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Everything posted by Prydenjoy

  1. It was Mango's first show today, and my first time back in the ring after a long break from my very brief and totally unsuccessful show attempts a few years back... Mango got baby puppy in group!!! I was so overwhelmed I could swear I almost fainted Especially after I had to carry her around the ring for the sweepstakes because she wouldn't move!! I'm so happy right now
  2. Has anybody found that their dog just wont eat their food if Livamol is added? My dogs just don't seem that enthusiastic about their meal with that livamol in it and I do struggle to get them to eat more than a bite or two.
  3. Prydenjoy


    They excell in obedience and agility, I've heard some are too light for flyball, but if you get a hefty Pap like my 4kg Berri it shouldn't be a problem (I assume, we don't have flyball here). They are great little trickstars and are a sure way to get people talking!
  4. Can I just say Kaffy that I don't have time to groom really working a 40 hour week and having an 18 month old, doing volunteer work for the dog club and everything else that goes on in my hectic life, but Paps are really quite simple to groom, I'll go 3 weeks without brushing them sometimes without too much of a problem (occasionally an ear mat which I have to work out). They do require a little more brushing in spring to work out that winter coat, maybe once a week for 5 minutes in an ad break, if that, will do it. Might be a little fragile for a Bullmastiff though! I've always adored Frenchi's
  5. I wonder how many other people are saying just that... The council didn't put however much into a dog park for one group of ladies. I think you can put in an anonymous complaint, or ask for your identity to be kept anonymous at least. I wonder how many dogs that dog has caused to become fear aggressive. I wonder if that is going to transfer over to a human. For the sake of the dogs I'd be reporting her, anonymously though - No body wants to be spoken badly of, I do understand that
  6. 9 months for toys! Here I was thinking it would be at least 2 years... OK then, how many times can you breed from a bitch? Ie how often and what age can she breed until? What age is best for the dog? I know guidelines are often based on minimum ages etc, but what is optimal age? Referring to a Papillon here
  7. Nikivds, I'd be reporting the Afghan to the council as a nuisance dog. The lady shouldn't be sitting there allowing her massive dog to intimidate other peoples dogs at a public dog park I would never sit around with Berri that long that he became territorial, that is the best thing about my preferred dog park here (there are a few), it runs along a bike track and you just walk and walk and none of the dogs feel cramped in or get territorial. On Nick, I like your style too Seriously though, it's great when people bring extra bags. To be honest when I run out I've been caught on a few occasions where I haven't had a bag and wished someone else had a spare. I'll walk over to the bins and come back but do you think I can find the itty bitty Pap poo? I guess at least if it is that small and inconspicuous it shouldn't be an issue to anyone! Not like the two massive logs I had to step over yesterday right next to the bin... Yuck!
  8. You've chosen two very nice breeds there. A Brittany has been on my list of "could be's", along with a Welsh Springer. Nice dogs with a wonderful soft nature, so sweet and lovable. Mini Poodles are just little cuties, very clever and agile. I like a dog that doesn't need clipping personally though, a Pap being a good alternative for me Things to consider are clipping and grooming with poodles, and the larger breeds will eat more, cost more to worm and to de flea etc, and if they ever have to go under anesthetic. If none of these things are an issue get out there and meet a few of each breed and see which one steals your heart (more!). Good luck
  9. Livamol and Vets All Natural omega blend. I'd also be limiting time in the sun, especially between 11am and 3pm (same rule as for kids!). Don't go overboard on the fish to the point that it causes other imbalances in the diet though
  10. Our dog park is very friendly, most people stand around and chat. I don't usually, I try to keep the walk short so that Meika doesn't get frustrated at being stuck in the stroller. If she's in a good mood at the end of the walk I'll stop and have a chat. I came across a Ridgeback x Mastiff this morning too, the owner saw little Berri coming and put his dog on the leash. Very responsible I thought. I returned the kind action by only giving Berri a quick swim and then moving on so he could let his dog off again. I agree with hortfurball, if your dog has issues with other dogs why would you take it to a leash free dog park? Or even if you were afraid of dogs why would you go to a leash free dog park? There are plenty of areas to walk on leash, why go and ruin everyone elses fun by going somewhere and then being rude? Kitty, I wish we had a little dog park and a big dog park, sometimes I think it would make things so much easier. It's way too easy for a little dog to have a bad experience from a big dog accidently bowling them over. Thankfully Berri seems resilient to it and still goes to play with the bigger dogs, I think it helps that he can outrun them!
  11. Having always wanted a Shetland Sheepdog I had pretty much decided that it was going to be my next dog, until I got an email from Berri's breeder saying she has a pup I might like... A sable bitch, how could I resist? Plus I already knew the breed and how well it fitted into my lifestyle, less grooming, less barking (from what I hear about many Shelties), still a very clever and obedient breed. Plus the only thing better than a Papilon is two Papillons :D I'd look at grooming and exercise requirements, trainability and personality. Meet as many of the breed as you can and work out which you "click" with. The higher tech version involves spending hours and hours looking at youtube clips of the breeds and getting to know their personality from there, you can learn a lot through youtube! Eg watching the Bull Terrier clips made me SO want a Bull Terrier, they are so funny! But at the end of the day a small dog suits my lifestyle better :D
  12. Well the other week when I was walking Berri a huge Mal came romping over to him and was practically trampling on him. The owners asked about Berri "is he friendly", well, I said, he is but he doesn't like be trampled on!! And just kept walking. They were well intentioned though and Berri did have a play with their dog a week or two later when there were no other dogs around (there were about 5 other labs and kelpies etc the first time also trampling near him) and their dog was feeling a little calmer. As for people with big dogs who get offended when people call their dogs away from yours, don't be offended - How are they to know your dog is friendly? They're just looking out for their dog, no harm in that right? I call Berri in from lots of dogs, it's just not worth the risk.
