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Everything posted by chadwick

  1. Hi all, We have a 18 month old foxie,he is a rescue dog and after a nervous start, is settling in quite well. He is desexed, immunised C5, and on Advocate monthly. Can`t find a sign of a flea on him, yet he is constantly scratching and licking himself, I`m wondering will bathing him with something like Malawash be any help? Any help or advice appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I just paid $16 for 20 mll. Linctol here {5 days supply @ 4mll. per day} Plus $26 for 4 Vibravet 50 mllgram tabs. Anyone else have a price on the Vibravet tabs? I`ve rang around but only able to get a price on the paste, not tabs. Thanks.
  3. Thanks all for the different views and discussion. Looks like the bottom line is.....they can charge whatever and however they see fit. I`ve got no beef with it either way, just trying to get some insight on what different vets charge. One other thing was I paid $10 for 3 Stilboestrol 1mg. tabs, then 7 days later, the price was $13 for 20 tabs at same vet. Naturally, I didn`t query the $13 for 20, in case they said "oh sorry, that should be $130" So all is good.
  4. So you got charged a dispensing fee for new medications (or old ones that were again discussed) that were issued at a consult? I have to admit that I have never paid a dispensing fee, but I have never had an animal on a long term course that required reissuing meds. It was $57 for a consult, $10 for 3 stilboestral tabs and $8 dispensing fee.
  5. I see your point, but all of what you say should have {and did} take place during the $57 consultation, surely. It`s not as though I walked in unanounced and asked for a prescription medicine without seeing a vet first.
  6. Wow, I never imagined our Sh!t tasted better than everyone elses. ;) !
  7. Oddly enough, it only seems to be a problem with Victorian dogs ;)
  8. Hi all, Do vets not have a standard "dispensing fee" for medications? The reason I ask is the vet we use charges $8 on top of medication price, another vet in close locality charges $18 for a "dispensing fee", while a third just up the road say they will provide the medication {stilboestrol} at half the other`s prices including the so called dispensing fee!! Confused? Me too ;) '
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