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Everything posted by BittyMooPeeb

  1. That's a pretty inflammatory statement. What is your evidence for this? BTW, the police/courts issue the warrants for the RSPCA, they don't write them themselves! Your statement above may be true. but Hastings statement is true to a certain point. Its true that Police etc issue the warrants for the RSPCA but then again the police/courts are not party to making the laws only enforcing, and must use a third party to prosecute under the laws thus providing for accountability. Whereas the RSPCA are a party to making the laws as well as enforcing and prosecuting with no form of accountability. If a warrant is issued under this Vic law it can be served by either an officer of the law or an RSPCA inspector. To my knowledge this organisation is the only one that does not need a law enforcement officer in attendence to serve and execute a warrant. So it could be said that the RSPCA does have more power than the police. Interesting ..... I think in NSW a police officer must be in attendence to serve and execute the warrant. I am sure the police union and high ranking police officers have just as much, if not more, of a politicians ear than the RSPCA do. I can think of many recent laws that were changed or introduced at the request of police.
  2. I like youngest to oldest, OR order received. Heaps of our shows are alphabetical by surname, so the same people are always last (or first) in the lineup. It would seem fairer to use a system where you would not always been in the same order. ETA: oops shoudl have refreshed before I posted. Others have said the same prior to my post
  3. OMG what an expensive way to try and win a pointscore, @$8 to $13 per entry. PM me the breed Ceilidh, I am dying to know
  4. I dont have pay tv . Is it on free-to-air anywhere?
  5. $20 . The ones I had found previously (perhaps on Pet network) were $70-$90. thanks for the link ETA: just checked, they dont ship to Australia
  6. ps thanks showdog. I have not seen them at any of the show vans I have visited, but will try a hair place. Do you know what they are called when used for people and not dogs? If I ring and ask for a 'groomers third arm' they will probably hang up on me
  7. How would we attach the gooseneck stuff to the clamps? Would a welder be required do you think:
  8. I tried Bunnings for the goosenecky stuff and the staff just looked at me in confused horror I found a cheaper one that I have seen previously last night, and tried to order it, but their order system doesnt work doh! Here is the link http://www.vetstop.com.au/Shop/shopdisplay...t=Miscellaneous I am a bit suss about the place now as they dont have a phone number either. Only a fax and email address ....
  9. I have been inspired by the importing and genetic diversity thread to ask a question about a breed that *starts* with a limited gene pool. When the Havanese breed was resurrected in the US in the 1970's, 15 dogs were used at the initial breeding stock (this 15 included closely related dogs). From these original 15, there are now many tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of Havanese. For these dogs who have had no other genetic material introduced, how genetically diverse are they in reality? I have investigated this using COI (Coefficient of Inbreeding), and the more generations you include in the COI calculations, the higher the score, as they are all going back to the same ancestors. So a COI calculated with 5 generations may give a 9% inbreeding score, but going back 18 generations can give 80+% . So ... which is the correct score? Can we assume that dogs developing independantly from the initial stock have, by genetic mutation, introduced enough diversity so that we can look at a 5 generation pedigree and get an accurate figure for level of inbreeding, or is it more likely that the dogs resulting from these initial 15 are still extremely genetically similar?
  10. I'm a little confused, why would the local council be in charge of changing microchip registration?? Doesn't that fall to the microchip registry the dog is registered with (CAR, NPR, etc??). I don't trust my council to wipe their own rear ends let alone handle change of ownership But if that's what I have to do I will... In NSW, for the NSW chip register, changes have to go through your local council. For 'private' registers like AAR, CAR etc you go though them directly
  11. I was stewarding toys about 6 months ago and a friend who is also a steward wandered up and said "who did you piss off to wind up with this ring?" :p Terriers can also suffer from the "a bazillion little dogs in crates" syndrome tho'. JRTs especially. I love seeing the slow Toy people being stewarded by an efficient steward. There is inevitably one who want to make judging his/her three dogs take as long as the 25 Cavs took, and it is priceless to see a steward, unmoved by their flapping, chatting, lead changing, dog swapping, and more chatting antics, and just go through the first call, second call routine. Amazing how quick they can be if they actually have to! I've only shown in the Toy group, so dont know if this happens in other groups, but there are also sometimes exhibitors who think the show has to wait for them. They call 'just a minute' or 'I'm here' when their number is called, then keep grooming for a bit, change their jacket, say hello to a friend, pick out some bait and stroll slowly to the ring. I soooooo want to see one of these people called absent in the 3 mins it takes them to get to the ring OK maybe I am mean ...... As as steward, I can only agree with this