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Just Andrea

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Everything posted by Just Andrea

  1. Well done Iggy Rescue - lovely to see such a great outcome for a lovely little dog and a great collaborative effort. Yes, take a bow.
  2. And particularly this - you could even put notices in vets, shelters, with radio stations that a dog of x description was found in x area...... hopefully an owner will see it - you can then pass on details of who acquired said dog to them and to police and a formal complaint, maybe even charges can be lodged if they take it further..... It would be the best deterrant to groups doing or continuing to do this in future.......
  3. As per above - the local council, police if they will listen (they are effectively stealing - taking property that rightly belongs to someone else), RSPCA if there is a local one....
  4. It is wrong for MANY reasons: 1) It is paramount to theft i.e. they have not gone through appropriate channels i.e taken the dog to council or RSPCA to afford the owner every opportunity to find it. 2) It has not done its legal impounding or holding time so they are reselling a dog that is legally not theirs to do so. ETA if they were worried it would be pts they could have put their name down as first to adopt/take it after legal impounding time. 3) Did they give it a chip? If not it is also illegal to rehome without a microchip. 4) Did they do all vetwork? If not they cannot call themselves a rescue. 5) How can they appropriately place an animal in the right home after 24 hours. Not only is the temperament unlikely to be accurately assessed in such a short time, what about quarantine and potential health issues they may have passed onto to a new owner? Report them. This sounds nothing remotely like rescue. It is theft of someones pet - no consideration for a likely distraught owner, no respect for council policies and regulations themselves and no ethics to speak of with respect to responsible homing of a "foster" animal.
  5. Thanks ladies. We've had a great response from the poster so far from the general public and few lovely DOLers (who really should be worried about their own bills but very much appreciated nonetheless). Its nice to have a positive week after a couple of awful ones - cycle of life and rescue but can get you down sometimes. Anyway thanks for the support - it has helped. Crossing fingers for the poundies on lists this week and for our fosters to remain healthy for us all. Cheers.
  6. Hi mita, Have pmed you as requested. Cheers.
  7. Thanks Anna - unfortunately Gracie is just one of many large bills lately (like most groups around the area who are also struggling to keep up with extra costs) - so we are actually planning a raffle for Cooper - the boy we had in care that got bitten by a brown snake - had his own thread a while back - he had a bad skin condition and then got bitten by a snake .....unfortunately that bill is still largely outstanding and has been on hold while I have attended to more urgent matters but he is now also on the radar for fundraising too. We figured people would like to buy a raffle ticket in a success story rather than one that didn't make it so we are running a future raffle for Cooper and poster appeal for Gracie.
  8. Well now I'm over the shock of losing Gracie and the shock of the vet bill, I have now done a poster for our website and sent it around to rescuers locally to put up to try and get some support. If anyone else would like to put the poster up at work or elsewhere, please pm me with your email address and I'll send it on. Cheers.
  9. Congratulations on finding a home for lovely Ruby.......... its always that extra bit special when you rehome the mums after all they've been through......... Well done Janey and good luck Ruby....
  10. Thanks everyone. Still have a permanent headache from yesterday - feel like knocking myself out a bit with some heavy duty pain relief but can't. Glad to finally see some photos of the lovely Wagga BT pups with tdierikx and not see any go down at GRAS today - makes today a bit easier knowing some pups are thriving and we didn't lose any other dogs today. Thats very kind offers both tdierikx and huntrox - please don't feel obligated but the gesture is much appreciated. I am not game to find out the bill at the moment and avoidance is working well for me right now.........won't have to talk about her if I don't call but will do it in a couple of days nonetheless.....but for now its rather raw and the vets know I'm not going anywhere so will catch up with them in due time - one shock is enough for now. Thanks again for the kind words.
