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Everything posted by mgeyer
Any One With A Golden Retriever , Or Advice,
mgeyer replied to mgeyer's topic in General Dog Discussion
please dont hold this against me in any way ,,, i know his past very well as its my family ,,, my sister was the recpe,,, my brother in broken hill took him then gave him to my other brother who gave him to me ,,, we are not a close family ,but are held together but one other sister who talks to all of us ,,,, i know personally my two brothers and not and never been animal people , i cant get over why they took him to begin with ,,, im just glad he is here -
Any One With A Golden Retriever , Or Advice,
mgeyer replied to mgeyer's topic in General Dog Discussion
thanx double its been 5 days and im still crying because he is just so lovable last nite after i brushed him he was sitting beside me when i finished he put his front paw up for a shake i just bursted into tears and cuddled him , im one for i cant handle animal wrongfullness if a child run away im like yeah let it go put if a dog does im a panic ... -
Any One With A Golden Retriever , Or Advice,
mgeyer replied to mgeyer's topic in General Dog Discussion
thanx i just thought yeah pics got up cameras flat so batteries on charge will do asap thanx for advice , -
firstly sorry if i dont reply as my laptop keyboard is stuffing up im on daughter pc ,,,,, but i am reading off my laptop ,,as she wants her pc .... JACKSON is his name , jackson has had such a sad life , he was born in a breeding kennel , and was never sold so till the age of 18 months he just sat there every day waiting for someone ,,, at 18 months old the owners of the kennel called the vet in to put him to sleep as they could not profit by selling him ,, lucky but unlucky the receptionist had a little heart and told the company owners he was put down ,,, but she found some to give him to ,,,, this was a common practice for the receptionist who had to orginize the dogz to be destryoed .... so off he went to broken hill for his new life ,,, but was confined into a very small backyard full of bindies ,( if u every been to broken hill u will know what i mean ) so he just sat there at the back door on a concrete pad never walked never let in side , for 3 years he just sat there unwashed un loved until they decided to throw him away and passed him on so he ended back in sydney where he was to become a family dog , but the children where scared of him and would not go outside , he had to survive on a scoop of kibble every 2 days and a can of food every 2 days , then the fleas set in altho they tried to stop them , with a over the counter flea powder it didnt work , so he just sat in the back yard never played with full of fleas stinking until last week when he was offered to me , as there house is flea infested and the dog was blamed and had to go.so i took him in a heart beat , i am a very very responsible animal owner i have a farm horses etc ,,, i have 3 very well looked after children ,,, a foxie a maltese and a 12 month old boxer , all my children not my pets ,so me and my wife sat there from 4 in the arvo till 6 the next morning pulling fleas out of him 450 we counted then washed him flea treatment done , worming etc at the vet , for a 6 yo dog his teeth are shocking nothing on top or bottom , his top k9 are ok his bottom are only half there , he is booked in for desexing next friday so all the medical stuff in on track ,,, from not being loved his whiole life , he is very very shy , absouluty no agresivenese when confronted , he just wees him self and shackes his tail , also if u show him any affection he just humps the air in excitment , i need tips on how we can bring him into such a loving enviroment , with out destryong what he knows and becomes to naughty . i dont know if that would happen but its a common concern for anyone ,, also whats so secrets and tips u do to get there coat in top top shinning condition , Atm im brushing knots out still brushing up to 20 time a day, all we can do is talk in a baby vioce to him and he seems to respond quiet well , he will not leave my side at all , which is lucky as i dont leave my kiddies at all i stay n work from home .., he has resonded so well in the last couple days and has settled in very very well and is loving his freedom running round the farm ,but we are lost as our girlz we have had since pups and always had the best treatment a dog could ask for .... so im just so confused where do i start what do i do? i need tips please ........
