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Everything posted by BittyMooPeeb

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this Veanna. Run free little Odin, brave protector and loyal friend
  2. My first dog (a rescue) was fussy and scared of his food bowl. I taught him "wait" and "Ok" so that he had to wait for his dinner (hence he valued it a bit more) then "OK" so he knew it was allright to go and eat the food. It worked fairly well, but it has only been recently that he has gotten really enthusiastic about dinner time! (Ive had him for 3 yrs). Is is possible too that because you are stressed about him eating that he is picking up on this, and thinks that dinner time is worrying and stressful? (maybe something that he felt in foster care too). If this might be the case, try changing the routine, messing things around a bit so he thinks dinner is something 'new;, and be calm and OK with his eating, no matter whether he eats or not. Just put his food down, give the OK, and walk away. After 20 mins take it away. Act like you dont care less, and pay him no attention while he eats/doesnt eat. You can change the routine by - using a different bowl, acting differently, feeding him somewhere else, feeding him with or away from other dogs (depending on what you were doing before). Another trick I use for fosters who dont eat for a few days is to put them on their own (in a room or a crate) and give them longer to eat (say and hour). This works well if they are stressed as it gives them time to settle and feel hungry, or if they are not eating because they are distracted (by play, by the other dogs etc). I also pretend to eat their food first - bowl up to face, hand in and out to mouth and lots of "mmmm", "yuuuuum", and fake chewing and swallowing. . This helps a lot too. I dont know why - maybe they think they are getting hooman food, or maybe they are happy that the 'pack leader' has eaten first, or OK'd the food . Some dogs do not need to eat every day (like my Peebs) and some can get by on very little food. Fosters who are the same weight at Peebs get twice the amount of food because Peebs just doesnt need very much. If I feed him the reccommended amount, he only eats every second day. Instead I give him half every day which works well. Good luck and DONT STRESS ABOUT IT unless he is obviously unwell. You've had him vet checked, so now just experiment with the methods above to see what works.
  3. Ditto with MuffinCav and Vicki. First dog was trained with luring and slowly lowering the see-saw by hand. It took a while and he is hesitant on it still. Second dog played the 'banging the end' game, then ran along the see saw supported by two tables (so it didnt move at all) then gradually one of the tables was lowered, then the other. She learned in 1/4 the time, and still races happily to the end. She is only 3kg and she doesnt care at all if it flies to the ground with a big bang
  4. You disgust me. Whilst I understand you may not have had the money to treat these dogs, instead of sitting there watching them suffer a long and painfull process you should have done the right thing by the poor little buggers and had them pts. I couldn't sit there and watch my dogs die in pain and agony. Get a grip . I hope you never get anywhere near my pets or family if they are ill. I'd at least hope they would have a chance to recover before being killed 'just in case'. what the heck, why not just kill everyone now, just in case they suffer in the future, after all, chances are that many will. There was no indication that these dogs were suffering in any way. The op made it clear that they were made comfortable, and that the vet beleived they had a good chance of pulling through, so where do you get off making this sort of statement?
  5. I wouldn't leave them with no treatment... They weren't left without treatment . Why do ppl keep coming on DOL just to criticise those who dont do things they way they (presume) they would themselves! Now the OP has been accused of 'leaving them without treatment', and leaving them 'in agony all night' NEITHER of which are true. What if AV cost $10,000? Would everyone still be saying that owner is doing the wrong thing by not paying for it? Or what about $100,000? Everyone has their own finanical limits, and people who presume that they can afford something, therefore everyone else can are not making any sense to me, or are just trying to cause trouble. This poor dog-loving person, who has come to DOL for support, and has possible lost two of her dogs, has not deserved any of this criticism. For goodness sake, the dogs were taken to the vet and treatment was given to make the dogs comfortable and hydrated and give them the best chance of survivial without AV. Then when they declined, they were taken (withing 15 minutes of declining) back to the vet. What on earth more could anyone ask for??? Yes the pups may have been better off with AV (or the outcome might have been the same) but the owner couldnt afford it. I havent seen any of the critics offering $4k for these dogs treatment. I cant believe the hypocracy. Apparently if you leave your dogs unattended in an area that is not snake proof, and they get bitten and die, you deserve sympathy. BUT if you find your dogs before they die and take them to the vet, you deserve contempt if you cant afford AV. How does that make sense?? This is a Health/Nutrition/Grooming forum. NOT a 'slag off every dog owner who doesn't do what I do' forum. If people cant come to here to get support and advise, it is only the dogs who are going to suffer .
  6. Bingo! And how do you know the Vet did NOT say that? You dont - nor does anyone else. I'm going by what the OP said. Why would you assume otherwise?
  7. Sure looks like it. Tell me what clinic in Australia charges 4 grand for a vial of AV? 2 dogs would be two vials ... and I thought someone said the dogs might need two vials each ... so that is $2400 just for the meds, then the cost of the vets time etc would be added (times two dogs). If the vet doesnt have the AV it would need to be couriered in which increases the cost too. If it was after hours add another several hundred (times two dogs) .... I can see how it could cost $4k at some vets. ($2K per dog). Dont forget too that the OP was advised by the vet that the dogs would probably be OK and to take them home. If my vet said that I would probably believe him . I dont understand why vets who have a 'relationship' with their clients dont accept delayed payment in an emergency ;) . If you just turn up for the first time, or if it is an emergency clinic, maybe, but not your own vet! Wow. I think some people must have their keyboards set to mandarin because obviously some people are having trouble reading their posts. Have you read the entire thread??? Bashing my head on a brick wall... Yes I have! :p . YOu said yourself: So BTW last time I rang around to get costs for AV, I was quoted $1000 per vial if the snake was unknown. Jut because your vet charged $600 per vial, doesn't mean that all vets do, nor do these dogs necessarily need the same AV you have priced at $600. It is also possible that the vet doesnt stock AV, so has to courier it in (as I said) AND he/she may have to purchase a minimum amount, so would charge the client accordingly. We had a case when a foster had heartworm, where the treament costs were through the roof because the vet didnt stock the meds needed, and had to purchase enough for four dogs (minimum amount sold), which we had to pay for even though we only needed enough for one dog. The same thing could happen with AV, or the vet could have felt they needed two vials each. Comprehende? (that's not Mandarin btw ) Whatever happened, I dont see how slamming the OP, who has probably lost two pups, will help . The vet should have said they needed AV, and not suggested the pups would be OK without it.