description!! I tell the toy exhibitors that we must go as fast as possible to beat the other ring. I start yelling for the breed at least 5 minutes before necessary, so that they have time to get the trolleys over, and tell them the judge only wants a small triangle. Overall I find they are quite good, but I am training them up !! Pug people are the worst in the toys, but I have more trouble with the super professionals and their Siberians etc. And for some reason, the Golden Retreiver people are a problem too. At a show at the end of least year when it was very hot, I got to the very last dog, when the Tibetan Terrier exhibitor decided that unlike everyone else at the show, she wasnt going to step up to ringside, be ready to go in and stand in the shade of the writers gazebo (no shade for judge or steward incidentally), but stay where she was and gave me a mouthful. As I had spent all day moving the table in and out the ring trying to keep it cool, and it was hot, I had had no break all day and was trying to keep paperwork flowing for a new set of people running the show, I decided there and then, it was enough. I finished the group, declined to run General Specials and am taking 18 months off from stewarding!! ;) That's awful Roishana. Did you tell the show committee that one of the exhibitors had abused you? Some people dont know a good thing when they see it (ie an efficient, experienced steward). On the slowness, I find that it is a different breed depending on where the show is. In my area one particular breed is notoriously slow, but when I showed in Vic is was another breed entirely. Ditto in Qld. Around here the Pug exhibitors are always ready in advance and have people helping to change dogs over, so Pug judging goes relatively quickly (I would say that though as I often help to handle Pugs :p )
  12. I was stewarding toys about 6 months ago and a friend who is also a steward wandered up and said "who did you piss off to wind up with this ring?" Terriers can also suffer from the "a bazillion little dogs in crates" syndrome tho'. JRTs especially. I love seeing the slow Toy people being stewarded by an efficient steward. There is inevitably one who want to make judging his/her three dogs take as long as the 25 Cavs took, and it is priceless to see a steward, unmoved by their flapping, chatting, lead changing, dog swapping, and more chatting antics, and just go through the first call, second call routine. Amazing how quick they can be if they actually have to! I've only shown in the Toy group, so dont know if this happens in other groups, but there are also sometimes exhibitors who think the show has to wait for them. They call 'just a minute' or 'I'm here' when their number is called, then keep grooming for a bit, change their jacket, say hello to a friend, pick out some bait and stroll slowly to the ring. I soooooo want to see one of these people called absent in the 3 mins it takes them to get to the ring OK maybe I am mean ......
  13. Don't your vets have their own carpark? That must be hard for people with very sick animals If it is not suitable to leave your dog in the car, you could do what lots of people here seem to do, and take him to the door, open the door and yell "I am here and waiting outside" or "my dog isnt good with cats, could you put the clinic cat away?" or " .... are there any loose cats in the waiting room" etc.
  14. come visit most rural or country town clinics !! fifi An invitation? ;) I will take you up on it next time you have a dog show up there
  15. That's a pretty inflammatory statement. What is your evidence for this? BTW, the police/courts issue the warrants for the RSPCA, they don't write them themselves!
  16. Stewards who have a sense of humour can make an ordinary day fun!
  17. I have never seen anyone enter a vets with a dog off lead. I am agog that people do this!!
  18. I dont know either Daisy? It is used to insult someone? (if so, it might be F**k w*t)
  19. At NSW Puppy of the Year on sat night, one of the judges only gave my dog a very cursory going over on the table (teeth and a pat). When we moved, that judge *turned his back* for the whole time . These were the only chances we had to be judged. Entry fee was $35 and I was mighty cross that one judge (who presumably doesn't like Toys ) chose to disregard my dog before *any* examination had taken place. (and no, he did not have a chance to see the dogs at any other time) Not happy Jan, and would never give that judge an entry again.
  20. I haven't stewarded, but this maybe one stewards particular favourite: me (newish exhibitor, waiting nervously ringside) steward: Are you the Havanese minor dog? me: yes steward: well you just missed your call me: (tears starting) oh oh oh I didn't hear anything steward: too late - you have been called absent me: (tears flowing) on no seriously? I cant believe I didnt hear you when I was standing right next to you. I was daydreaming (starts to push trolley away) steward: Nah - only joking. In you go (raucous laughter from steward and another exhibitor who was in on the joke) me: (lesson learned - NEVER vague out while waiting for my call !!!)
  21. I got a lovely surprise today. A stunning trophy arrived in the mail, from DOL!! It is for being first rising star toy in the ACT. I was stoked with my certificate that arrived last week - I had no idea that I would get a trophy as well. Thankyou Troy and DOL :p I will post a pic later
  22. When we were in the ring for Puppy of the Year yesterday, spectators remarked on what a lovely poodle my friend had. Her Bedlington didn't look too impressed
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