A Poem For Christmas For Those Who Lost This Year
mgeyer replied to mgeyer's topic in Rainbow Bridge
thanx every one for your reponse -
A Poem For Christmas For Those Who Lost This Year
mgeyer replied to mgeyer's topic in Rainbow Bridge
for scott my faithful red cattle dog for 18 years who passed in march this year -
I am spending Christmas with Jesus this year I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, With tiny lights, like heavens stars, reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular; please wipe away that tear, For I am spending, Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, But the sounds of music can’t compare with the Christmas choir up here, I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring. For it’s beyond description to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me; I see the pain inside your heart, But I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart. I cannot tell you of the splendor or the peace inside this place, Can you imagine Christmas with our saviour. Face to face? I will ask him to light your spirit as I tell him of your love, So then pray for one another as you lift your eyes above. So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you near, And be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above. I sent you each a memory of my undying love. After all, love is a gift more precious than pure gold It was always most important in the stories Jesus told. Please, love and keep each other, as my father said to do, For I can’t count the blessing or love he has for each of you, So have a merry Christmas and wipe away that tear, Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year….
,, rip bronnie ,,,, deepsest sorrow to u griff and family,,,,, somtimes it for the best remember that
we have giving him hormone needles before and it normally worked his prostate is fine we had scott ( my cattledog) cheaked out last year and the only thing the vet could say what was wrong was a bit of arthritis in his hip witch is normal for such an old dog , now well the last three years not even hormones will stop him gettin extremely horny to piont he happens, i have thought of letting breed with a cattle dog any maybe let him do it for the first time since birth but i am a true believer that there is to many unloved dogs out there to breed more, this problem sounds to be concern but after doing it his whole life its no problem to him what i mean is he doesnt get sick in anyway he eats normal runs and plays , but this year for the first time ever he actually got angry at rookie my kelpie cross saugage dog and wouldnt stop picking at him, my vet has attened scott since birth and is fully aware of his bleeding , i know what the problem is i just need advice or wanted to know if other peoples dog has this problem , i also think i could of done it to him you see i found him 17years ago my mother and i was riding the horses over stoney creek when my mum seen a bag on the side of the creek when we loooked in there was 5 pupps new born we took them to the vet but 4 died on the way he told us then that scott had to be put down as he wouldnt survive but i took him home and keeped him on a frypan and raised him like my child , if there is no dog on heat his bleeding doesnt happen but as soon as neighbours dog on heat he atsrts his howling and panting and really gettin worked up normally when i see this i take his straight down to get a needle but as i said the last three years the female hormone has done nothing , so i think maybe after doing it his whole life maybe its just in the brain to react like that
shaw thing i will get onto it tommorrow im leaving now my show is on mcclouds daughters catch later
the same piont the vet says , and yes he is a very happy and healthy for a 17 year old dog he plays ball but cannt run far and eats fine and he doesnt even lick when he does bleed my vet had told me with his epelepsy and his age he would expect him to be so healthy , and happy i just thought maybe other people with dogs even the same breed had simalar problems so i guess he is original , he is my best mate so money is never a problem to outlay for him it was just male pride why i never got him desexed then in later life i just said he is to old. i have even tought him to collect the chicken eggs without cracking them he collects them in the yard and brings them to a bucket
excellent piont and yes you are correct he is not desexed , and yes im am probably doing wrong for not getting it done before , but its really only gotten worse the last year and i was think being 17 years old maybe it could kill him if i got it done or maybe i am scared that now it could be cancer i honestly think he only has a couple years left and it will rip me in half when it happens i have spent everyday of his life together , do u think i should get him desexed and if so do u think he will stop or itsd to late
it has been happeneing for 16 years and all different vets say the same thing he has high hormones, its not flowing out but it drips from his willy and he howles rams the gates and scratches at the door any thing to get out to find them . it basically sends him insane no biteing or anything like that just extremly horny i find spots of blood everywhere all over the pavers and steps on the lawn they are about 1 cent in diameter there has never been chunks or anything like that
does any one who owns a red cattle dog hav the same problems as me? i have a red cattle dog ive had for 17 years for the last 16 years everytime a female dogs on heat in the area he bleeds from his penis , and howles constantly , he is generally cheaked at the vet and he has extremely high hormones , he is still a virgin and has never mated , he is also epeleptic and has had since birth well since i found him dumped at 2 days old in a creekbed . im just wondering if anybodiy elses cattle dog has the same problems that we could share tips on about general maintance on these issues and maybe igf they know any new medication or herbs that could ease it and keeping clean the pavers and other things he comes in contact with when this happens ( which is normally 2 weeks out of the month )