keep busy in there. A large meaty bone regularly (nothing she could chew off), tub of balls which I'd throw treats in,a small cardboard box taped up with treats inside, a tub of damp sand for digging or lying in, a container of dry leaves, a plank on bricks, a container near it she could jump on to and then off again, a kids pool with an inch of water and floating balls, a tug toy tied off the clothes line, a kids tunnel with a tarp across the top, a small kong stuffed with dry food and another frozen with stock, vegies and dry food in it etc.

    This meant she was separate from my other dog but had access to sunshine, grass and shelter which I think is important to a young animal. At times she would run completely mental through everything including throwing herself at the side of the tunnel and bouncing off which was hilarious. I increased her time alone from day one but separation anxiety was never an issue because she had so much to do I doubt she realised I was gone!

    When I was happy letting both dogs stay together through the day she came and went from the house with our other dog via our sliding door bolted open just wide enough to let them through (lucky we have two small dogs). The older Frenchie has to suck her gut in a little to get through but it doesn't stop her doing it at a run lol . Toilet training was never an issue as she could always access outside and I took her out through the night too.

    Anyway, food for though and good luck with your new pup!

  5. Personally i would ditch this person,they are not a breeder just a person who had a litter & doesn't care.

    What happens is not your problem ,they have obviously decided the pups have hit the age that they require work & just want to offload them

    Agreed, because you're getting a pup that is missing out on important socialization and that can affect the next 12 years of the dogs life, which can be both expensive and emotionally draining if any problems occur because of this.....and the fact that they don't give a toss about it and are doing it to suit themselves says a lot about them as people, I would not believe that the vet said it was okay to let the pups go at 6 weeks either, I think they are just saying it because it suits them to get rid of the puppies now.

  6. Thanks, I am that Canon lens in particular is a gem it focuses like lightning and on anything. I have a series of 6 or 7 pics of a gull flying past me pretty quickly maybe 20m away against a overcast sky and every picture is in focus and razor sharp. None of my other lenses can touch that.

    Sounds like a beauty then CT. thumbsup1.gif

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