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Everything posted by dandydog
So sorry for your loss bustam, Mahli must have been such a special friend in your life, run free Mahli and have great fun at rainbow bridge with all the other doggies.
Rottie With Rare Disease Can Anyone Help
dandydog replied to dandydog's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks guys, couldn't get back on last night, something came up at home, that was the one Stormie, do you know anything about it? I've suggested he ask the vets at Sydney Uni if she can be given a B12 shot or something to boost her immune system while they're coming up with a treatment regime, I'm not sure if it's contagious or not, because my dog keeps stealing her kong to play with, well come to think of it all the dogs keep stealing her kong seems to be a favourite toy at the dog park, she's so laid back she doesn't bother, but just wondering if it's something that can be passed from dog to dog? I will suggest a homeopathic vet, he may even be able to discuss the condition over the phone at first to see if it's something homeopathic medicines can treat, probably wont see him till Saturday now. -
Rottie With Rare Disease Can Anyone Help
dandydog replied to dandydog's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks Cavandra, no its not spondylitis, however after posting I looked on the net and there is a site which seems to have similar symptoms to that disease can't remember the name of the disease begins with 'a' I think (this is only my guess by the description in the article), will look when I get home from work, however it seems that by the time the dog is diagnosed its usually too late and there is not treatment for it - hope this isn't going to be the case. -
Has anyone with a Rotty or any dog experienced this and could give any advice. A friend at our Dog Park has the most beautiful natured female Rotty (with a tail), over the past few months she has been going down hill (she's only 3yrs old), anyway the friend took her to the vet as she's his 'baby' and they couldn't find what was wrong with her, she lost 7kg in 3 weeks and went to skin and bone almost. The vet did say that blood test showed it wasn't cancer however, on recommendation from his vet he took her to Sydney Uni for more tests and they've found she has a very rare disease which is a fungus in her spine, she's on pain killers constantly, apparently she only has a 50/50 chance of recovery with this disease at the moment and if they can't find out what's causing it and treat her sadly it will be terminal. I saw her yesterday at the dog park and she has put a bit of weight on, her owner was getting the results back today and the vets and everyone are at a loss to find out what is causing it but apparently it's something that rotties get even though its very rare. Has anyone come across this at all, her owner was so relieved to know it wasn't cancer but now he's going through a worse state as unless they treat her urgently she will die pretty quickly, he's beside himself with worry for his beloved dog, he takes her to the park because he said she is so miserable with the pain when she's at home and perks up quite a bit in the company of other dogs although can't run around because of the pain, he's such a lovely man I feel so sorry for him. I will keep checking from time to time to see if anyone has any info. Thanks guys.
Haven't been on DOL for ages, so its terrific to hear Sophie is still doing so well and enjoying going out and about, Cavnt do you have any friends with a movie camera that you could take a video of Sophie that way it wouldn't matter if she moves you could still keep the camera rolling and unless your a good photographer and can take great still shots, it really doesn't matter with video cameras as you just point and follow the subject around. I got a really good one last year from Aldi for only $178, its digital, video and webcam. Keep up the great work with Sophie Cavnt your devotion to her is inspiring.
Congratulations on your choice of a pup, my boy Lab is 8yrs in July and very spoilt, yes they know how to twist you round their little toe, be prepared in the first year for a lot of telling off as Labs are very clever they love life and get bored very easily and therefore need a lot of stimulation, my boy is very gentle and not dominant but that first year I used the word "No" so many times I think he thought that was the only word I could say. Labs have a tendency to want to jump up on everything and everyone knocking them over in their excitement, however stick at it, it definitely gets better and as they mature at around 4-5yrs old most of them settle down and become well mannered adults. My sister had her Lab till it was 15 and her advice to me when I was on the phone to her in the UK crying as I was so stressed out in the first year with my boy bouncing around all over the place (I'd had 2 German Shepherds previously both over Rainbow Bridge who had been so well behaved and who I loved dearly) "remember in the first few years they're like babies, then naughty 2's, terrible 3's, teenagers then adults so be prepared" and you'll be rewarded a 1000 times over. I'm a volunteer with Sydney Dogs Home and we've just had 3 of them in there looking for homes since Christmas, its sad so many of them get off-loaded because people aren't prepared to put in some effort I think people get them thinking they're like Guide Dogs, very calm and docile. Labs are extremely quick to learn but are the types of dogs who would like your attention 24/7 if they could. My sister brought up 3 children with her Lab and had no trouble at all. Most labs seem to be driven in one way or another, i.e. ball, water or food, mine is both water and food driven and yes he's chunky and about to go on a diet yet again, but I couldn't imagine life without him he's such a character and is always happy, have a wonderful life with your Lab. As food goes I can't advise as my boy has an allergy to wheat so I have to be pretty careful what I feed him he'll be getting fish or meat and raw vegetables in the evening and a small cup of biscuits in the morning.
