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Everything posted by BittyMooPeeb

  1. Oh we must be related cowanbree! I always get the lead tangled around myself or around the dog LOL
  2. I was actually out of the lineup CC, about 2m behind letting my dog sniff around ....
  3. You were not alone in moving back from the line at that show. I did the same thing, but looked up and saw him moving down the line and not running all the dogs as I had assumed. Quickly I jumped back in and thankfully my girl free stacks like a trooper - cos he was coming to us. It does pay to pay attention, but after 4 days of showing it is not unexpected to be a little out of it. Lucky you saw and made it back into line, as it was worth a BEST IN GROUP
  4. I did this too! And the judge said sarcastically "oh look, a flying dog' I was embarrassed at the time though - judges should be a bit kinder to new exhibitors.
  5. I made a huge handling error at a show yesterday. When the judge started to move the first dog in the BIG lineup, I took my girl back from the line for a little sniff break, only to turn around and see a dog after me in the lineup being run . I just assumed that the judge would run each BOB winner (nice day, no time constraints, no announcement from the judge that he would only be moving some exhibits, etc). I don't know if we would have been run or not, but I was so embarrassed at having my dog absent and my back to the judge as he came past . So I have learned two lessons: - DON'T turn your back to the judge - DON'T assume (anything LOL). What handling blunders have others had, so we can all laugh learn from them?
  6. Oooh yes this happened to me with Magic. The judge bent over him (stacked on the table) and made cutesy kissy noises, and he gently stood up on his back legs to give her a kiss, and she told him off
  7. BPIS: Cav MPIS: Skye Terrier Then I went home ....
  8. The timeline can vary soooo much ;) . I had one bitch mate day 3,4,5 and she was finished and out of season in a week. Another mated day 22,23,24 and was still standing a week after that. I wouldn't worry unless she was actually peaking (and if she has just started that is very unlikely). Saying that I had a bitch at a show last Saturday and Sunday and she was peaking (we mated her while we were away) but it was our National we only have once every 2 years so I did take her, just kept her crated unless in the ring. You mean it doesn't all happen like in the text books?
  9. I find this all the time. As soon as I have put my dog on the table, the judge starts going over them, while I am still setting the dog up. They wait for other, more confident exhibitors though
  10. Thanks for posting. I've enquired about the difference between OZONA ROOM REVIVER and Penetrator, as they both are listed as suitable for use on soft furnishings. Does anyone know if the odour blocks need a breeze over them to work?
  11. Many people show their girls while in season ILDD. If she is just starting her season , she wont be ready for mating or too distracting to boys for some time yet - after the shows have finished . I dont know the exact timeline, but there is around a week of bleeding and then a few more days before they ovulate and are ready for mating.
  12. It will be great to see you ILDD!! If I dont find you, come and find us. Magic hasn't had a big dog fix for a while now (sorry PF, Howie doesn't count )
  13. Back paddock, indoor plant place side. Not sure on agility yet. He can have onlead exercise but not sure what else. I'll make the call on Wednesday. Yes, he needs a care pack. Pigs ears and a Hav to squash would be good. Yes I still love him. Its only his relationship with my wallet that's been damaged. Care pack will be delivered in person at agility on Wed
  14. Strange comment as it is so obviously not true in the dog world!! Oodles cost a bucket, more than pure-bred dogs in many cases. Some purebreds cost a lot more than others ... I doubt anyone would think that all $3000 purebreds are better than $600 purebreds just because of their price. There are plenty of registered breeders who dont do the right thing, so spending $$ does not guarantee anything Rescues are generally run by volunteers, so when buying a rescue dog, you get a lot more than you pay for. I think this proves that rescues are better (BTW I have both rescue and purebred dogs)
  15. STAPLES?? Which fence at the club? (are there barbed wire ones? I haven't taken too much notice of the fencing except to look for holes at the bottom) Will Howie be at agility this week? Does he need a care pack? Do you still love him?
  16. I'm trying to find an undyed rolled leather collar to use on my show dog for agility. i want undyed so that it doesnt stain the white parts of his coat. I cant find any in Australia (and even the dyed ones in Aus are mostly the larger sizes). Does anyone have a link to a nice, soft, undyed rolled leather collar for a small dog? Ta Gail
  17. Mine arrived in Canberra some time late last week (was waiting for me when I got home from Sydney on Sunday). Maybe yours has gone missing
  18. BittyMooPeeb


    So sorry to hear about Occy J
  19. What a stupid statement. Talk about being prejudiced against small dogs . I cant believe you work with dogs with an attitude like this. This dog was a PUPPY getting it's first clip for heavens sake!! Have you never considered there may be other reasons that (as you perceive) smaller dogs are harder to groom? Dogs bred for companionship and not for working may have a lower tolerance to pain, may be less trusting of strangers, may be more likely to have had bad grooming experiences in the past (I bet the groomers in this story would not have attempted the same 'tactics' with a large dog due to the likelyhood of getting bitten).
  20. It happens here too. There is a groomers in the ACT who have (allegedly) caused strangulation injuries, including death, to dogs recently :-(. The RSPCA are investigating them, but I believe they are still operating
  21. That's not stupid. I've done it myself several times. I don't have the desire to win at all costs (yet
  22. This just happened at the Sydney Royal, which was very disappointing. Challenge came from the puppy class, and the steward didn't call for 2nd Puppy .The puppy owner was on the ball though and already in the ring walking to the lineup even though she hadn't been called, and the judge awarded without waiting :-( ). Very annoying for this to happen at such a big (and expensive!) show.
  23. ** runs off to try and get green seaweed and sand out of Arki's coat **
  24. Interesting idea. I dont think it could be done though as all the LL stuff is distributed by one company (Petcetera) and I bought my tub directly from them. I'll be at EP next week so I will take both tubs and if the petcetera van is open, I will see if we can get some answers to the green seaweed vs caustic powder conundrum!
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