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Everything posted by BittyMooPeeb

  1. Puppy preschool at my dog club is great . I have no 'bad' experiences, only good ones. We cover: puppy push-ups (sit, drop, stand) walking nicely on lead meal time manners leaving the puppy (i.e. pup is in an enclosure and cant get to us - we practice moving away. Who would have thought a Maltese could squeeze through the small mesh holes to get back to her mum ) being handled by other people (pass the puppy!) touching the puppies feet, body, mouth etc recall, and recall from distraction (not a formal recall, a high pitched excited come to me (while running away from pup) I might have forgotten some things .... we *may* do a few things like scenting/fetch/touch too. I cant remember. The class is conducted on lead, so puppy's focus is on the handler. This is broken up by some play session - only two pups off lead at at time, separated from the other dogs, and matched in personality/size. And .... a puppy doesn't automatically pass! I was very embarassed when Blossom and I had to repeat (before being allowed to go to beginners), but she really needed to and is a much better dog now for having done PPS twice (she had socialisation problems). The other great thing about our PPS is that there is a natural progression to beginners obedience and beyond! (I've thought of some downsides - classes scheduled for times when pups are often asleep (ie mid morning or mid afternoon), classes outside on cold wet days, the need to have dogs fully vaccinated before starting (as classes are outside))
  2. thanks! How silly that they dont have them listed under gardening products!! I've just rang the Bunnings nearest to work and they have them. Going to clear out their stock now http://www.bunnings.com.au/sustainability_...-clippings.aspx Second from the bottom.
  3. how unlucky !!!! what was it? The mat (for my gazebo) . I emailed and asked for it to be added in but it is too late
  4. sh*t shi*t sh*t I was posting what I'd ordered, and I noticed that the main item I wanted is MISSING from my order. It was the reason I put in the order in the first place - it is heavy so I was taking advantage of the free shipping. ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. It was in my cart when I set it up, then I went back and added more items to make up the $100 and saved it again, then went back in a couple more days and paid for it, but didnt notice the first item had dropped off the list . So so so cross with myself
  5. I didnt even know there was a Bunnings Online! Arggh I've been to the site and searched for the name, and looked in garden products and cant find it. They dont even have a category for composting in the gardent section. It is a wierd site - my searches all come up with PDF files???
  6. My order was shipped today Sorry I tipped others over the edge . But it will be worth it!!!
  7. Canberra Vet Hospital can be very expensive, but have a lot of equipment, so can be good for specialist things though. West Queanbeyan Vet Hospital gets my vote. I used to take my own pets to CVH but have changed to west Queanbeyan. The vets have been the same for the three-four years I have been going there, and Hamish (head vet) owns the place. I found at CVH that the owner isnt often around and the vets come and go a bit.
  8. IMO, in the 2x2 method the dogs understand what is needed of them more quickly, they run the weavers at speed, and entries are taught early on so stick really well. Having a dog that offers behaviour is necessary for this method though, so you need to teach this first (there are great clicker training books on how to do this)
  9. Shaping success (for a general all round introduction, and a great read) I have Ruff love as well but dont like it. It is too extreme for me, and I really doubt that Susan practices it herself to the extent she describes in the book.
  10. Does this apply to Overseas orders or just within The USA??!! Thanks! now I know what MM is giving me for Christmas Even if he don't know it YET!!!!! Yep -OS as well . I bought all the large items I have had my eye on but never really considered because the postage would have been exhorbitant. Which is why my order was only $120 but the postage would have been $140 if it wasnt free LOL
  11. I just remembered to put my order in - $116 worth of stuff, and $140 of FREE shipping Deadline for free shipping is 8/12 www.cleanrun.com
  12. Hi Meeka, sorry to hear about your pup. I'm sure other will come on tomorrow with more knowledge - you could also ask in the Cavalier thread (http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=96578) Just dont start reading it, it goes for over 1700 pages I have heard of puppies having murmurs very young that grow out of them. What age are you due to get her? If the murmur should have gone by 12 weeks, you could delay getting her until she is 12 weeks old, or take her at 8 weeks (if that is what was planned) with an agreement from the breeder for a refund if the murmer hasnt disappeared by a particular age. I dont know the answer to your specific question though sorry ETA. Meant to say that she looks *gorgeous* ETA2: A grade 1 murmur is quite low. Diagnosis of these things by listening to the heart is a bit subjective, and (in rescue) we had had one vet say they can hear a murmur but other vets couldnt hear one. So stay positive. It sounds like you have done all your homework and the chances are that it will all turn out well.
  13. Has anyone got the bunnings code for these (ie from the reciept). My bunnings doesnt have them, and I just know that if I only have the label to show them they will not be able to find them!!
  14. Up to $80 so far What are these (aluminium shadecloth tarp) - I cant find them?
  15. My first dog has JUST started to use the dog door - I have had him for four years. What worked in the end was to make going through the door VERY VERY exciting. No amount of coaxing, food rewards etc would get him to do it again. So a few months ago we put all the other dogs away, cooked the sausages and cut them into doggy-bite-size pieces , propped the door open, and took a handful of sausage to each side. We made great, excited whooping noises, squeaked toys and generally made fools of ourselves, while lavishing praise and treats for each time through the door. In the same session we lowered the door but helped him push it open, and by the end of the session he - just the once - went through it himself. Repeating the same thing every few days for a few weeks, and now, when something really really exciting is happening, he will go through the door!
  16. I want to find out at what age puppies can be chipped, and if there is any danger of chipping too young (partic for a show dog). I want him to be identified asap but dont want to cause unnecessary pain or have him react to the chip leaving a lump or anything.
  17. Not sure why you wouldnt want to try the "hard stuff' if it helps your dog? There have been great advances in treating canine senility in the past decade. Why have a confused, stressed dog when you can have a happy one?
  18. The Oztrail I have is super sturdy. I always peg in the guy/gy (?) ropes which helps keep it stable. It would have to be a pretty strong wind to ruin my oztrail! (and if winds do come up, I take the top off, or put the sides on to prevent wind getting under the canopy)
  19. Thanks for suggestions. They've had sardines, and no glove has appeared. They are all well and happy though, so I assume the other one wasnt eaten
  20. I sometimes buy a roast chicken for the dogs. I don latex gloves, take the flesh off the chicken then put the latex gloves, carcass and foil bag in a plastic bag, tie the end and put it in the laundry to take out to the rubbish. Somehow one of these got overlooked and sat under a box on the back porch for over a month. Yesterday I came home to find three dogs covered in vile putrefied liquid chicken . Housemate had already cleaned up the chicken mess from the porch. Today, Peebs started to vomit and I was worried that a chicken bone was causing him trouble, but up came ..... a half rotted latex glove . Should I be worried about where the other glove is? Or (if it has been injested) will it come out either end without problems. Any of the three could have eaten it .
  21. They are beautiful thoughts about Hazel I remember how good she was with my foster puppy Belle, who came to visit to get used to 'big dogs'. Belle was only 4kg but her and Hazel played for ages because Hazel played gently with her.
  22. Oh no Karen . RIP Hazel girl.
  23. What a heartbreaking and awful story. The breeder let you and your dog down in the worst way possible. RIP Mawson
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