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Everything posted by _PL_

  1. Consensus seems to be anal glands. Mysterious things they are. Let us know how you go at the vet.
  2. Thanks for the advise Powerlegs, good for both myself and the OP . Don't know where the OP lives, but we're in Brisbane and everyones allergies have been worse during this summer in particular. I was wondering if this could be the chi's problem. We use Aloveen shampoo and conditioner, but it didn't help the foot chewing at all. The aloe sounds like a good idea, will have to give that a go. If its heat related a clip can be a good idea. TD is in what I would call a fairly short coat for summer, shorter than in my avatar pic, and his belly is very short as are his feet (poodle style ). I have been told that dogs can regulate their temp better if their belly is clipped. I am a nitwit. Sorry Minimum I meant to ask Moggy if she was in a hot area. Herb my mini foxy X chi had a very cursory clip tonight. It stopped his scratching and chewing almost straight away. I realise he hasn't the coat for a proper clip but I took so little off you can't really tell. I love the barefoot looking poodle clip. :cool: So dainty.
  3. Does his wormer do tapeworm? They come with the pesky fleas this time of year. I've seen that in poundies. And they have a fast lifecycle AFAIK so I usually worm again a fortnight later just to be sure they're all gone. Or, in this weather he could be getting an itch, there is a lot of it around just from the heat. If you need an aloe plant Wags let me know. V handy.
  4. Just another idea. Where are you MiniMum? I've had itchy shorter-coats on hot days. The hotter and more humid the worse they chew. An oatmeal bath really helps, a cool bed and a bit of aloe on any broken skin. Unfortunately once they break the skin that gets very itchy too. eta: a tiny bit off the outside of the coat with clippers really helps also. Not down to the skin, just the outside.
  5. I am so sorry, another special old lady, so full of character and wisdom. My condolences Trish. She had a wonderful few months with you.
  6. This quote is from the pinned topic 'Puppy Development Calender' at the top of this section - I've seen people mention a fear period here on Dol but not experienced it myself.
  7. Thank you again for visiting Little's thread. She is so special. We knew she was old, and I did worry about Ken and how he would cope, she chose him and he loved her fearlessly and bravely knowing that she didn't have long. Snowysal you're spot on.
  8. Thank you so much to you all. :rolleyes: She was indeed a very very special lady, and all the things I can't put into words... you can see in her eyes. Sharing our loss with you has truly helped. Thank you xo Anna and Ken
  9. Our special old girl Little was given her wings yesterday. I honestly cannot believe she has gone, it was all so sudden. ;) There are so many things I want to say about her but it's too hard. I pray she is ok where she is and we will all see each other again. Little's Story Three years ago she came from Renbury Farm as a foster. An unclaimed stray, so thin and dirty, she slept for almost two weeks straight only waking occasionally. I would feed her drop by drop and carry her around the block for a bit of sun. Sometimes I wondered if she was strong enough to make it. 25 January 06 - - Ken was overseas and I called him to say we had a visitor. 25 February 06 -- By the time they finally met, that was it. Literally their eyes met and she was going to stay with us forever. (that's her in the bottom left, you can see why she was called Little) - - What follows are the happy days, we will always have our memories of her: being bossy being impatient being the sweetest most loyal little lady you could imagine going on her walks enjoying her meals afternoon naps her favourite trips to the mountains her soulful eyes realising her friend Button was gravely ill and going to her side hating bath day charming everyone she met and knowing when Ken needed a friend -- - - From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much Little Dog. Our treasure. We love you --
  10. Oh no I'm so sorry that must have been the most unexpected shock for you all. She sounds like a beautiful lady, loved by her family and she must have been so happy for all of her life. I am so sorry she couldn't stay longer. R.I.P Willow
  11. I think the second entry - Pamela Rushing- wasn't an Australian incident.
  12. Oh goodness indigirl I am so sorry. :p There was no way you could have guessed this would happen. Please don't feel bad. RIP little Ripley
  13. All raw here except: we have one very old fussy gal that's going through a Scotty's phase. Pro-Peak to be exact. And you just can't argue. I am glad that it's not got as many nasties but still...... she will be bored of it soon anyway. Aimee, if you're after ideas of things to feed, I recommend a little raw food book (link here) I ordered recently. Very easy to read and you can pick up all of the ingredients at the supermarket, butcher and health food stores. Best of all is you know whats in it if you prepare the food yourself.
  14. What a beautiful boy. He will always be with you Hannahh.
  15. _PL_

    Goodbye Zy

    Goodbye pretty Zy. Running happily with friends now. RIP
  16. _PL_


    Oh dear, just a baby. I didn't realise. Very very sorry Danois. RIP Angus.
  17. one month and one day. I miss you Button.
  18. Again, thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. I wish you could have met her, she will always be my special girl.
  19. Thank you both. And Cynthia, I know you are so right but ... I hope one day I can think of her and only remember happy things. Right now everything is empty. They bring her ashes back tomorrow. By Powerlegs
  20. Deepest Thank you everyone so much for you kind words. I know you must have all been through the same thing and am so touched that you are thinking of us. I will edit post 1, adding a poem I received today. Am just feeling so crushed at the moment.
  21. My beautiful girl passed away this morning. Thankfully she was right where she should have been, in the middle of the bed, the same place she has slept for 14 years. For that I am truly grateful. The little garden we started out the front will always be in her memory and as the sweet-pea grow this spring, each bloom will be for her. Goodbye my fiesty and loyal friend. There are no words to describe how empty your home is without you. I hope you ran straight into the waiting arms of Dad and I will see you both someday. :p I love you. Rest in Peace. :p Baby Button adding a poem (& thank you to the lovely lady who sent it): And therefore I look upon everything as a brotherhood and a sisterhood, and I look upon time as no more than an idea, and I consider eternity as another possibility, and I think of each life as a flower, as common as a field daisy, and as singular, and each name a comfortable music in the mouth, tending, as all music does, towards silence, and each body a lion of courage, and something precious to the earth. When it's over, I want to say all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms. by Mary Oliver
  22. Thanks Monelite. And good to hear Ruthless, I think that sounds perfect.
  23. Bump! Can someone give me a number to pass on please?
  24. Peakhurst. Apparently it's ten or fifteen minutes from them. How's Chopper enjoying things? :D
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