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Everything posted by BittyMooPeeb

  1. What's "Ethoxyquin " and why is it bad?? Gawd - I just changed my cats to Eukanuba. Now I'll have to find something else
  2. We have trouble getting it in Canberra too - but this has been for a while not just the last few weeks. EP says the order will ship tomorrow, a month later it still hasn't etc. Our distributer doesn't know why ... I dont know what the problem is but I stopped buying it as it's too hard to get. It's a shame as my cats and dogs were doing well on it (though the holistic cat was hideously expensive ). I've switched to Eukanuba for the cats. Haven't decided for the doggies yet so they are on Hills for now.
  3. Bumping for WestieLover Kaywoman, I hear you . I just have to find the time ......arhhhh
  4. I like both. I mostly make up my own mix because of the cost, and difficulty separating the patties. I dont think I have my mix just right though as my dogs seemed to do better on the pre-made. (though I had to feed them less of it as I found they put on a bit of weight, presumably because the premade ones have more protein than my mix which is half vegies) My own mix was a lot better when I added the grain suppliment you can buy, but it is only for dogs over 2yrs and I now have a 1yr old dog so had to stop using it
  5. We've been doing heaps of work on her 'issues' and she is *much* better now (still a way to go though :D ) I'm glad she behaved for you
  6. She was probably in gaol for the heinous crime of stealing dirty underwear (they didn't rehabilitate her ). Here's her pound shot: (you can see from the bend in the bars that she has been trying to escape )
  7. I took Blossom to the wonderfully talented Vehs for a 'style cut' and am absolutely stoked with the result . I've attached some before and after pics of Blossoms new, cute, 'sporting' cut Before Muuum - does my bum look big in this? Yes dear, I'm afraid it does After - where did that huge bum go? Before There's a dog in there somewhere (under the fur and duck poo!) After Purrdddyy before I was a bit of a ragamuffin ... after But now I'm a sporting princess :D THANKS VEHS
  8. My girl (12 months) humps - none of my other dogs (or fosters do). She likes to bring a toy out in front of visitors then hump the life out of it I haven't tried to stop her - but if you want to I suggest using distraction/redirection and rewards. Try the same distraction each time, so that he eventually relates 'that feeling' with - say - playing tug with a particular toy - rather than with humping. I use this with my dogs for other behaviours - Nessie knows that when she gets too excited and wants to bark, she runs and gets a particular toy instead. It took a couple of months of reinforcing but she is really good now. ETA: and when she goes and gets that toy instead of barking she gets praise, a game, or a treat.
  9. I definately like longer fur on the legs - I do the same with Peebs and Nessie. For some reason I dont like that ear style (never have ) so I like the idea of rounding them off - she doesnt have much length on her ears anyway. Hmmm - maybe I should come in and get you to do the initial shaping (and give me some tips ) and then I can follow the same lines when she needs a trim ....
  10. I already have two with a schnauzer cut . We had a schnauzer as kids so it's the only cut I know! . Blossom's eyebrows are too floppy for this cut though, and I dont want people to think I am addicted to the schnauzer cut or anything ...... ETA: I'm not sure what the lamb cut is?? But I'll do a search ....
  11. My little girl is due for her first 'proper' trim. I dont really like the style of cut I have seen before on Maltese - either the same length all over, or left long and tied up over the eyes. Does anyone have any ideas on a more sporting style - good for a girl who is a Princess, but also likes to get down and dirty (and will be starting agility when she is old enough)? She may be a cross, as her fur is wavy and very light, so it's not going to be easy to shape .... (a pic of the dirty Princess is attached :p )
  12. Hi Whippy, Have you thought of crate training your pup? That way, you've got a safe place you can leave her while you have to do other things. You give her with toys etc in the crate to keep her amused, and she learns to have some quiet time on her own, and you dont need to worry about watching her every second of the day! There are quite a few good crate training books around ...
  13. I am . Tell your brother that Blossom sends him a kiss. Hang on, maybe the memory of that day is why she screams . Too true . Blossom is a clever girl and she is doing really well (the instructors have been great!). Pity about the handler
  14. This is just a vent (DOL is such a good headache remedy!) I'm taking my baby SWF to training - as responsible dog owners do - and I've had it up to my eyeballs with comments. Last night was: "I didn't know that a Maltese could be trained" "Maltese are very badly behaved - yours must be a cross" :D ;) (ie the crossing explaining the lack of "bad behaviour"). "blah blah small yappy dog blah blah dont like them blah blah" Every week I get sniggers and rude comments when I am working with Blossom on her 'barking problem'. But the person next to me with a dog aggressive kelpie gets praise and sympathy . Apparently it's only 'cool' to work on your dogs embarrasing problem if they are big dogs (or not small, white and fluffy at least). They are members of the club too - why is it hard for them to understand that I am working with my dog, and that if I wanted to be sniggered and stared at, I would just walk down the street instead??? Vent over . Baby Blossom is doing very well. Some wonderful instructors gave me fantastic advice, and now we can actually make it in to class (with only one screaming incident - when I leave her to collect our card) and do the whole class without *any* incidents. Only two months ago I had to spend the class in the carpark trying not to be deafened by ear splitting screams :D
  15. :D I had a foster last year who only responded to a high, squeaky voice - which was OK but I forgot to drop it when training two of my dogs. Now I have to do the high pitched squeaking thing all the time, and boy do I get some funny looks Other than that, not much, as I am guilty of not following up my training very well in the real world ;) One thing that really gives me the irrits though is when I take my not-so-well-behaved-in-public dog out to work on her 'issues' (defensive barking at anything that moves, might move, or just doesn't look right ). I get glares and rude comments from people :D . At least I'm out there working with her, rather than just shutting her in the back garden for the rest of her life - sheeesh.
