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Everything posted by _PL_

  1. My vet suggested I try Dap with a stressed little foster as part of his settling in. I remember a thread a while back, there seems to be a lot of online places with a better retail price, can anyone recommend a reliable one?
  2. Why wouldn't you want a smelly green prezzie?
  3. Have a good night Tilly. Maybe he'll think twice about playing with stinky frogs in future.
  4. like when you upset a tortoise, they stench really bad. It's about all the deterrent they've got.
  5. Not sure. I don't think any of the native green tree frogs (if you are certain that''s what it is) are toxic - although it may have done something stinky or foul tasting to ward the dog off.
  6. That's a good link ta poodlefan!
  7. You're a good Mum Kelly Louise. You worrier. Yep, empty tum can make them chunder a small thick yellow liquid with a bit of foam. Hmm yum. She sounds quite fit, but you could supplement with Protexin probiotic powder (it populates the gut with good bacteria). eta: which is specially helpful after antibiotics link
  8. lol I thought I was off. Is liver shunt often seen in bichon Poodlefan? I know yorkies can get it.
  9. Yes please don't stress. :p She's only a bub yes? (I think a tentie is that right? sorry if not) Could be viral, bacterial, vaccine reaction(?) - anything really. And the little yellow vomits you mention that happen from time to time can just be a sign of an empty tummy, nothing more sinister. Hoping for good news for you.
  10. I'm going to try it (although I don't use much dry it's good ta have). Apparently all Oz ingredients, except for thailand rice. I was also told by a nutro promo rep the chicken is measure in dry-weight as opposed to fresh (wet) which makes a difference to competitors stats.
  11. I didn't know there was no medication for male incontinence! Sorry Kelpie-i. There is a product called Vet Bed or Dry Bed that's washable and absorbent, it might help draw the urine away from his coat. Ask your friend if she can get some in for you.
  12. Indeed. Like all littlies with wee bones, I'll just suggest she isn't allowed to become obese, and doesn't get into the habit of fearlessly leaping off the bed or sofa or out of the car. Top notch nutrition will set her up for a better old age too.
  13. "just a dog" isn't a term used much on Dol. Go for a second opinion. And if you can post pics and breed/diet/exercise/health details I'm sure there will be people who have seen the condition in their own dogs and can offer support. ;)
  14. We're thinking of you katelouise. Hope each day is a little brighter.
  15. oh what a lovely tribute. Run free old girl. How beautiful, I hope Aunty is faring ok. eta Shilfie is the best terrier name! I'll add it to my list.
  16. Thankyou so much Anna........he LOVED bbq chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!! silky tummies know about tasty food don't they. katelouise they never ever leave you. We just learn to live without our little shadow but they're still watching as they always did.
  17. RIP Dusty. Katelouise, you will never forget him. Button Powerlegs and Little Dog will welcome their fellow silky at the bridge with a tail wag, an expedition in the long grass and big a bbq chicken dinner.
  18. _PL_


    oh no. So unfair, deeply sorry Bustam.
  19. Got it, it's pretty good if you need something straightforward. The price is good, worth having in the doggy-library. No cooked, all raw but some very good ideas on variety.
  20. Oh dear, I'm sorry. Cushings is hard. Loraine here on DOL can give you links to the cush-dogs forums and more advice. My own girl was totally cured by adrenal surgery as she had that option. Most dogs will need ongoing medication for the rest of their lives - which means the cost go on and on. I think Robert McDowells has a naturopathic Cushings Support formula but as far as I know, once a dog has gone to fully diagnosed Cushings you can't really reverse it with anything other than permanent vet meds.
  21. Thanks guys. And it's in tablet form so a bit more stable. But won't last forever. Maybe I should call her specialist and see if he needs them? I thought vets didn't take back meds once opened. eta: Probably should have acted sooner but just couldn't bring myself to open her little medicine bag. :D
  22. Sorry, I shouldn't have posted in a hurry. My own dog passed away , and we had as a last resort to try and make her last days comfortable, had some Sildenafil made up by a chemist as prescribed by her specialist. She passed away a week later leaving me with some unused heart meds. Finally I have opened up her meds bag on Sunday and I gave the fortekor and frusemide to a friend. But the Sildenafil, ....well it has hardly been used and too expensive to just throw away. I know it's a long-shot but was hoping someone has been talking to their cardio person about trying it and this wold save them a script.
  23. Drontal is good. I have heard if anal glands become a chronic problem then yes they need emptying and you will need to watch for impaction or infections. But your boy has no history of issues. We had one dog with an abscessed gland a couple of years ago, she was given antibiotics and she had some plain metamucil or extra veg on her dinner every since and didn't have a problem after that. LOL @ Becks. Peeeeeewwwwww. It's a unique smell.
  24. Ta Helen, more just curious if anyone has already been prescribed it by their specialist. The medscape articles won't let me in to read.
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