  11. Sorry kirty no - didn't ignore your post, just likely scimmed over it in my recent state. Haven't tried it and will keep it mind -although it is likely similar to other topical antifungals I use for spot treating anyway. Given she had quite a bit of hair missing, was knawing and had some nasty scabs, it was pretty severe I'd say - there was too much to spot treat and I don't think a topical on its own would have cut it - same as you indicated you would use both in more severe cases. If she was much younger (i.e. < 3 months) though I probably wouldn't have used the grisevin as I know it can be a bit not so nice on the GI tract. She was on malaseb and the grisevin at the vets - I am not sure if a topical was being used as well but I was told the ringworm was starting to look better and recover (before she become sick).............
  12. Thanks everyone. Trying not to think about it too much after this morning so I stay functional at work. Only have to stray and think on her for a minute and tear up and I hadn't even met her in the flesh yet...... Some just get you more than others........ the young, the sick, the oldies..........just wrong.
  13. Sadly Gracie lost her fight this morning. First report at 8:30 was that she had made it through the night and although still rather sick looking and lethargic was responsive and half sat up and responded to vet nurse touch and attention. Things were starting to look up at least and I was at least somewhat relieved. At 9:30 am Gracie started agonal coughing - lots of froth - adrenaline brought her back and she started blinking and responding and glucose was started....................she started agonal coughing again.............and then we lost her again.........she could not be brought back with adrenaline..... Analysis of her diarrhoea/faecal sample idenfitied lots of rod type bacteria - suspects are either Salmonella or E.coli................ Rangers have been alerted as this can affect people just as much as other animals. Unfortunately it was a fight between the antibiotics and nasty bacteria in there while keeping her hydrated...........she lost. Such a horrible outcome for one so young - impounded and alone, constant discomfort of ringworm for several weeks and now this for her last few days - shitty way to go out. So sorry little girl - I was so looking forward to seeing you soon and giving you a big cuddle. Gutted.
  14. Hi Burkes, No sorry haven't got a chance - only had the new website up and running for a few months as it is and need more hours in every day sadly - I'm sure most feel the same..... More worried about her making it than the vet bill at the moment but I probably should be............her making it will be the hurdle number 1, vet bill hurdle number 2........... Thanks people - keep the prayers coming - really quite worried about her - not going to hear anything till the morning - going to be such a long night...............
  15. Please send your positive vibes to our lovely young girl Gracie. She is a large breed pup around 4-5 months old I have been told, that came out of pound about 1.5 weeks ago - when she went into board it was found she had a rather severe ringworm infection - hair missing, scabs and was knawing at herself. She was raced to the vets, we raced in Grisevin and got her started on that and she was malasebed also and has been for the last week or so. A week later she now has vomitting and diarrhoea and was frothing at the mouth yesterday - ringworm treatment had to be stopped. Was suspected to be parvo, but test was negative and after fluids, antibiotics and antiemetics she appeared to pick up overnight. She has now gone downhill this arvo with lethargy and vomitting and vet suggest possible Salmonella or other GI infection which is obviously quite nasty - similar treatment to parvo though - antibiotics, fluids and antiemietics... This poor young girl has already been through enough........if we are lucky she will pull through this but then have to go back on ringworm treatment for weeks again....not an easy time for one so young. Please keep our big little girl in your prayers and thoughts tonight. Been a rough week or two and I really can't face losing this girl right now. Attached is her pound photo.
  16. Off the top of my head....... 1. While it was for a kitten (sorry I hope cats count)..................."Sandwich" - yes.........seriously........for my own cat before I changed his name from a silly young woman before she dumped him at the pound.....he is now "Thor", God of Thunder - suits him well with his grey coat, bright yellow eyes and charming attitude! 2. "Dog" - a kelpie from memory taken into rescue some years ago.........at least it was given a better name (and life) after that 3. Family with a tradition of naming their dogs after cuts of cold meat - while I'm sure the animals didn't mind and great home for any of them - really can't say I was fond of it - one was Devon (that was okay), next was LC (a foster of mine) - not sure what it stood for but it was a cold meat type, there were a couple of really odd ones though - just can't remember them all........ 4. Not what we named her, what adoptees changed name to - "Chumley" - really makes me think of off Chum or chum vomit for some reason - cutsey but in a very wrong way, again great home but really never liked this name at all ETA personally not a fan of "the obvious" names e.g. dog, cat or whitey or denigrading names like..... fatso, doorstop etc or names that negatively reinforce stereotypes for certain types of breeds .......like cujo, killer, beast etc Each to their own though.