  16. Sorry to hear about Rosie BMR As long as she isn't distressed, and has her surroundings she feels confortable in, I wouldnt worry - she will let you know when it is time. I found (with my lovely Jazz ) who had symptoms similar to dementia, that I needed to confine him as he could easily get lost, disoriented and distressed, even in his own house/garden. Once he went missing and it took me a whole day to find him - he was sitting in a back garden down the other end of the street howling with fright - I still cry about that even today. So just be extra careful that she cant wander by accident and get lost, or get somewhere in the house/yard that she might not be able to get out of. Best wishes for her Katie ETA: when Jazz was treated (4 yrs ago), there were several different medications available for canine dementia. Maybe you could try a different one?
  17. Hi PetMezz Which club are you at? I've found a range of instructors at my club, from the fantastic to the downright nasty. Ive been told *numerous* times by instructors that they 'dont like small, white, fluffy dogs' or 'dont like Westies' or Maltese etc . I ignore these comments now, but unfortunately some instructors (who hate SWF's) then ignore us for the whole 8 week class, and in one case, deliberately upset my dog and laugh about it : One of my SWF's does agility, and we've been told that it's a waste of time because he (my dog) doesn't have the right 'work ethic' . Luckily we are having fun rather than working :wink: On the other end of the scale, I have met some wonderful, talented, dedicated instructors who go out of their way to help all the dogs, give well thought out advice over and above what is required in class and spend time inside and outside of class helping with problems. These wonderful instructors have taught me a lot, and helped me train my dogs to be wonderful companions (and soon competitors - regardless of work ethic ). Dont let a few duds spoil it for you - there are gems out there too
  18. Juicer I add all the juice and the pulp to the mix!
  19. Thanks Aska, I'll follow these up. My ACV *is* clear, so I'll go on the hunt for some cloudy. I'm pretty sure the butcher doesnt add sulfer dioxide but will check (the meat certainly doesnt look bright and red!)
  20. Thanks Ashka, I feed my guys dry food (Hills puppy or Eagle pack holistic) or chicken necks for brekky, and BARF - my recipe - for dinner. The meat I use is from the butcher and is (supposedly!) minced chicken carcasses and minced kangaroo. I dont put any wheat, soy or corn in the mix (just fruit, vegies and brewers yeast). They get some commerical treats though for training (schmako's type things). Could this be the problem? Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "live ACV". Maybe I have brought the wrong sort?
  21. I have some questions about tear staining so thought I would use this thread rather than start a new one. My questions are: 1. How much ACV do you add to their food. I tried a capful a day in food for a week (3kg dog) with no effect (I see now that I should have waited longer!). I'm worried about using too much and making her system acidic. 2. By 'daily maintenace' do you mean using a tear stain remover every day? 3. How much tear staining is too much? Blossom seems to have more tear staining than other dogs I've come across, and the area below her eyes is always moist with tears. I was wondering if a lot of tears/tear staining might indicate a problem? This is Blossom. Not a great pic ;) but you can see her Panda eyes
  22. Oh boy. This is exactly what I want for Nessie. Let's get that Canberra workshop pencilled in Mooper ETA: Sorry for the off-topic, and well done BP!
  23. ;) Easy! I foster, so I get to smell the rear end (from 20 paces) after they've eaten pound food for a week Little Lulu has a home to go to ;) . I will miss her but she will have a lovely life on acreage with a Rotti brother and a 'mum' who is with her most of the time. The puppies are the hardest to let go ....
  24. Subtle Ok, these were taken yesterday morning (the beautiful 'can I come up on the bed' shots (please excuse the .. ehem ... Ug boot ), and yesterday evening 'playing with foster dog Blackie')
  25. Update: Lulu has been on the new mix plus slippery elm 3 times a day for two days now and the change is remarkable. She doesnt quite smell like roses yet, but is close . No more acrid bum breath, and she is more active and putting on weight I feel pretty stupid for not realising that the mix I was giving her was for adults only (I didnt even realise it was labelled 'adult' until I checked the name to start this thread) Though I probably would have just thought that pups needed extra calcium, not that it wasnt suitable for pups. At least she's happy and non-smelly now. Thanks everyone :D
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