  13. Thanks heaps Brenda. Your dogs are so gorgeous! I used to have a very expensive gazebo that got ruined in a hail storm, can't justify buying another just for one dog. It's good there are kind people around who are willing to let me steal some shade!
  14. How old is the human Ratty? Great, I look forwards to meeting you too then Sammy!
  15. True! But they really get to stretch their legs running around our yard. Storm clouds were coming over at walk time tonight so I sat in the yard with the dogs and just watched them run laps until Berri practically collapsed on the ground with exhaustion and Mango jumped all over him. Very cute, now Berri is asleep on the couch next to me all tuckered out. Either he gets walked, goes to training, or visits mum to play with her dogs practically every day, but on any day that he doesn't get that stimulation for whatever reason he goes ballistic. Sits and stares at me and whines and paces. He needs a lot of physical/mental stimulation! He's settled down a bit now that he has Mango to play with now though Poodlefan, should I keep the food out of site until she's been still for a moment, then reward, or let her nibble on the food to help her be still? I don't have the breeders number handy but will email her tonight.
  16. Thanks, yes he's on the main registration
  17. Well it's such a very fine line between a loose and a tight lead with her, she's so tiny and just the littlest bit of shortening the lead means the difference between a loose leash dangling near her feet and her swinging from the air!! No, I haven't had her swinging by the air though I think if I pulled it tight she'd put the brakes on and just wouldn't move at all, loose might be better but I'm not sure if I've got the right type of lead or not. I was given to me by someone who used to show chihuahua's and is kind of a light weight weaved rope that has the "collar" all in one, with a little ring to tighten or loosen the bit that goes around the neck. I hope that makes sense. I've always used a nice check chain with a light weight lead in the past, this is very different to that but I was wondering what is better for such a small puppy or if there is something better? I did show the Whippet, with absolutely no success. As soon as I handed him over to someone else to handle he got BOB and best intermediate in group over lots of dogs, I could never get him to beat one dog! I must have been a dreadful handler lol. Is there something that sets apart a good handler from a dreadful handler? I think I was always a hopeless stacker, I'm hoping that with a little fluff ball it isn't such a problem!
  18. Oh Dotty I just love Aussies! I really wanted to get one, but with an 18 month old that kind of rules much of my life I didn't want to get such an energetic breed in case we hit a patch where I couldn't walk the dogs every day etc. I'd love to meet you and your dogs though Plus I don't have a gazebo, so I'll catch some shade in yours if that's ok? I think sometimes newbies can be just as much help because you can learn together and teach each other tricks you've learnt from other people. Poodlefan, I haven't yet spoken to the breeder about show prep etc. Come to think of it Berri's brother was being shown at Armidale when he and Berri were both baby puppies (I never actually showed Berri though), I have their email address somewhere so might see if she's coming and can give me some tips. I'll speak to their breeder as well, it was a shame I couldn't pick Mango up or she would have gone over everything with me then I'm sure. She's very knowledgeable so I'm sure will have plenty of tips. I'm trying to teach a table stack and gaiting, but without much success so far. She moves her feet all over the place in a stack and doesn't like her teeth being looked at, and as soon as I put a lead of any kind on her all she wants to do is lie down. I've been practicing and putting the lead on her and luring her with some food, but she doesn't go far and it isn't graceful by any means of the word. I think that will come better with practice and maturity, she's such a sleepy little thing and it doesn't take much for her to want to just lie down and quit.
  19. I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there going to the Armidale show over the 5th - 7th of Feb? It would be really nice to meet up with a few people there, especially as it is my first show in a few years. I have a Papillon puppy entered, I know nothing about showing this breed so if anyone can give me some tips that would be wonderful! Thanks, Jeanne
  20. Thanks all so much for the tips. A DVD is a great idea, where do I get the Jane Harvey one from? I have to say, Toby is cute as a button! What a lovable little face I'll keep up the desensitisation with the nail clipping, but don't think I'll actually make much contact while they are short for fear of cutting the quick again! I've been trying to stack her on the table, how do you stop them from moving their legs about when stacking? Is that something that just naturally comes with practice and maturity? Just about to read the Dogs NSW site, thanks for that link! I'm sure she'll have some pretty tough competition, Mondelise and Welona always come up this way, both have fine paps and years of experience! It will be fun though
  21. My guys get livamol also, I'm not sure how good it is though because it's very old, though it is kept in the fridge... Glad to hear there are so many very happy dogs on it I went to the homepage and ordered from the link it provided, it was $12.50 per kg I think plus $6.95 I think for P&H. I assume fussy eaters would eat it as it is what Monties breeder recommended and she had lots and lots of Paps, I'm assuming some of them would have been fussy! That said, if a dog has no choice but to eat what's put in front of it, sooner or later the dog will eat. If Berri doesn't eat his meal I offer it to the cat, who gladly polishes it off (she's a major guts). The next meal, sure enough, he eats without a second thought!
  22. Congrats, what a gorgeous dog and a lovely little breed. I'd love to get to know a Schipperke, they're so cute but I've never actually met one!
  23. So some mince, sardines and eggs and we're right to roll? Sounds easy (I thrive with easy).
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