Hi CnR still following Sophie and glad she's still managing to enjoy life, regarding taking her out, is there somewhere you could take her in the car perhaps to sit by a river or in the park without actually having to walk her, just for her to sit quiety with you for special time together and then fetch her home in the car, some people do that at our dog park with their sick doggies, just down to the park, a little sit down and then home again. Regarding the Essiac Tea, I google searched yesterday and came up with www.blessedherbs.com, this is the original recipe devised by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse, you can also put in a google search for the story of how she came to develop Essiac tea for cancer, Ingredients: Burdock root certified organic, Sheep Sorrel wild harvested, slippery elm wild harvested, turkey rhubarb root wild harvested, I think you can also buy it on line, if you feel you would like to try it on Sophie at some time, it just may help, hugs to Sophie and yourself, hang in there it's your love and devotion that's keeping her going and helping Sophie fight this. Also not forgetting all the other Rottiy babies who are battling at the moment and their owners, a prayer for you all that your 'babies' get well again very soon.
Was reading this thread past midnight last night and crying my eyes out, an absolute mess, couldn't let OH hear me tho. I can fee the pain you're all going thru as I lost my German shep. at only 5 to cancer and that was 15 years ago and my heart still breaks for him. I'm so sorry that Zed was taken so young ZedNQ what a beautiful looking dog from his photo sometimes life is so unfair and it's beyond our comprehension to understand why this happens, I'm sure he's having a great time over the bridge now he's free of pain, please look after yourself. Hugs to you CnR for what you and your OH are going thru with dear Sophie, my heart goes out to you, a big big hug to Sophie. I wonder if you have heard of the herb Essiac, when I thought my Lab might have a tumour I scoured the websites and found one on "dogs with cancer" and there was an article on Essiac, its not a cure of course but I believe it helps with their well-being, in Sydney you can buy it from Newton's Pharmacy in York Steet, they're a long established herbalist, there's also a wonderful story about "Magic" a German Shep who had cancer and his brave battle and extended life through the herbal diet they put him on, I hope it will give you some comfort when you feel down. My prayers are for you and Sophie, may she still continue to enjoy life for a good while yet, its good that you take her out when she wants to go for a mooch around, as long as they are able they should be allowed to, they'll let you know when they don't feel like it, there's nothing like a good mooch, roll, and pee outside to lift their spirits. Hugs also to Ollie, and to all the rotty babies and their owners who are doing it tough at the moment, our thoughts and prayers are with you all ;)
Im crying just reading this, I'm sure you will have a lifetime of wonderful memories of Boffa, it's a 2 way street and I'm sure you made him just as happy as he made you, have fun at Boffa old fella
Sounds like you had a wonderful life Shadow and a family who loved you so much they didn't want to see you suffer, have fun at and a hug to your family whose hearts are breaking
Oh how terribly sad, such a sweet little dog, don't beat yourself up tho, these accidents happen and its no ones fault. RIP little one, you brought so much happiness to your family.
RIP Boss and know that you had someone that truly loved you and will miss you dearly. Thank you to everyone who helped this boy find a wonderful home for his remaining months without you all he would have gone to never having known love.
RIp over sweet Ruby, you brought a lot of happiness and you've left a lot of wonderful memories.
So sorry for your loss BMR, I bet Rosie was a real little character and you will have wonderful memories of her, rest easy Rosie old girl you've brought a lot of happiness and now your job is done, another little has earned her wings
Dogmad so terribly sorry for your loss of Gloria, another star to brighten the sky, another angel in doggy heaven you gave Gloria the best 6 months of her life and in turn she loved you dearly she has gone to be with your beautiful Wonder Dog. Have lots of fun both of you getting into lots of mischief with all the other doggies, well, not too much mischief.
