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Everything posted by _PL_

  1. No negative issues here either. The 'empty pockets' left behind can take a little longer to shrink. Mostly they just have a couple of tender days and don't skip a beat. Benefits: it's nice to see an old desperado & former byb'ing romeo settle down a bit and relax. We did have a 10yr old boy come in whose prostate had enlarged and given him hernias which made the surgery complex and he took longer to recover. I don't know how common that is. We aren't really getting dogs who have had the very best of care previously.
  2. how awful. And they look so ... nothing, you wouldn't even notice them amongst the flotsam. Sea Hares link
  3. there was one at hawkesbury with the same eyes! Brindle too. Was listed as staffy x and I think heinz57 is a good guess.
  4. We just can't go to the off-leash Sydney Park at all, & until I get eyes in the back of my head we won't be going back. Being tiny should not be an excuse to act up and it's definitely not 'cute' or funny behavior. I don't want mine nipped at by other smalls and there are big dogs there who could flatten mine without trying. All it takes is one and I'm sad my dogs aren't safe off-leash.
  5. Oh please! What has the Harp Seal hunt got to do with this thread? And what "mentality" are you talking about? Agree with you 100% on this one. It is very disturbing to me, as a Canadian. I thought that might offend. :D Look, I love canadians, I married one and we did travel to some small towns that frankly when the tourist season is over they just become a handful of locals. People move on, go to their other job or other homes. eta: which might explain how this didn't come to light until a claim for distress was lodged. And yes it is a mentality: not exclusive to canadians. Harp seal, kangaroo, brumbies, dolphins - they may not be pets but deserve a humane death. We're upset because it's dogs this time but I'm guessing the person who decided a bullet and mass grave was cheaper had the kind of mentality I'm talking about.
  6. They're still clubbing harp seal pups to death with Govt approval. It's a mentality.
  7. She has a condition that lots of dogs recover from, you just need to nurse her through it and listen to your vet. May take a month or so but keep her comfortable, provide small regular nutritious meals and make sure she keeps drinking. You can set her up in a small space like a puppy pen, put some washable absorbent material underneath like vetbed/drybed (or puppy pads in an emergency) and roll up towels to use as 'props' if you want to try to get her comfy and keep her in the right spot. And don't freak out :D she needs you to be calm.
  8. PMSL yeah, you and your high turnover dogs. That's beyond ridiculous. Hey, email me, I'd love to know who was brazen enough to accuse you of that.
  9. Not a bad story eh Baifra: DITTO!! Sorry to taint a really happy story, this is for anyone who missed the stories that came out of the Vick hellhole (warning: some graphic detail).... article http://www.bestfriends.org/vickdogs/ Slide show- evaluations
  10. love the new signature dogmad Yes, I too worry about other people's dogs being exposed to un-quarantined un-assessed dogs. Some dogs bounce from home to home until one sticks. It's not an exact science but there are minimum requirements nonetheless. 'Saving' them is the easy bit but ironically is the one that gets most applause.
  11. video link Program: Need To Know Episode: The Dogs Are Alright After serving two years in prison for running a brutal dog fighting ring, Michael Vick got a second chance. But what happened to the dogs? Need to Know reports. Duration: (14:06) Premiere Date: 01/21/2011 Episode Expires: None TV Rating: NR
  12. Uncommon thankfully, but not good enough by far. Shame.
  13. I recognise that dog. He may just be a handful, you have a young, male newly desexed strong dog of a very active breed mix. If he was impounded for 4weeks they really don't have any chance to run off energy there either. 2 weeks in care... well that's often the average trial period and it can take longer than that for issues to show up. Ask for more time to explore your options and take up the rescuer's offer to give some training. Or return him (sorry but sometimes no matter how hard rescue tries, not everyone is a good match with their dog). I may have missed it but how much exercise does he get and are you taking a bouncy energy filled boy straight from the yard to the park prior to exercise? Here are his impound notes with observations from volunteers who spent some time with him.
  14. If this is a new thing I'd give her a break. She's senior, and very unwell. Cushings can change personalities before or during treatment. While most of the lit talks about physical changes, it's still basically out of control adrenalin and cortisol i.e.stress response. Has she begun treatment?
  15. Gwenda there was this thread in the rescue section if it helps.... http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=212983
  16. I'm so sorry. It's the worst feeling. I lost my heart dog Button Powerlegs. My world just stopped that day. But she is still here, I wear a locket with a photo of her inside and the garden out the front of my house is 'Button's Garden' with plants especially for her. And I do have a purse size photo album. With all my most loved people and critters past and present. It helps on a bad day.
  17. On the one fabric sofa I tuck a single bed waterproof mattress protector around the seat cushions and throw a bedspread over the top. Keeps the smell out of the cushions.
  18. You know what's funny - when Rescue vets a home and knocks them back because they're unsuitable, they're being responsible. When a breeder does it, they're being elitist snobs. I just dont get it. Woofen, for what it's worth I dont think you have crazy expectations. You sound like a great breeder whose priorities are with your puppies! Good on you. Not always, sometimes we cop 'time waster' 'unreasonable' 'ego tripper' 'god complex' 'control freak' 'uncaring' or 'you must want to keep the dog yourself'. LOL But I agree (and live in a higher density area with a lot of dog owners who give it all they've got), puppies and apartments are not always the best mix depending on breed. Some older dogs in the sofa stage can do fine. Some dogs are ok but it takes a lot of commitment from the owner. There's no taking a day off because you have a hangover, or no walkies today because it's raining. Pet Loos don't clean themselves. And holidays mean board or savvy houseminder. Emails claiming a 10yr old dog as to be rehomed because they are 'moving to an apartment' doesn't instill a lot of confidence in people's commitment either. Breeders who check out homes thoroughly shouldn't be chastised for trying to avoid a poor outcome for the dogs they raise. Nor should rescuers. Same/same. OT but my friend rented his small apartment and the tenant hid a maltese X pup in there. Poor thing trashed the place -not sure what caused her distress neighbours reported later that the tenant was out a lot and they could hear the pup cry constantly. It seems she had lack of exercise and possibly anxiety. The gyprock was chewed, the skirtings around the doors ruined, the carpets soiled beyond repair in most areas and had to be replaced. The tenant did a runner. And this all happened across the road from an enormous of leash park. Doesn't put me off homing to an apartment but does mean extra questions and being ready to say sorry: not the right dog for you.
  19. Vet nurses correct me please: They may have put a tube down his throat if he had anaesthetic and that (in my understanding) can give them temporary snorts. I'm so happy you have some kind of progress. He's a lucky little dog.
  20. ... and you didn't prank me? I feel left out now Powerlegs... hahaha! T. If it makes you feel any better I'm notoriously hard to catch on the phone. But what can I say? You know how it is, sit up late, bored, and go through the address book ringing people so I can whisper&giggle then hang up on them. :laugh: LOL
  21. I was interested to find out I'm a prank caller. :rolleyes:
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