  17. Thread being moved - I'm sure it has been seen by relevant person/people to sort out admin matter - whole point of post. Thanks mita and indigirl for adding some interesting comments/input into the thread. Cheers.
  18. Yes agreed. I guess no different to the odd enquiry who doesn't read the profiles at all even when the animals are still actually available and ring straight off the pictures when it clearly states the home needed for a dog must contain x, y, z and they have absolutely nothing like whats required. I guess people want what they want and probably figure it is worth a shot anyway. When someone from CPR has read this please just post to advise and I will endeavor to delete thread or edit opening topic post given there may be some useful side discussions to come out of this regarding how the general public view things like adopted, adoption pending, on trial etc etc... Thanks.
  19. Sheridan, There is absolutely nothing nasty implied or inferred by my post - please do not suggest anything to the contrary. I do not have the website email contact for the group any longer and I tried using the link for contact on the donations page to send it to the generic address and got this: <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- var prefix = 'ma' 'il' 'to'; var path = 'hr' 'ef' ; var addy60977 = 'info' '@'; addy60977 = addy60977 'canberrapoochrescue' '.' 'org' '.' 'au'; document.write('<a ' path '/'' prefix ':' addy60977 '/'>'); document.write(addy60977); document.write('<//a>'); //-->/n </script><script type='text/javascript'> <!-- document.write('<span style=/'display: none;/'>'); //--> </script>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- document.write('</'); document.write('span>'); //--> </script> Something which may be also of interest to someone in the group. I am not in a position to phone, pm or email directly and my post is certainly civil and just a simple request for administrative matters sake. Andrea.
  20. I'm actually puzzled why anyone would look there personally for any groups site unless they had actually expressed interest when the animal was available and were waiting to see if a recent trial was successful or not. Otherwise doesn't make sense to me, but each to their own. They may not know how recent the status of pending is I guess? Anyway - in this instance, post is simple request for website administrator to remove my former listings from this page to avoid future unnecessary calls/emails for everyone concerned - potential adopters included. Had to post here as I no longer have the website persons email contact and so it will be seen by someone in the group. Cheers.
  21. Attention Canberra Pooch Rescue, Could someone in CPR please either update the adoption pending page of your website or, if not possible, remove my contact details from any animals still listed in there ASAP. I have had contact from two people in the last two weeks regarding both Murphy and Suki - dogs I rehomed well over 6 months ago asking about them and wanting to meet them. After tracking down where they saw them - thinking they were old gumtree posts or trading posts adds put up by petrescue which I was going to have removed, both have confirmed they saw them in the adoption pending page and nowhere else. Clearly people should not be looking in the adoption pending section of any groups websites for their animals but now it has happened twice recently I would prefer not to have to go on a wild goose chase again. Sincerely, Andrea ACT Animal Rescue.
  22. While I do feel sad for this woman, since when has 1.8 kgs been too small to microchip! That comment is just insane. Kittens are generally done from as young as 6 weeks and they would be lucky to weigh one third of that - some vets even desex at that age - much smaller than that dog.....................it could have made the difference if someone has found her to her getting her dog back.............not to mention it's compulsory anyway!
  23. Sorry to hear that Shaz. We've lost some really great dogs (former fosters) this year to bites too. Its never easy when their life is cut short. May Snoozie's memory live forever in your heart. Hugs to you mate.
  24. Lucky Cooper now has a home to go to and his desexing booked in next week so fingers crossed it all goes well and sticks. Thanks for the kind thoughts. Cheers.
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