I think like most people I had the same problem in my Lab's first year, he would jump up at everything, he even knocked over an 80 yr old lady who'd just had a shoulder operation at our dog park, fortunately she was very forgiving having had a dog of her own and said she had to expect anything at an off-leash dog park - that was the final straw, I happened to see an American Dog Behaviourist on the TV showing how to stop dogs jumping up the one in question was a great dane, and he said no matter what happens totally ignore them, because even a negative response is a response and this is what they are looking for, I grant you its hard when you're out walking to ignore their jumping up I think he said you have to make the lead really short and tight when walking to not give them any chance to jump, maybe you could do some training at home, I just looked to the sky or turned completely away and ignored my Lab and within a week it had totally stopped, Labs are smart cookies, people couldn't believe it but it was a response from me he was looking for and when none was forthcoming he changed tack, now he brings me a shoe when I come home, oh well we can't have everything I know you've tried the ignoring bit but keep doing it and keep him on a tight lead when you walk him for a while and I'm sure it will work eventually and all you frustrated jumping Lab owners ignore ignore ignore the dog and I can assure you it will stop. Good Luck to you and your pooch
What a fitting tribute to a beautiful dog tybrax, I still cry buckets for my Lab and 2 Shepherds that are over the bridge even tho our Lab King was only 5 months old and its now 17 years ago my GSD Nicky left us at only 5 yrs with Cancer in 1990 and my last GSD Blackie got his wings in 1999 when he was 11yrs, my Lab Whisky now is almost 7rs and brings us such joy, they all have a special place in my heart so I know how you feel. ;)
So sorry for your loss Fiery Di, poor little foxy to be taken so young, another little Angel in doggy heaven ;)
Goodbye My Wonder Dog, May You Be At Peace
dandydog replied to Her Majesty Dogmad's topic in Rainbow Bridge
So sorry for your loss dogmad what a terrible decision you had to make sounds like you and wonderdog had a great time together over the last 3 years. Run free over ;) Wonderdog and know you were very special and truly loved. -
Sounds like Spike had a great home and has left you all wonderful memories to treasure, you can play with all the other doggies at :D now Spike just as though you are a puppy again without any of the problems of old age.
With your love of Shar Peis Elle-Belle would have had a wonderful home with you, thank you for giving her that extra time, have fun over the Bridge Elle-Belle where all animals have eternal youth you were very much loved and will be sadly missed. Hugs from me and my Lab Whisky
My Beautifaul German Shephard See You At The Bridge,
dandydog replied to frank's topic in Rainbow Bridge
I knew I shouldn't have come on this site I'm trying to type while my tears are raining down, I'm so sorry you have lost your beloved Jessy Frank, having lost 2 Shepherds I can understand how you feel. Run free and have fun Jessy at the bridge until your master joins you one day. -
I Feel So Horrible...final Update
dandydog replied to k8star's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi K8star hugs to you your OH and sweet Kiah, I don't have any answer for you except that maybe you could try a wholistic vet to see if they could give Kiah anything to boost her, sometimes vitamin B shots help,14 is a very good age to reach which also makes it harder to say goodbye when the time comes after being together for so many years, I lost my 1st Lab when he was only 5 months old, my Shepherd to cancer at 6yrs and my other Shepherd at 11yrs, all very heartbreaking, Blackie my last GS we think had a stoke, he just got up to greet me when I came home from work one day and couldn't walk, he crashed into the palmtree in the garden and that's where the vet had to give him his wings, he was my baby and I was totally devastated I felt riddled with guilt, what had I done wrong to lose 3 of my babies, but sadly it happens, their lifetime is never long enough for us although Kiah must be going on for 90 or so, what wonderful memories you must have over the years, this is where camcorders come in handy nowadays. Have you thought about adding Kiah's photo to one of the DOL movies on the site, I think she deserves it for getting to such a ripe old age. I hope Kiah can look forward to another year or two at least with you and your OH our thoughts are with you -
This will be a very sad christmas for a lot of "mummies" and "daddies" who've lost their furkidz, our hearts go out to you all
So very sorry to hear of your loss, run free with Roxy over Scamp, you've both left broken hearts behind