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Everything posted by BittyMooPeeb

  1. Hi Harminee, I have been admiring your signatures for ages, and though it was about time I got one of my own If you are still doing them, I've attached some pics here and in the next two posts Gail Blossom (maltese)
  2. So sorry to hear this Indigirl. What a horrible thing to happen, and it must have been such an awful shock for you. Hugs to you, and good on the breeder for a) being supportive and b) taking out insurance.
  3. For those using e-collars, what do you think would be the smallest sized dog that your e-collar would fit? I've seen one that I thought would be too big for SWF's (cant remember the brand though)
  4. I wouldnt mind trying my cats on Orijen. Does anyone know where it is available in canberra?
  5. You dont have to be a RSPCA member to get your dog desexed there. I use West Queanbeyan Vet hospital (http://www.westqueanbeyanvet.com.au/). They are great and would likely charge less than $350. Which vet is charging that for desexing?
  6. yay! Peebs will be excited when I tell him his favourite agility friends will be there.
  7. Tue or Thu evenings would be OK. Except Thu 9th Oct. I'll PM you my phone number
  8. Hi Snowysal, I am happy to groom matted fosters. It's a really busy time of year for me at the moment, so I'd need them brought to me, and bathed beforehand if that is OK? You are welcome to hang around and watch/make tea/play with the dogs while they are groomed, or you can drop them off and pick up after some shopping at Woden Plaza :wink: I have Sat and Sun arvo free this weekend, or Tue and Thu evenings :-) Gail ps even if they are matted to the skin, still bath them beforehand and dry as best as you can under the mats with a hairdryer
  9. So sorry to hear this Jodie RIP gentle Tex
  10. Sorry to hear of your loss. Rest in peace Ms Powerlegs.
  11. Can someone let me know what this means? If I enter one dog in novice jumping Sat am and Sat PM, do I put in two forms or one form? (I guess I dont know what is meant by 'class' here) Two. One form for each run you do. Thanks. One form per run I understand
  12. Can someone let me know what this means? If I enter one dog in novice jumping Sat am and Sat PM, do I put in two forms or one form? (I guess I dont know what is meant by 'class' here)
  13. About 10 mins east of Bairnsdale Oops sorry for some reason I thought it was in ACT Bairnsdale is about 40 mins away from Sale. Ooh goody - 40 mins is very do-able. I was worried it might be 90 mins. I will definately (hopefully LOL) be there. We do have a Nicholls in Canberra!
  14. I just found this event on the Vic calendar, so am pleased to see a thread on it! I have a couple of questions (I havent been to a trial that goes for longer than one morning - so some of the questions might seem silly) - how long does it take to drive from Nicholson to your club? (I'm working out where to stay) - around what time would each day finish? (still working out where to stay) - It looks like I can enter novice events four times each (jumping and agility) over the weekend . Is this correct? Thanks Gail
  15. Arggh. Is he sending something out to customers? I usually just drop in without ringing first, so would have ended up at the wrong place I dont know where the old bus depot in Phillip is. Anyone know which street it is on? ETA: on-line yellow pages to the rescue: Address Unit H 479 Woden Transport Depot, Dundas Crt Phillip ACT, 2606 Australia Postal Address PO Box 6234 Phillip Delivery Centre ACT, 2606 Australia Contact Details Ph:(02) 6285 1773 Fax:(02) 6285 3770
  16. We see this all the time in rescue. When we take a female out of the pound how do we tell if she is desexed? Some guidelines: not all desexed dogs are tattooed. a tattoo can fade to almost nothing over time. Sometimes all we find is one faint blue speck of dye. tattoo's can sometimes be done in either ear. a desexing scar fades over time. an obvious scar could mean a previous caesar (sp?), rather than a desexing, particularly if the dog looks like she has had pups in the past. A good 'rule of thumb' is that a dog without a microchip/current details, registration, ID, that is not collected from the pound is more likely to be undesexed, than one who is chipped, registered etc. The majority of dogs that we get out of the pound are not desexed (both boys and girls) Often a vet cant tell by external inspection either, but it is worth getting their opinion as they may be able to feel scar tissue that cant be seen. I know of female dogs that have been opened up only to find they are already desexed, and dogs that the vet thinks are desexed that come into heat, so it really is a bit of a guessing game a lot of the time. Sidenote: the same thing can happen with boys too, if they have bi-lateral undescended testicles that are quite high in their body! It doesn't happen often, but it does happen :wink:
  17. :p I have to admit that I have always wondered about my dogs different pooing styles. I have a 'huncher under the bushes', a 'must get it out in under 1.5 seconds, wherever i happen to be standing, then look happy and kick it around all over everyone' pooer, and a 'walker'. The walker is the only tough one - she walks 50 m or so between each poo. So just when I think she has finished, and I use my huge poo bag on her two marble sized nuggets, she goes and does another one! and then another one! I use five poo bags for 100grams of poo :p .
  18. So sorry for your loss I hope 'mum' is coping OK
  19. Goodbye Sunny. I miss you already but it just wasn't to be. Gail
  20. I've been trying to find a crate cover for a small (24") crate for about a year with no luck! Some places sell covers with a heavy, water resistant material for the larger sizes, and a lighter, showerproof cover for the small crate (see here). I dont want this - I want the heavier material. I've seen them at shows on 24" crates, so I know they have been available in the past. So .... if anyone knows where I can get one, or alternately a company that will make me a crate cover to fit (I did meet someone at the Canberra Royal who said they would do this, but dont remember who they were ), please let me know. We've started trialling now so I really need to get one. Gail ps pic of what is sold by the on-line sellers I have found. I want a small crate cover in the heavier fabric (the brown one in this pic).
  21. After a couple of years training in Agility, I have only just found out that we are allowed to use the dogs name (where is the DERRRRR emoticon). I have been brainwashed by doing obedience first! I use: tunnel (chute and tunnel) scramble (A frame) weave (weavers) over (jumps, tyre) walkon (dog walk) table (table) see-saw (see saw) directional: here back out I used to give each obstacle a separate command, but I kept getting mixed up and saying the wrong one! So I simplified for my sake. Once we've been in a few trials, I'll start training with separate words again (which were chute for teh chute, tyre for the .... tyre, bigone for broad) I wish I had chosen a one syllable word for jumps as there are so many and I seem to say oh-ver-oh-ver-oh-ver for most of the course (I tried not saying 'over' a few times and Peebs went around, under, off over the hill .- anything except over the jump ETA: I forgot: steady (on tilt point of see saw and to slow him down for tricky entries etc) wait spot (do your contacts!)
  22. This sounds like something that the manufactured food companies spread .... Good luck with the training. I know what you mean about feeling that the 'us' time is taken away, but you can find other ways to have special time with your dogs. Maybe some fun trick training, or grooming them with a mitt (while both of you are on the floor I presume). Are you allowed to get down and cuddle them on the floor? If so (and if you have vaccuumed :wink:) you could do that for a few mins. Getting up on the sofa seems to be a big thing with behaviourists. I more lean towards the notion that it is fine as long as you have control over the situation eg if you give permission to get up and have commands to get off obeyed. By starting off with no sofa access, you are taking control and may be moving to the stage when you can let them on under your say-so. What I find really funny is when it's claimed that getting on furniture makes your dogs higher off the ground which leads to dominance struggles. Blossom is still only knee height when she is on the sofa, so more dominant than a kelpie, but less dominant than a GR maybe? If this were the case, tall dogs would on average be much more dominant than small ones. And I can tell you that short-arse Maltese can be as dominant as they come!
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