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Everything posted by _PL_

  1. It's a once in a lifetime procedure. & Very simple. He won't remember and will bounce back to normal. Just don't fuss too much and he'll forget all about it.
  2. Has anyone ever heard the one that if a dog has 'locked' it's jaws onto something the only way you can force it to let go is stick something (ok well the exact something mentioned was a finger) up it's bum? :thumbsup: So wroooong in so many ways. eeewww.
  3. Boys seem to cope really well. If both testes are descended (you can see them quite clearly LOL), then it's really just a snip and a stitch or two. A couple of years ago my own boy who was 5 months and well into being an absolute whirlwind of destruction and play - he went in and I was actually looking forward to just one evening of a slightly quieter dog. Ha! Dream on. Picked him up and the little horror hadn't even noticed the desex. He was wiggling and jumping as usual. Got home, tore up some kitchen paper, ate a huge dinner, bit the strap off my bra and scattered toys all over the floor. Business as usual.
  4. Same. It's not a huge deal, just fiddly and cosmetically not appealing for rehoming. If you can find a vet who has done it before there is no need for specialist or PTS. Have it done while the dog is under for desexing. What area are you in? If you post about the dogs in the rescue section you might get a bit more advice about vets and temp testing before you jump in and commit.
  5. oooh I see a couple of Dol dogs. All the photos are so nice.
  6. Omg Baifra I am so sorry. That is a nightmare - some kind of freak accident you could never ever have predicted. Please take care and don't beat yourself up, the terriers and I send love
  7. Yes talking therapy wouldn't hurt - to dig a bit deeper. I'm not saying it's the case but if your dog and any dog is triggering such a distressing reaction without actually doing anything except being nearby ... in her young mind maybe she funnels all her stress to something tangible.
  8. Jane I help Yorkies on the rare occasions they need it.
  9. Not on. Rangers will hang around if they have a report like that. The next dog might not be as lucky as Honey.
  10. Terriers are the best.
  11. Foxy/Kelpie ++ I like his freckles.
  12. I think you have your answer? But jamieson is getting plenty of vet care thankfully (and rather uniquely in the history of threads posted by new members on the eve of a litter). I wish the mum and pups luck and hope that the vets helping with the litter also do a good puppy desex rate.
  13. I saw an article on the same for humans, but 6 months later ashes or remains are returned to the family and a service is held for all the people. It's a huge gift for families and donors to give in a time of sadness. It's a big call, if I could muster the courage to say yes, I'd ask for my dog to be returned asap.
  14. _PL_


    I am so sorry Bryan, she was a very special girl. Take care and give the boys a hug from me. r.i.p. spotty Ellie We will miss your happy face at Horrie's gate.
  15. NO! I have a purebred from a lovely breeder and she doesn't have a clue that she's 'different' from the rescues. It's totally up to you. As long as the dog is going to suit you best and the rescue or breeder is ethical and will support you along the way. No guilt trips needed, any dog deserves the very best home no matter their history.
  16. Just an interesting read worth sharing http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/03...rrior-dogs.html
  17. http://animals.change.org/blog/view/petas_...sperson_octomom In a merger of two of the most notorious fame-seekers in the news, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has teamed up with "Octomom" Nadya Suleman for a spay/neuter campaign. PETA caught wind that Suleman was facing foreclosure, so they offered her $5,000 and a year's supply of veggie dogs for her entire brood if she agreed to put a sign in her front yard that says: "Don't let your dog or cat become an 'octomom.' Always spay or neuter." For an organization that claims to be anti-exploitation, PETA is famous for exploiting women. And Octomom is known for happily exploiting herself. But there's something shady about swooping in right when someone is in danger of losing her house with an offer to mock herself for money. Know who else thought this was a good idea? A porn company that offered to pay off her mortgage if she starred in a hard core film with eight guys. In the letter to Suleman, which was published by the Orange County Register, PETA says "When you gave birth to octuplets to bring your total number of children to 14, you grabbed headlines and got the world talking about your controversial decision. Now will you help turn some of that attention to another important matter — the dog and cat overpopulation crisis?" In some ways, it's not a surprising development. It's not like PETA was the only one to look at Octomom and draw the connection to a litter of puppies or kittens. But does this attention-grab really get the message across or is it just turning the spay/neuter campaign into a farce? by Stephanie Feldstein link to letter published by PETA in the Orange County Register
  18. Brooke if you mean the comments that came from the rescue dolers: You offer assistance in VIC to poundie NSW animals fairly often: pups, kittens, preggy cats and that's really really nice but all of a sudden there is a whole lot more info that would be pertinent if someone was going to risk sending animals that far. A large breed stressed dog you need to rehome, foster kids who need a lot of attention. It was just odd. If you're visiting the rescue section you know what to do. Contact the breeder or invest in a trainer and work with determination to keep your dog. Crate train him, use a greyhound muzzle when you aren't home. All the kind of things that can be tried before moving the dog on. I am very sorry you felt shot down when you reached out. That's a crap feeling. The written word is so different to real life and maybe some of the remarks weren't intended as harsh as they read.
  19. It's a sad situation, the dog isn't coping and breeder should be first point of call. Best of luck Brooke. I hope you find a resolution that works for everyone.
  20. ooh silkies are tuesday 6th!
  21. Woohoo! Well done Ruth!
  22. No I just get the channel changed all the time by little paws.
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