  8. Hi Blossom, If you want to use a slicker brush around his face (I do on mine) get one with plastic bits on the pins - that way it wont feel sharp to him. Condition when you wash (I have never heard of conditioners affecting Frontline?). I use the Premier shampoo and conditioner from EQyss and I LOVE them. I recently purchased teh avocado mist spray on detangler and it works really well too. Web site is : http://www.eqyss.com/ I order them online from an Australian site: http://www.petsonthepark.com.au/category123_1.htm I keep problem areas (like the neck, which is constantly rubbed by collars etc) shorter than the rest of the coat. ETA: a pair of snub nosed scissors are great for around the face and other sensitive bits eg http://www.marsgroomingproducts.com.au/sho...D=2&PID=793 or http://www.marsgroomingproducts.com.au/sho...D=2&PID=778
  9. I was just about to ask Clyde to sell me her unwanted Beacon so I could see for myself :wink: when I read this! . so maybe not LOL. I need to dry the furkids in my avatar, and next year, one of these : so I guess I need a bit of 'grunt'? Anything worthwhile that you are planning on selling soon Clyde?
  10. Sure looks like it. Tell me what clinic in Australia charges 4 grand for a vial of AV? 2 dogs would be two vials ... and I thought someone said the dogs might need two vials each ... so that is $2400 just for the meds, then the cost of the vets time etc would be added (times two dogs). If the vet doesnt have the AV it would need to be couriered in which increases the cost too. If it was after hours add another several hundred (times two dogs) .... I can see how it could cost $4k at some vets. ($2K per dog). Dont forget too that the OP was advised by the vet that the dogs would probably be OK and to take them home. If my vet said that I would probably believe him . I dont understand why vets who have a 'relationship' with their clients dont accept delayed payment in an emergency . If you just turn up for the first time, or if it is an emergency clinic, maybe, but not your own vet!
  11. Oh gosh - I've only just seen this thread and am horrified, but glad Beau is on the mend. Burns are a lot worse if treatment is delayed - so by denying what happened (initially) did they cause his injury to be worse that it would have been if he had been given prompt treatment? Do you know why they didnt tell you and left him without proper care for three weeks?
  12. Thanks everyone. What is "fluff drying" though?? I brush while I dry, so I guess I need a stand.
  13. What is the difference between the ones that look like people hair dryers (simpson), and the ones that are a barrel with a hose and nozzle on them (oldfield)?
  14. Cross posted from The Show Ring ... I've been looking at dryers. The only one I've seen in use before was on a stand, so I was suprised to find that the majority of them are not on a stand. How do you use these ones? What brands should I look at/avoid. I groom my own dogs (low shedding but clipped), foster dogs (usually the same), and hopefully soon a long haired, low shedding show dog. I dry them on a grooming table (currently with my own hairdryer LOL) (I have read past threads on this, but they didnt have the info I want)
  15. So sorry to hear this LongClaw .
  16. I'm sorry for your loss Look after yourself Mellyo. To lose one is hard, to lose three would be devastating. Be kind to yourself, and dont be afraid of getting support and help if you need it. Hugs to you Gail
  17. So sorry to hear this Ruffles. It sounds like you have lots of wonderful memories of Cujo. In time you will think of him and smile and laugh and feel his presense in your life, rather than feeling his loss.
  18. Good luck! Are you entering agility or obedience?
  19. Hi Loveretrievers, You came on here asking for advice, and it is pretty poor form of you to respond to someone who has taken the time and effort to help you by making things personal and insulting the poster . There are some good on-line resources on toilet training a pup, and I will post some links later. What Poodlefan has posted is a good summary of what you will find in current toilet training advice. I'm a foster carer and have had a lot of dogs come and go through my house, and so I can tell you from experience that the suggestions Poodlfan has posted work, and work more quickly than other menthods. I also agree with PF that it sounds like your pup is setting the rules at the moment. This doesnt mean that there is anything wrong with you or with the pup, but that your current training method is not working. Your pup sounds like he is learning that if he kicks up a stink, he will get his own way, which is something you most likely dont want. Here are some links. http://www.nmhpkc.org/winograd/dogs/Puppy_Development.pdf http://www.allpawsforward.com.au/uploads/6...et_Training.pdf (btw, you should have a look at the forum rules, so that you dont continue to break them)
  20. A big thankyou to Troy for bumping this thread so that I could rescurrect it and ask some questions Steve, in your puppy developement sticky, the fear weeks are listed as: Period of fear 12-16 Weeks which is later than the fear period mentioned here. So I thought I'd ask which one you think is most likely. Also, when you keep the pup at home (which I assume is from 17-25 weeks), do you literally mean that they dont leave the house? If so, what do you do about 'outside influences' (eg the Actew inspector barging into your back garden) during this time? Does this also mean that you would not reccomend formal training (puppy classes etc) during this time? You mentioned that you can tell when your dog is coming out of the period. What do you look for to see when it is going into a fear period and coming out of one? Gail
  21. Thankyou!!! It is gorgeous Off to change to my new signature now ETA: I cant spot the difference between the two . I was never good at those magazine puzzles .....
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